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Posts posted by LilyRain
You are seemingly binding the term "new player" to a person who does not know how to hold a mouse.
A new player may be a person coming from a TPS / FPS background and wanting to have his aiming skill translate into APB, which you cannot fully accomplish due to lack of total accuracy during hipfire or marksmanship mode on a majority of the guns.
The main reason some guns are preferred to be used in hipfire is because their marksmanship mode is identical to hipfire...
I don't see how my original point was a lie.
To further elaborate:
Mixing together Hunting Sight (marksmanship modifier = 0) benefits and elongating the TTK (0,9 – 1s) would provide a structure for new-comers to not opt for modifications right away.
It would stop people from complaining about "hitreg" (most of which are bullet spread complaints) and focus on aiming & positioning.
I find it completely ridiculous that a modification has so much power, that it can determine the RNG (bullet spread) of a fight by tightening the cone in which bullets travel.
That is completely unacceptable in a competitive game, which Matt has personally stated APB to be. This clearly deviates from the old premise of APB being a casual shooter, which was said during the G1/RP era.Your original point is a lie because:
1- This is about TTK. Accuracy is usually more often than not considered already when it comes to TTK (unless a player full Auto's N-TEC, meaning true TTK can indeed be slower than advertised, not faster. Ironic because your post directly mentions N-TEC).
2- Even if accuracy is considered, you have elaborated exactly why a Veteran has the advantage here as well even if a newbie comes from a shooter-background. PLUS Veterans actually having access to accuracy mods while Newbies have to get them first.
Nice try but it is time to take a step back and rethink a bit. -
1 — So?
So your claim "Having a longer TTK & higher base accuracy in marksman mode would greatly enhance new-player experience" is simply a big fat lie.
Q4: Are there any plans for balancing the faster TTK weapons to a higher value, making them longer TTK? I'm talking about lengthening the TTK of problematic guns (NTEC & faster) to around Snubnose TTK (0,9 – 1s). Having a longer TTK & higher base accuracy in marksman mode would greatly enhance new-player experience and reward players for refining their aim.
This is incorrect.
1- Newbies will not maintain aim on opponents like seasoned veterans/aim_labbers would. Longer TTKs will pretty much guarantee a newbie always losing a gunfight vs a Veteran.
2- This will further skew balance towards ganging up on people MMO-style. Veterans usually play in squads while Newbies are often going in singular commandos. This will further solidify the destruction of Newbies.
And APB doesn't have anything to speed up killing like headshots. The only way is to cook a grenade for pre-damage which again, Veterans are far more skilled than Newbies in that department.
APB experimented with longer TTK before. It is truly NOT in a position to attempt that again. -
Yay, no US-East.
It would be nice to actually have World Consolidation ship out next rather than another, subpar useless 'priority' that nobody cares about. -
Tbh. taking machine learned on such small pop (350 players overall at all times?) and many of said players are extremely dubious (y'know what I mean) - I wouldn't be suprised AI could as well take bad examples and use them as good ones. I know AI is easily misguided personally by usage of different AI systems for various tasks. It focus on thing or two and then lose track of others.
Exactly this.
I am afraid APB is now being used by the Devs to jump on the latest trends rather than making the best of what APB can be first (if at all).
So another micro patch, that change literally nothing.
Exactly what we needed, thanks.
I hope that this 100 players online is an exact value they wanted to see, otherwise i see no reasone why do they keep making all of this pointles changes, instead of actually shift the meta to make the game more balanced and friendly to new players.Yep, another patch that clearly exists to stall for more time.
Their mistake however is that they made Low-Yield Grenades ultra-easy mode. Out of all grenades, they decide to touch Low-Yields.
Low-Yield Fragmentation Grenade
Max damage radius increased from 2 meters to 3.5 meters.
3.5 meters for max damage, HAH!! They basically guarantee the entire output of Low-Yields in even the most average hands.
I hope the 'Dev' would cease experimenting on Live-Servers with what they clearly do not understand.-
Posted · Edited by LilyRain
Good question... very good question..
This is a byproduct of not just the Devs having a thing for CA3 but also for Consumables. MedSpray and Epinephrine are COMICALLY too strong, which stands as a barrier in allowing proper balance between all green mods.
So... instead of weakening Consumables..... heh.. they in-fact made Med Spray heal TWICE as fast in a lazy-attempt (as usual) to FULLY... proceed with having CA3 as 'standard' and throw other green mods in the gutter.
Little did Little Orbit knew, this backfired and other green mods became epic with Med Spray. I'm glad we got that nonsense reverted.
You'd think by now, after trial and error, what they should do (or should've done by now) is crystal clear. And yes, they are not doing anything at all.
The Dev wants APB to become CA3 + OCA 'Whisper' and nothing else. 'Screw assault rifles (mainly n-tec), screw proper movement rather than car-gameplay (they just rebuffed the HP of Espacio and Pioneer), screw Snipers (HVR is still stupid, DMR got some nerfs), screw everything to the point where.... even LTL got nerfed on the same patch that buffed OCA, LOL you can't make this up'.
This was proven many times through back&forth buffs and nerfs, and then they hide their true motives/downsides without reversion (e.g HVR damage-crosshair-size, etc).
Let's see what happens if anything happens but expect nothing at this point.-
2 steps forward, 1 giant dinosaur step back.
The step back being the health rebuff for Pioneer and Espacio, stemming from LO insisting to preserve the abomination that is High Burn Fuel.
Moreover, LO made it quite clear that their golden concern regarding vehicular-damage is the DMR-AV. With that, they should know by now that 1500HP is no different from 1600HP as both demand 1 additional shot, both with and without HBF.
There is no 'effectiveness to monitor' here. Is it the end of the world? No, but you should know the result already before shipping it. This isn't complicated.
Are you saying that Cheaters still didn't rack up enough "Cheat Points" to get matched with each other?
I sincerely don't understand why it took you so long to nerf the OBIR's damage, when it has been a talking point for quite some time amongst lesser skilled players?
Neither do I understand the reason for nerfing the M1922's and Coroner's range, when the whisper has a 50m range?
You're adjusting the wrong statistics.
Do any of the "testers" and main game designer (who is considered a "veteran player") play this game at all?
All of these weapon changes you've done for the past few months could've be done in a single patch, I don't understand the reason to be splitting them up into pieces every 2 weeks.
The experience is present, but apparently the foresight as to what to do isn't?
You have asked the important questions. Too bad it was openly declared throughout roadmaps that the core-gameplay is literally LO's lowest priority.
And no, the testers don't really test/play and half of that army have consistently shown sub-average understanding. Live-Servers are the current testing grounds for APB.-
They worked on SARD for so long they didn't even give it generic-text for the Output Function. They just... had to go to bed after being up for so long.
May your next iteration be more solid.-
First, balance existing weapons before adding more and even then, I would be against adding weapons.
If you haven't noticed already, the 'visible' playing field is only 100 meters and there are simply too many weapons in the game to be squeezed into it.
Find a bearing and market something else other than weapons.-
Christmas without NA_East_Districts or Global Matching with EU..
Yeah, not gonna bother with West. Ho ho ho next December. -
Posted · Edited by LilyRain
tldr: EU is to help us debug Cross District matchmaking. NA can join next year with Cross World Matchmaking since... their population is too low for Cross District to matter.
Anything being added to make it harder for cheaters to cheat?
Something like this? Nope
Another filler Episode of changes that do jack, while again being obsessed with touching N-Tec.
Wait for the next Episode.-
Yet again, I told them that chasing Cheaters and messing with the matchmaker would simply be a waste of time against actual game improvement.
It looks like I was right after all, heh. -
Interesting, the Mod shadow-deleted my response as to why these changes are a mistake, heh.
Thank you for the cofirmation.-
Back in the Streets AMA with Matt
in Social District (General Discussion)
Posted · Edited by LilyRain
Also sweetLemonade: "Q4: Are there any plans for balancing the faster TTK weapons to a higher value, making them longer TTK? I'm talking about lengthening the TTK of problematic guns (NTEC & faster) to around Snubnose TTK (0,9 – 1s). Having a longer TTK & higher base accuracy in marksman mode would greatly enhance new-player experience and reward players for refining their aim."
Again, we're discussing TTK here,. I have also made it quite clear that N-TEC usually doesn't perform at its advertised TTK of 0.7s when accuracy is factored in..
Again, Newbies are by default at a disadvantage due to lack of experience with APB. You can circle jerk around all you want when it comes to their prior experience with shooter games. As if they would magically nullify a decade+ old Veteran's abilities with a mouse in APB.....
Or you can just quit the BS.
Again, we've seen what happens when APB gets longer TTK. You can go enjoy that in Quake, it doesn't fit in this game,