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Posts posted by LilyRain

  1. 13 hours ago, MACKxBOLAN said:

    I would agree it may be unfair to low ranks, but convenient for Vets.

    Still remains the Question of Why the extra slots are there? 

    For the beginner they would assume somewhere in the grind they can get those opened too. 

    Yes. Indeed it will confuse Beginners.

    Perhaps the slots were there initially or for possible future-use, such as those upcoming R255+ Contacts. If the idea was scrapped or wasn't even set in place with those Contacts, the User Interface wasn't updated to reflect it (Just like how changing weapon stats aren't automatically reflected on those bars, someone must update the User Interface separately).

    • Like 1

  2. This makes life easier for Veterans (no reason to change equipment or assign different ones across a premade-team) and at the same time, indirectly makes life even harder on New Players. Not only for instance, they must ram an objective 500 times to get the Tier-4 Ram Equipment (or buy it), they'll  be facing opponents who don't even need to switch equipment at all.


    I'd rather fight the root of the problem. This is a consequence of the RPG progression system that doesn't do any benefit existing to the lengths it does in APB. Rework mission-specific equipment.

  3. 18 hours ago, MACKxBOLAN said:

    Dethreating was never as bad a problem as having 30 cheating golds in Bronze dist farming, toxicifying, n ruining the game.

     We would get one or two a day.

     Desegregation only helped hackers, n the MOderator knew that when he did it.

    Only reason Cheaters dethreat is cuz they too weak to fight other golds who have the same tricks n 3rd party tools.

    But no matter, U cry n Selali listens to U and forum trolls who never play, and completely ignored pleas from Real Players not trolls n hax, n Ol Matt still dont know a damn thing about it 6 month later. And no mod or ceo has arrived in district to see what they have Done. 

    But it was because to a Bronze/Silver, a Low-Gold Dethreater is on a whole new level. The Dethreater is dethreating 'to win' against those they can't possibly lose against because dethreaters don't have the courage to play in the real place where they are supposed to. A Bronze can't even differentiate a cheater from someone who's just too good for them to fight. This is simply the truth.


    Just think about it, if the game really had 30 Cheaters it would be in a much worse spot (yes, things can get worse than this).


    But you are very much right when it comes to the CEO and GMs barely even keeping an eye on Live servers. They'd only care about Streamers getting streamsniped IF they are available at the time.


    18 hours ago, AlienTM said:

    in gold district fighting true golds-player which is not gonna become silver in 2-3 matches by the natural way

    That's the ideal scenario but it would also require some sort of district-lock because dethreaters don't really mind spending few matches before losing threat and switching districts. They used to do it before

  4. 14 minutes ago, AlienTM said:

    Bring back only bronze districts for bronzes and greens or bring back all threat districts and lock everybody to their own and make another new threat dist. where everybody can join.The players on NA server will use it cause little players there.But we from EU must have the choice-to play in our own threat districts vs same threat players or to join the free for all district.Is not our fault the NA community left the game 6-7 years ago(thats not the only game they leavin btw)

    But how to prevent deliberate dethreating?

  5. 51 minutes ago, FartyBumBumGuff said:

    All gone, I don't have PS+ so it isn't saved anywhere. The playstations been gathering dust at a friends place ever since, I think he plays some guitar game on it. It's started being slow to start up again, I think it's due another senile moment. You shut it down properly then it complains you didn't and has to scan the files when you switch it back on again.

    Ah, that's unfortunate but you were done with the game. Time well-spent in my opinion. Respect++


    I hear PS4s can still do some writing while in Standby Mode, so cutting power during it can cause that. Other people had it worse where they can't even start-up. Questionable system to implement.


    But it is at your friend's house, another kind gesture from your end. He/She can diagnose it if they wish

  6. 2 hours ago, FartyBumBumGuff said:

    I had to google him, got me an image of Mr Cowhorseman, I didn't realise who he was.

    lol yes ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 


    2 hours ago, FartyBumBumGuff said:

    I played the metal gear PS2 games then didn't play any more until the 5th one Farting Pain on the PS4. I had about 2000 hours and had fully built all the FOB's, had almost developed everything, was doing the events every couple of weeks to swap my last S+ for S++ soldiers and my PS4 pro which I had bought new a few years before decided it was going to forget all it's saved data, piece of useless shit, I have working PS2 and 3 I bought second hand that are ancient compared to this piece of senile overpriced junk that is the PS4.

    Massive respect, that's a lot of work but damn. Perhaps it saved to Cloud before it deleted everything? Would be a lucky shot if it did

  7. 4 hours ago, FartyBumBumGuff said:

    My friend got the taddy putt from a stray human, he came over when we were having a BBQ in the summer in the front yard, we gave him some food and he gave us a kitten, said we'd be able to look after her better. He was african, didn't speak much english, we'd see him a couple of times a week and always gave him food. He disappeared towards the end of summer. I hope he found a place to live before winter.

    You all were great and behaved like a human should, extending to each other as well as giving the cat a future.


    May the world continue to have good people ❤️ 

    • Like 1

  8. I'm not against the idea but instead of going back and forth between segregating or keeping things more open to allow friends to play together more easily, perhaps going deeper towards the root of the problem would be a good alternative to think about.


    Of course, at the moment, threat only cares about final mission score. The simple act of pressing F at an objective would give the Player the equivalent of 2.5 kills (250 score) and the team members would also get 1.5 (150) on top of their potential to get kills. As APB stands, If you get an offensive mission and can press F, you can be Gold. Tweaking score on this fact alone would indirectly give more emphasis to actual Player performance (getting kills/arrests), so threat will slightly be more accurate. I'm not saying it is perfect but at this point, any benefit to the matchmaking process should be welcomed.

  9. Too much effort was made into rendering but none at researching what is feasible, what isn't and what actually makes sense for the game's theme or even its future.


    - Why would people play APB for Zombie mode when there are games out there that do it substantially better?

    - How will you introduce Zombie animations when we don't even have an animator? LO isn't even adjusting some weapon-holding or reload animations.

    - How will you balance it? Critical balance details are missing. Nothing about what Zombies can and can't do by Players was mentioned. If you're not willing to provide a full-prototype, don't expect LO to balance it for you. They simply won't get it anywhere near right & if they do, it'll be done in a jank-cheap way.


    This might sound like a joke but it really isn't: Perhaps with more work this would compete with RIOT. You'll need WAY more work to make this a proper blueprint for a Zombie mode in APB.

    • Like 2

  10. On 2/4/2022 at 9:58 PM, Todesklinge said:

    APB need PvE content to keep survining.

    As an Enforcer, I'd be happy to have more Environment interaction that extends beyond returning stolen vehicles to an impound station or waiting to witness a criminal mugging or ramraiding.

    Problem is they'll never be as worthy/profitable as playing an actual mission and if they did, we'd be escalating the problem of players not wanting to play missions.


    First, I'd rather see improvements to PvP such as missions becoming more dynamic. They are always the same. You'll know where to be (or /abandonmission) the instant you see the mission title after pressing k. What spots to be at ahead of time, what weapons will do the job better at those spots, etc.


    I'd like to see LO place all doors, all cameras, etc in a single pool & have missions randomly assign which one to go to next. Sure, mission description texts will have to be edited but that is an achievable goal that adds replay-ability to each and every mission, without having to literally add new missions that are set in stone.

    • Like 2

  11. On 1/31/2022 at 7:15 AM, your-username-is-not-suitable said:

    Who made the anticheat decision?

    Easy Anti-Cheat, advertising itself as "the industry-leading anti–cheat service" was money-hungry. LO decided to go back to BattlEye as supposedly it had improvements that LO was willing to try. To be fair, this was a fine move. There is no point in spending a good chunk of the funding from selling the IP to the Chinese on either anti-cheat, as they both are not be able to catch private cheats without first, simultaneously perfecting client and server side detections. Would've been a waste of money.


    On 1/31/2022 at 7:15 AM, your-username-is-not-suitable said:

    Who made the RIOT decision?

    They thought jumping on the Battle Royale train would be good since that game-mode has a lot of audience. Sad part is that they tried to make it too much APB rather than a Battle Royale, ultimately making the early iterations of RIOT the best and better balanced. The later iterations however... killed all strategies involved with money-management. Money earned in RIOT was simply a representation of remaining lives as one can die and respawn with their own action district loadout without having to even buy it again. It was breaking, made lives even more easy for pre-mades and nobody bothered playing the game mode anymore. There weren't even any decent rewards to make it more approachable. RIOT could've lived a bit longer even without a Battle Pass, but of course they accelerated its death with sub-par balancing.


    On 1/31/2022 at 7:15 AM, your-username-is-not-suitable said:

    Who made the decision to allow NA to get ddosed for weeks/months/years?

    To be fair, DDoS is very difficult to fight. They had solutions but they supposedly required a more modern environment to function (Newer Engine). It was impossible to fully eliminate NA getting DDoSed at a reasonable time-frame.


    On 1/31/2022 at 7:15 AM, your-username-is-not-suitable said:

    Who didn't focus on fixing year/decade old bugs and exploits? At this point, which of those things are even considered bugs or exploits, some have become a staple of the gameplay loop, as pathetic as that is.

    Good question. For example, it would be something to see a car's door when opened go through a wall rather than instantly teleporting into the driver's seat. Yes, might've looked a bit silly but teleporting inside is even more silly and too potent. Should've been decent gameplay-wise if such a change was made.


    On 1/31/2022 at 7:15 AM, your-username-is-not-suitable said:

    Who made the decision to ignore changing literally anything at all about the matchmaking system? Enabling/Disabling threat seg aside that doesn't count

    Yep, they could've had the matchmaker consider more than just threat (which is only score based). The downside would be longer matchmaking times because having to wait for appropriate opposition to end their current active missions would take considerable time (assuming they don't exit the game after their mission). It is a rather heavy drawback compared to something like cross-district Phasing.


    On 1/31/2022 at 7:15 AM, your-username-is-not-suitable said:

    Who made all the balance decisions, what influenced those decisions?

    THIS i'd very much like to see an official response to.


    insert x2 Med Spray for over a year, buffed Epinephrine (yes, the current 25% HP penalty compared to 50% for a 150% speed boost is rather cheap and outright stupid), charge-rifle-crosshair HVR, buff OCA 'Whisper and nerf LTL memes.


    'Also let us casually not buff garbage weapons rather than keep nerfing and buffing meta to pretend that we are actually changing anything'.


    The destruction of the game's balance is a deliberate inside-job.

    • Like 1

  12. 5 hours ago, DOUBLEY said:

    Whats this mean for VOIP?  There's a recent game i play that uses VIVOX and think it works great

    Good question. Vivox was really great at keeping players online as it gave life to Social District.




    But assuming 1.3 succeeds in going Live, I am hopeful for VOIP because 1.3's will supposedly have modern repositories and code libraries. At that point, I don't see why a voice-protocol won't work if LO and Vivox agree to support VOIP for APB.

  13. This could be a good thing. Back porting the critical new features alone to the current engine might make the next beta run overall faster.


    Now can we undo the bandaid balance touches, improve gameplay rules and make the game slightly more fun again? Might as well make the game less of an uphill to New Players from now to retain some new blood before 1.3 is actually ready? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    • Thanks 1

  14. 1 hour ago, GoPlayUWO said:

    Repetita iuvant: reason why you - in general - wanna promote/advertise/whatever this game in its current (read: past (and near future?) state is something beyond me. Besides the EU, besides lack of new contents, besides all the problems APB community highlights every single day on forum, you are "interested" in "getting the numbers up". Long story short: "let's pull the wool over people's eyes over and over". Mind you, it can work for some days, but people is not that stupid, realizing spending money in this game is useless if you can't see any improvement in short time. Advertising an already well known (infamous?) "broken" game is not a smart move. Read what people type on Steam: this can/should be a good start for everyone (except if you think, like LilyRain, people purposely lies). Ok the "endless" customization, ok the fact it's a unique game, but if we all know how APB is and perceived now, well, it's much cry and little wool. 


    Pax et bonum - Ite, missa est

    Is it really that hard to believe that people blatantly lie?


    Considering the topic, if advertising happens, you did in fact lie about lack of new content because there is PLENTY of game time and things for New Players to explore before they even hit R195 to experience the real world yet even reach R255. Lack of "new" content is a problem to those who have played for years, not for new players.

  15. What isn't broken can't be fixed.

    Out of 40v40 (assuming the district is full), the matchmaker can only match those in a ready state after pressing k, which aren't plentiful at all. Usually only 2 teams are ready at a time. The matchmaker really hasn't got much choice but to put those people together.


    There are only 2 major things you can do:

    1- If you aren't interested in a challenge (or zero-honor OCA team), Do NOT press k as soon as you are done with a mission against a group of 'super demi-Gods'. Give them some time to get matched with someone else first.

    2- This is easier said than done but considering people were waiting since 2014, might as well continue waiting till the New Engine is out, then wait even more after that till Phasing is finalized (Phasing will allow matching across all similar districts). This SHOULD make matching a bit less rough.

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  16. 9 minutes ago, Azukii said:


    I've had to remove quite a bit of posts that weren't related to the topic at hand. Please keep this thread on topic or unfortunately we will have to close it.

    Thank you for your understanding.


    - Azukii

    Much appreciated

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