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  1. Revert all changes to the game from 2013 onwards and go from there. Gamersfirst really, really fucked the game up over the past few years, and trying to balance around their terrible decisions is unlikely to yield positive results.
  2. RPF-9 "Talon" its Obsolette "old stadistics" "now stadistics in game" for: ARMAS Weapon Information RPF-9 [30 meters effective range] in game [40m effective range] (Whitout damange losing) RPF-9 (from contacts) info [30m] in game [40m] RPF-9 "Talon" ARMAS info [30m] in game [30m] RPF-9 "Fang" ARMAS info [37m] in game [47m] RPF-9 "Talon" need update 30m to 40m same than free RPF-9 -REBALANCE its necesary again- Please update...
  3. Heavy Barrel has no effect on shotguns As a test it would be interesting to see Heavy Barrel get the added benefit of reducing shotgun spread, now that Improved Rifling murders TTK -10 / 20 / 30% Accuracy loss -5 / 10 / 15% Shotgun pellet spread ( a far cry from the DOW's 35% ) -5 / 10 / 15% weapon damage It'd prioritize aiming properly since you need to make up the damage loss by hitting more pellets, and their CQC effectiveness will also be reduced, as tighter spread = need better aim = less likely to hit partial shots unless your aim is on point The effectiveness at range would still be kept in line by the damage reduction, seeing as shotguns don't have great drop-off ranges
  4. Given the host of benefits these grenades have over regular frags, and the relatively high damage output, it doesn't really make sense - balancing wise - for players to be able to carry 3 of them. Their throw arc and reduced timer make it much easier to nail targets than a regular Frag grenade - and on top of that you get 3 of them, with each grenade being capable of inflicting more than half your health damage! Even with Flak Jacket's capacity reduction, their low weight would still make them a formidable option that in no way would feel underpowered
  5. MotokoHutt

    SG-21 "Strife"

    Oh the strife, the gun I have a love hate relationship with, I love it in theory, but in practise.......... it just, it just sucks. Now back years ago I played with this gun and even then it was underpowered, but I played with it anyway, I got good with it, even got abit of a reputation from using it. But now it's just terrible, I dunno what you over there in little orbit did to it, or if it's just the server's capablty to register shot's has went to hell but damn, the thing is suppose to ht for what 800-900? within it's effective range but 90% of the time you will barely do 300 damage leaving you shiz out of luck in any close range enguagement even if your barrel was pressed against the back of your oponents skull. I don't know if this gun did infact get nerfed with the other shotguns, if it did..... what the mother F where you thinking? If it didn't..... what the mother F did you do to hit registration for shotguns? Ether way something need's to be done, even quick switching with the Strife just feel's aweful, just damn aweful, blowtorch would be more reliable. Please Little Orbit do something to make this gun actually competative, give it a niche that it can play into other then just "BIG DAMAGE" as that obviously doesnt work. I have a few suggestion's to add to the end, which I think would give it a niche for those who are crafty enough to take advantage. The first would be make it silenced, and not just "oh we are removing tracers" silenced, I mean like the Condor silenced, make it not appear on radar and have a low noise profile making it a assassin shotgun, get in, silently take down your enemy with the big damage and bounce. Next, tighten the pellet spread abit, currently the spread of the Strife is pretty wide, and with it's big potential damage and low cycle time it's obvious that the strife is suppose to be a gun that favour's acuracy over spamming out round's, but with it's current pellet spread, acuracy feel's unrewarded as I have previously mentioned when your not dealing the damage in the first place. I have other suggestions if you want but I dont wanna flood you so lets let that set.
  6. Lethal weapons are better almost in any situation when comparing them with LTL weapons, the reasoning for this is slightly understandable. Obviously they have been made slightly harder to play due to the arrest timer. However with the limited amount of people playing it, it explains that the weapon is not the right pick if you want to win. When facing someone 1 vs 1, you can often outplay your enemy by playing smart. However, in a full-frontal fight with both having the same chances and same cover and all shots hitting, Lethal will always win. When fighting in missions, you'll often find another enemy being there to help out. This means you have to stun two people and avoid getting shot meanwhile. While stunning the second person, the first person probably has the time to escape already and cannot be stunned again. In order to balance this, it would already require your team mate to also play LTL to help spread the stamina damage. Here's a small list of the current stock LTL Weapons: Stabba CCG: Gets outplayed by literally any CQC and midrange weapon. The TTK on lethal weapons is far shorter than the TTS. -> Could use a small buff 6 or 7 shots to stun instead of 8. Time to stun: 1.05s | OCA TTK: 0.7s | Joker SR15: 0.75s | Star: 0.75s Stabba TG-8: Feels slow and inaccurate if you use it while moving. -> Could use a little extra ammo per magazine. Time to stun: 1s | FBW: 1s | PDW: 0.84s Stabba NL9: Gets outplayed by any CQC weapon. Requires you to land 3 perfect shots on the enemy with (close to) zero spread. Time to stun:1.56s | JG-840: 0.84s | CSG: 0.7s -> Could use 2 shots to stun (again) or a little spread to make it easier to hit people with it. Stabba PIG I haven't had a chance to test it yet since the nerf so I don't have any opinion on this yet. Stabba PFTG (OPGL-CD) In my opinion doesn't require any buff. This weapon is super powerful for clearing out areas.
  7. This is a fairly simple but radical suggestion so hear me out and please set aside the effect of players who have at present accumulated vast sums of money. The potential ramifications of this change to the game's entire meta is probably larger than I am capable of dissecting. Money should be a balancing factor for weapons and vehicles so that the "bad" guns and cars are profitable to use while the "best" weapons and cars sink money. Therefore all Ammo, Grenades, and Vehicle Spawn cost should be multiplied by 10. 7,500 Rounds of 9mm ammo would cost $7,000 instead of $700. 4,500 Rounds of Rifle ammo would cost $15,000 instead of $1,500. 100 Frag Grenades would cost $8,000. 1,200 40mm Grenade Rounds $120,000. Rockets become $1000 a round. Half-Brick/Eight-Ball stay $1 each. Tier 4 vehicles like the Vegas, Pioneer, and Mikro cost $1,000 to spawn. Tier 3 vehicles like the Fresno, T-25, and Moirai cost $500 to spawn. Tier 2 vehicles like the Broadwing, Sentinel, and Montane cost $250. Tier 1 cars like the Calabria, Varzuga, and Han Veo remain free to spawn. This is just a few of the things which would see an increase to cost. Right now the cost of spawning in vehicles and buying ammo is negligible, Nobody thinks about how their choice of vehicle or weapons is going to hurt their wallet. People do consider how those choices affect their performance in a mission, Like whether their shotgun fits the situation or if their Vegas can carry an object. By increasing the cost of vehicles by a factor of 10 or more, Players gain a reason to use "lower tier" vehicles without having to buff them all into equality. Vehicles that are free to spawn gain a real niche by being readily spawned and destroyed with little consideration. By allowing players to lose money while winning missions because their prolific use of machine guns and muscle cars is more expensive than the opposition's shotguns and SUVs, The game gains another means to balance not just the meta between weapons and vehicles but also how and when players choose to use them. Take time-to-kill for example, There has been much talk about what it should be built around how that makes the game play. Instead of simply increasing the TTK why not give players a reason to measure the use of deadlier weapons with the cost of operation relative to the strength of opposition? Perhaps when every rocket costs $1000, Missing the OSMAW will become unappealing and even undesirable to use against lesser armed players or cheap vehicles. Trying to finish missions armed with only handguns might become a thing as players decide the cost savings is worth waiting for when the expensive gun is necessary. Grenade spam could definitely be cut down quite a bit when every grenade you hurl puts a $80 to $150 dent in your wallet. Non-mission activities such as mugging, ram-raiding, chop-shopping, witnessing, and impounding stolen goods/vehicles might need the profit per-item/action increased as well. APB is designed to have players flow between doing activities to make money and missions for contact progression, Without the possibly of losing money doing missions it doesn't work. Regular contact missions have always been the best way to make money in the game compared to the other methods available which carry more risk. Requiring players to play cheaply to make good profit doing missions makes the other means of making money become more lucrative by comparison. The lack of incentive for non-mission actives causes the overplaying of missions which makes players feel burned out, This hurts the game quite a bit. I really could go on and on about the potential ramifications this change could bring during gameplay but I cannot summarize it. If economy becomes a gameplay consideration there predictably could be issue with how premium would give those players profit margins with expensive weapons F2Ps. I imagine being forced post-patch to reset every players cash to deal with the possibly unbalancing effect of many players with huge sums of money endlessly playing very expensively. Any playstyle F2P can't consider but must face can easily become P2W in many players eyes so I can see removing the enhanced money from premium. Also, With this change Light Machine Gun ammo should be removed and the weapons that use it changed to other types. Submachine guns should be using 9mm/magnum ammo while light machine guns should be using rifle ammo. Creating more types of ammo can be used to further refine any balance issues with specific weapons.
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