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Everything posted by ninjarrrr

  1. imagine ignoring the most upovted question on this thread haha watching the stream was a waste of time
  2. i had all of those in russian/innova server ayy lmao
  3. tell us more about unit game, since u sold the rights and then they also disappeared off the earth
  4. like others have said, too little too late but on the plus side gta 6 gets a trailer next month so thats something to look forward to
  5. the new system is shit anyway, world matchmaking is an awful idea and fixing the matchmaking should've been a prioty years ago not when the playerbase is lower than ever
  6. was a failure last week and will be a failure again, whats the point?
  7. so it turns out that matt scott has finally an appearence, but with him mentioning Unsung Story (abandonware game in steam early access for 3 years with nothing ever updated lol) sadly i think he is full of shite. it seems little orbit loves to overpromise and then never deliver. words are very cheap indeed
  8. server kept going down and the game liked to crash when loading into a district, waste of time
  9. also lets ignore that they released it and then disappeared again for another year, so far doing nothing with the 64 bit upgrade at all. also 2023 roadmap ahahahahhaha 2 months left until the end of the year and nothing has been achieved, whats the point of these again?
  10. more like matt was branching out into selling insurance to minorites in california, or is he still going with that? seems weird for a guy working in the video games industry to get into insurance when his company seems to be struggling atm
  11. not even the developer on the STFU steam forum can say where matt scott has gone hahaha
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