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  1. Randomly thought about APB today. Checked the forums, and basically the game is completely dead, I'm not surprised, I really left it nearly 2 years ago now, still it's hard to let go. Seeing the old login screen brought back some good memories. I miss the old days, I'd give anything to get them back; but deep in my heart, I know, they're never coming back. Thanks for the nostalgia bro.
  2. I'm certain BattlEye is just broken; it's never been a good anti-cheat anyway. I keep getting kicked for AHK, even tho I don't use it. Whatever, I only really log on occasionally to see if anything interesting has changed; guess I just won't from now on.
  3. Population is dropping day by day, don't be surprised forums are dying too. Too many people, with too many half-baked opinions demanding their ideal version of the game become the real thing has led us to where we are rn; modern APB is not as fun as old APB, consumables, and such, are part of that imo, but that's a different story. Same problem, people who want attention sucking up hard to the CM's over the years (Tiggs is the worst example of this by far) resulting in a stale, boring, and highly moderated game. Surpise that a lot of the old players left, I hung around for a while, idk why, old times sake probably. Truth is, 2010-12 APB isn't coming back, and I think a lot of the older players know this too. Why stay around? Besides, given that BattlEye is back to kicking for progammes that you don't even have, or use, just because it can, means it's impossible to play anymore anyway.
  4. Because I'm a necromancer Unless things have changed (I don't know personally) APB's servers at least for the EU, used to be hosted in Germany; which means, you have to follow German law. Or the people hosting the server get in trouble. To that end, s86a of the German Strafgesetzbuch (a decent amount of Germany's criminal law) unequivocally restricts the right to use 'symbols of unconstitutional organisations' viz. legally restricted groups (Nazi's and Nazism, included). For that matter, s86a (2) states that flags, insiginia and uniforms and their parts, are restricted. Furthermore: symbols which are so similar as to be mistaken for [them] are deemed to be equivalent to them. Ergo, even if you take out the Swatiska, the essence of the symbol or uniform has NOT changed as far as the StGB is concered, thus - it is still illegal. If the server is still hosted in Germany (I don't know about this) then it would be illegal, and LO / G1 etc can get in legal hot water. I get that it's pretty funny to troll people, but this is less about trolling, and more about not breaking the law.
  5. Who said I was back? lol I appreciate the comment tho
  6. Fair, honestly it's been so long since I played I've started to forget stuff lmao
  7. Intake


    NTEC was never overpowered. It was the gun around which the rest of the game was balanced. And it was fine.
  8. I mean for a 'decade' isn't true at all. In the old days, there WAS no recoil at all. Besides, the RNG element is massively overplayed. Learn your guns bloom, and it becomes absolutely no issue at all. The biggest thing, and this is what people don't wanna admit, their reaction speeds suck, and their aim is mediocre. Don't worry, we've all been there.
  9. What the fuck are you smoking? It's about 15k roughly to get 15, and besides, you can get the Cops Bane NTEC in almost ZERO time. Besides, people overstate how good slots are, after 2, the 3rd is mostly irrevelant. I agree with Reaper anyway. The point is, easier progression means less incentive to keep playing. It reminds me of the Cop rank. Back when only Enforcer could get Jericho (the good old days) and the ONLY way to get rid of your sirens was to get Cop 15 to unlock a discrete siren. It added some reason to grind, and serious prestige if you managed to get it. (LTL isn't that hard, but whatever, it's still no fun to play).
  10. gotta be a fashion killer some how something something black and tans
  11. print screen bro epic windows 98 gang
  12. Only the ALIG was ever good - SHAW was just a lol rage-cheat weapon back in the day. Actually, that's not true, SHAW is still incredible with HS3, and IR3.
  13. Would LO consider adding the Ski-Mask, and Balaclava to the JT store? I mean, the only other way to get hold of them is to buy the full packs (as they can't even be solo-purchased inside the Armas store). And I think a lot of people don't really want to buy the full packs, just for the mask (I mean, it's one of the most sort after clothing pieces). Kinda just some thoughts.
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