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Posts posted by LilyRain

  1. 1 hour ago, Weaboos said:

    Not that I know the guy or anything but often times high rank silvers are limited by their older hardware rather than lack of skill. No way can someone with sub 60 fps compete against 144+ fps mlg config players.


    And even if he was gold in this match there's no way his team would win, unless he has some aim assist running in the background. At best mm would give him another bronze as backup or God forbid he would get another silver then mm would let enemy team call for backup.


    T threat should be removed and every new player should start as green. They just tend to drive clulessly around the map as the game does not explain anything and get tossed into a random mission by auto ready system...

    I know some people whom were really good Golds at 12-17 fps without cheats, on Laptops.


    High fps on APB doesn't do much, there is no precise aim requirements. Only a hitbox + hitscan bullets. No headshots, no arm shots, no body nor leg-shots, nothing. I have done wonders myself at 60fps and garbage latency.


    This is APB, if you can either press F or hold left-mouse-button on certain weapons, you can be Gold.


    Yes, throwing a Trainee onto a full-fledged match is questionable but using those who can't differentiate between green and red names isn't a healthy metric. Those people are just existing without care. Unlikely even a good tutorial would help them. They'll proceed to exist as R255 Bronzes, might as well let them play from the start.

  2. On 3/18/2023 at 2:46 AM, Bound2Fail said:
    • Remove resupply boxes, med spray, and epinephrine.

    Rather, Med Spray and Epinephrine should become equippables that requires left-click to work (just like Blowtorch). This will effectively place active weapons out of use till they are re-equipped, making the consumables not comically broken when used in an active fight.


    Also for Epinephrine:

    +50% Sprint Speed → +20%.
    +20% Run Speed → +7%.

  3. 1 minute ago, BlatMan said:

    Look at the current shotgun spread from a good aim perspective. You never deal 100% damage when shooting beyond 5M, maybe less than that. The current shotguns don't reward good or bad aim. In that second clip, Socks would have killed in 5 shots whether they were aimed center or halfway to the left or right. Add on pellet spread RNG and you get different outcomes while doing the same thing. Nobody above the skill floor wants inconsistency.


    The JG has the same issues, but it has more overdamage to compensate for partial hits. The CSG has more pellets per shot, which makes it less likely to completely miss at range. Some versions have improved rifling 3, which means less damage drop at range. It also has lower TTK when compared to the thumper's markmans mode.

    Except again, in the second clip, Socks didn't utilize the weapon's mod. That wasn't "RNG", that was simply 'smash left mouse button to win' on a weapon that isn't designed that way. Plus, not even jg would 2 shot at that distance so its "overdamage" wouldn't make the situation better. Time to kill in that situation is the same for both. Socks again kept himself at 14 meters, didn't MOVE IN and kept shooting by the stairs just because he wanted to go up after the kill. If this continues I'd assume he's faking clips to make the weapon look bad.


    Some shotguns most certainly do reward better aim. CSG (and its reskin the Tas-20) surely do as they combine better damage over distance with HALF the spread of JG. Fun fact: If Socks was using CSG in the first clip, the target would've still been alive as Sock's aim was way off. CSG is simply more accurate meaning less damage from 'side pellettes'.


    What is even more important is the current design philosophy behind APB when it comes to weapons. Within every class (close, mid, far), weapons are distributed to excel in certain roles while still retaining power in the same class. Thumper and JG are tuned to be deadlier in CQC as well as faster, your only objective is to get close in a game that also happens to have made Epinephrine THE MOST BROKEN yellow consumable of them ALL. Thumper has a very fast killing potential that can only rivaled by things such as LMGs. Plus, its effective range was given Improved Rifling 3 by default due to its mod being red. If you make Thumper's pellets as good as CSG's it would become the new king of shotguns with absolutely no competitor. This isn't going to happen unless APB's philosophy gets removed or a major weapon balance change happens.

  4. 10 hours ago, a Pair of Socks said:

    I don't need it to be a copy paste of another gun nor should it be OP but in it's current state it's more of an airsoft gun than a fucking shotgun. It's not viable unless you're on a corner and they're within 3 meters and they miss their first shot.  x ___x

    It already is. It is a manual nfas with added accuracy as well as further accuracy with a built-in mod. There are way too many shotguns in the game to make a unique one. Perhaps do you have an original idea to propose for Thumper or any future shotgun?


    Plus, your first clip shows 5 shots where not a single one was aimed on target. Not.. a... single.. one. Watch it yourself at x0.25 speed. You got a 1.2s ttk in a situation where any other weapon that doesn't feature splash damage wouldn't have got you that. If you call rewarding shitty-aim "shit" then a core point in this entire thread is fulfilled. You're already getting rewarded for bad aim, APB for a fact doesn't need shotgun ray-scaling back.

  5. 10 hours ago, a Pair of Socks said:

    Sorry for delay in response, life sux a phattie n wut not, but yee IDK chief. Here's some clips from when the day I posted this but Ill give it another shot later. 
    Also sorry for shit quality, youtube butchered it for some reason.


    No problem, quality is more than enough


    There is a recurring, fundamental gameplay mistake in all of these clips that stem from improper distance gauging. You are playing the weapon like a carbine, not like an nfas as well as prioritizing defense when offense is the play & vice versa, you also only ever use Thumper's ability at like 25+ meters on the 4th clip (0:25→0:41). That range is too far it is even outside PMG's effective range (PMG would take 1.05s to kill there assuming no shots miss). Actually getting +75 assist on that was majestic.


    First clip (0:00 → 0.02): You were approaching the target but instead of converging in further (or at least maintain distance), you WENT BACK. You have an innate tendency of falling back outside effective range and that is a core problem (you are subconsciously trying to maintain 15+ meters as if you are rubberbanding). Shotguns aren't meant to retreat, they either push forward or hold corners. Additionally, if you play the clip at x0.25 speed, you have fired 6 times but the last shot was made after the target was dead, so we're looking at 5 shots. ONLY 1 of them was aimed right. The first shot was completely too far left, the second was way over the target's head, the third was also too far left, the 4th was actually good but you already retreated at that point, the fifth was below a jumping target and also too far right.


    Second clip (0:03 → 0:13): Same problems but in a different location. You started an engagement to a far target and stayed by your door for possible cover, problem is that there was no objective behind you to defend as you're not playing a mission. The right play for a here was to wait. That's right, wait as the target was relatively coming in your direction which would've allowed you to either meet them point blank or to capitalize on their behind if they went to the upper-stairs or adjacent room. Regardless, target retreated to the hallway, you decided to chase BUT your chase was ineffective. Rather than running towards the hallway, you ran straight out while looking at the target, you innately again maintained distance. You went in just a tad bit closer while missing shots, finally made it to the wall by the right. Rather than dropping shots while peeking out and back in as you had cover-advantage, you RETREATED AGAIN while completely exposing yourself as well as missing another shot before landing one prior to dying.


    Third clip (0:14 - 0:16): Much better engagement location but you didn't move in still, actually tapped 'S' a bit, missed one of the shots and completely did not use Thumper's mod. It would've made the difference there.


    Fourth clip (0:25→0:41): Simply too far. had cover and didn't use a low-yield grenade at all despite them having the ability to explode a bit faster. Again, not even SMGs are at their prime there.


    Last clip (0:41 → end): Prioritized defense when offense was the play. You witnessed the Target dropping down with a pistol and instead of moving in as you HAVE the ttk advantage, you decided to prioritize grabbing the objective circle, followed by staying back incase you 'needed' cover (and you actually did take cover behind the wall to the left). You have finally moved in for the kill as your teammate distracted the target.


    You're just playing it wrong.


    But what you want to have the Balancers do is clear, it is something a part of the community vouched for myself included and it seems the Balancers didn't want it. That would be to make things just a bit less arcadey and just a tad bit more realistic. Nobody wants full-realism but they used that excuse to make the game the COMPLETE opposite, too damn role-centric. This would make every weapon dangerous in more than 1 category (CQC weapons would do well in both CQC and a bit of lower-mid-range, mid-range can extend a bit further or get less harsh damage drop over distance. additional possible changes would be to reduce wind up timers on nfas true ogre and osmaw, or completely get rid of wind timers if the game proves to be too fast for them. Perfect concussion grenades would 1-shot again unless flak jacket is equipped but of course Clotting Agent 3 was too beloved for them it was out of the question, etc.). Sadly, they chose against it and wanted the nonsense of "weapon identities", further making weapons role-centric. The game has way too many weapons for its own good thanks to Joker Mystery Boxes. Little Orbit succeeded in making ARMAS weapons more accessible and killing off Joker Boxes but they are yet to even dare to make the move of .... effectively deleting some redundant weapons by making them reskins of other dominant ones in their respective categories. LO didn't even buff unique ones yet (Thumper doesn't qualify, it is a different take at nfas).


    If such a thing happens, APB would become a more logical game, making the way you are playing now fine (if you stop missing). Till then (which is highly, almost certainly unlikely), you must play the game the way it is currently designed by paying closer attention to your actual distance to opponents. This is APB, a game of choice and distances so improve your distance gauging.

  6. 11 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    Still waiting on you to post any legitimate evidence that refutes that. You won't though, because it doesn't actually exist due to shotguns being in a garbage state currently.

    I already have. One doesn't simply get a killstreak with a "useless" class of weapons and I've done it with the one that is considered low on that class. Your claim is FACTUALLY far from reality.


    If you have this much time to blame shotguns, work on your abilities, you might've gotten somewhere by now.

  7. 3 hours ago, Ritual said:


    - Rebuilt (and permanently set to nighttime) the Asylum map's lighting. Atmosphere!



    - Minor instances of certain non-light source objects casting light in Asylum.

    But why? The sun should light upon us every now and then.


    Moreover, couldn't this permanent nighttime setting wait till the known issue is addressed?

  8. On 3/13/2023 at 7:54 AM, Hexerin said:

    Nah, we need the strongest guns to be nerfed so that overall TTK goes higher.


    What really needs to happen though, is that all guns have their damage cut to half (or even a quarter), and fire rates jacked up by double or triple across the board. Same amount of damage in a given time frame, but spread across significantly more bullets. This would resolve a current issue the game has, where slow firing weapons will miss shots simply because of the left/right movement that normal gunplay encourages (which makes faster firing weapons automatically superior for consistency).

    What really needs to happen is a filter where those who have no clue to what they are suggesting (such as yourself) to not be allowed to speak.


    7 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    Damn Lily, you really are a walking example of Dunning Kruger. Absolutely amazing.

    Says the guy who claimed ALL shotguns are useless. Your words carry zero value.




    4 hours ago, BlatMan said:

    You got 1 MVP against players who are so low skilled they have to modify their game to the point of it being unrecognizable just to get every edge they can. Not sure how that's an achievement.


    That image shows PvE teammed up with Springhour, which you lot don't even compare to their level. Go ahead, call them "low skilled", doesn't make it true.



    Say what you will to make yourselves feel less pathetic, it won't change the reality of the situation that you guys aren't even remotely relevant nor qualified to speak correctly in any game balancing thread.

  10. 17 minutes ago, Uhtdred said:


    If you arrest someone, you add 1 death/arrest to your enemy, and the enemy have to spawn once? that count as 1 kill to me, and in cop role if you arrest someone, you add 1 to the count.

    I never said playing with fragile is an advtange.. quite the opposite, it's a disadvantage/bad modification, just like using kev 3. Only new players/bronzes/silvers think fragile is a good mod. But in your case, you use fragile to run and arrest easily.

    for a silver like you, it's a lot easier to arrest 1 guy than killing 2 enemies, especially if you are facing noobs like the pic you showed. That's why you finished 8/11 with the best gun in the game (thumper, according to you).

    "Done talking with you." → appears back instantly. The mark of a Troll.


    I'm sorry but you don't make the rules. 1 count that is worth twice the score, simply because LTL is an uphill battle and more rightfully so. You don't even know how to read scoreboards.


    If you understand fragile is a bad mod then you should understand the feat. Doing well with a bad mod is a good thing in itself, not the opposite like you have claimed. Not really hard to understand but apparently all you can do is bark Silver this Silver that like the dog you are with zero substantiation. You try to downplay others because you can't rise up yourself, simply pathetic.


    And because you tried to downplay the list of opponents by saying "In the pic you showed there's no good criminal".... for your information, I did also MVP missions against some of the best players using LTL and fragile as well. I recorded parts of the match in slighly low bitrate for economical purposes but the scoreboard can be made sense of:






    This is the last piece of undeniable proof. I hope you learned something today but that's doubtful. I have better things to do.


    "Done talking with you"

  11. 10 hours ago, Uhtdred said:

    you finished 17/15, that's a really bad score, you only finished first because of arrests and targets (usually people that do targets in FC are silvers/bronzes).

    I see you're using fragile (only silvers or bronzes use that) and you probably went with percs too. In the pic you showed there's no good criminal 🙂

    I wish you went 17/15 with thumper, oh wait, you can't..

    EDIT: I just saw the pic you finished 8/11 with thumper, I seriously recommend you to quit APB right now.. I still think thumper is one of worse guns in apb but I never did remotely as bad as 8/11 in 13 years of apb. Done talking with you.


    I see your knowledge is still lacking in almost every way there is.


    - 1 arrest = 2 kills, so your math is simply wrong. That's effectively 31 to 15.

    - You speak as if fragile is an advantage when it isn't. If you are a true gold, you'd get out of your clotting agent 3 comfort zone, which you can't.


    Perhaps you're the one who should quit, you use easy-mode setups and you're still not relevant, lmfao.


    Try talking to me again in 100 years.

    • Like 1

  12. 9 hours ago, glaciers said:

    this is...an image of you going negative in fight club, where everything works, as evidenced by your other image of ltl doing well in fight club


    the thumper is in a rough spot because rayscaling is gone, and without the guarantee of a min ttk all day every day it's much harder to justify a shotgun that's primarily designed around min ttking


    its not limited to the thumper, the nfas and the showstopper both suffer from the same issue


    edit: i don't want rayscaling back either, just to be clear, that was a terrible mechanic



    This is in image of me getting a kill streak with it as it is supposedly a weak shotgun. I am not saying it is the best weapon in the world but for hexerin to say that ALL shotguns are in an "unusable" state is outrageous. The proof is solid, he's factually wrong.


    And no, not anyone can pick up LTL in fightclub and do well, it has many inherent disadvantages that the player needs to KNOW how to work against. In fact LTL has every disadvantage there is except effective range which goes against the idea of arresting as an Enforcer is supposed to be in close proximity (the debateable part is O-PGL CD, which magically turned out decently for that thing but hey, that requires max cop role which most people won't bother to continue arresting at that point. It also has the standard weaknesses of a grenade launcher). In many cases, LTL is just plain suicide in fightclub let alone to actually claim arrests. You actually need to know what you are doing as most CQC and LMG weapons can kill you 30-45% faster. Now add Fragile to the mix.... That was what I proved to one guy back there.


    You don't want rayscaling back and you are right but people in here do. APB doesn't need easy-mode kills that are even easier than PMG/OCA, mechanics that cater to people who want "guaranteed" kills when their enemies are literally about to leave their Field Of View.  That's literally the furthest thing away from "balance".


    A tighter spread would be more than enough for Thumper as it is already as fast as nfas (heck one guy said it fires slow) but these guys shouldn't reflect their problems on the game, they should learn proper distancing, aim and how to click at correct rythms.

  13. 16 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    Whatever you're on that you think shotguns are in a usable state currently, share that shit cause it's obviously some wild stuff.

    Shotguns are unusable, eh? CQC weapons unusuable, okay...


    I decided to give shotguns a spin. I did it with Thumper so there would be no further bullshitting and here is the result:



    Seems fine to me. I mean look at that, an "unusable" weapon managed to get a kill-streak! By direct-contrast, it appears we don't even have to examine the actual beastly shotguns such as CSG.

    Like seriously, the only 'wild shit' on the forums have mostly been coming from you specifically even MattScott commented on your sarcasm. Keep your nonsense to yourself till you learn better, thank you.


    11 hours ago, Uhtdred said:

    Actually my main role is markmanship and JG >>>>>>>>> thumper. Again, last time I saw you you were silver, you're writing here like you're godlike player.

    People didn't even use thumper when it was a good gun and now u think people should use when it was  nerfed??

    Makes sense.

    "Again, last time I saw you you were silver"


    Yeah, you can keep repeating baseless claims. Like look, I can do it too: Weren't you Bronze last time I saw you? See how that doesn't really work?


    Lies aside, let's examine your garbage. You MAIN marksman weapons (obviously a sad camper) as well as shotguns (yet you can't click a thumper at its fire-rate as you declared before).... have 300k kills then still think you're something.


    On the other hand, I MAIN LTL with Fragile and I can literally MVP asylum with that setup:



    I am sorry but you're not on my league. And with your prior complaints, you don't get to say who is Silver and who isn't. Learn to literally click on a mouse before you even think of speaking.


    9 hours ago, PingOVER9000 said:


    Jokes aside..Dont be so delusional if you are wrong sometimes, be better and I am sure you are better than being this.

    Didn't you say "Bye" before? Why are you still here? LOL


    But you'd be a much better person if you learn from your own advice. I hate to break it to you but you're the "delusional" one in here.



    The Shotgun Ray-Scaling trash was reversed for a reason. Learn proper distancing and to land your shots. That garbage shotgun-buff by LO should stay dead and for good reason.

  14. 28 minutes ago, PingOVER9000 said:

    and... Here you have missed another occasion


    I guess you got the joke, at least a part, but instead of finishing all with a good laugh or a smart answer you got mad and starting with these fishy insults or about skills... furthermore when you are a humble simp silver but not so humble (not that I care about  your rank or whatever but you may avoid it the matter instead of being so cocky of yourself when you are average skilled as a lot of else.. ofc being a passionate average is nothing bad from my weak opinion)


    Well so be it, you lost your occasion for getting the chad crown, being a sponge simp seems to enjoy yourself 😂



    The fact that you are replying to a portion that wasn't said to you is self-explanatory.


    Bye it is, you are a lost cause.

  15. 13 hours ago, PingOVER9000 said:

    Interesting, but if we are looking at you have wrote u are telling us you are wasting such an unmissable occasion for reaching the achievementdream of reaching 999kkmoney registered in one character. 


    I suggest you  buy all the thumper in market or social for 600/ 700k and resell it for 900k.. or better no directly get the monopoly and buy all the ones available in the EU or US servers where you are!


    I am sure with your stubborness and passion you will reach in no time the goal of being the richest player of APB by trading the mighty thumper, nowdays anybody everybody desire a thumper, everybody dream a thumper.. what you are waiting for?!  good luck and dont disappoint us little simps.🤣

    I already have a Thumper, thank you. Plus, I see no value in pleasing a simp. Simps are garbage by default.


    2 hours ago, Uhtdred said:

    people gave up about selling thumper, nobody buys it. I can't believe you're not aware thumper is a bad gun, there's a reason NOBODY use it right?????? Thumper nerf was just too much. Only NFAS should have been nerfed that bad, you see someone using NFAS? that's right, nobody use NFAS (thankfully).

    and please don't go "showing lack of skill", last time I saw you on Jericho you were silver.

    If thumper was a good gun, everyone would use it, it's that simple.

    PD: I have over 300k kills, trust me I know which guns are good or not.

    I'd believe you if you didn't make all the mistakes above. You have shown complete lack of knowledge.


    And it is astonishing how someone supposedly has 300k kills yet can't max-fire a Thumper, then still thinks he's Gold. (Heh, let's face it, you probably were some OCA/PMG easy-mode player who can't use actual challenging weapons. No wonder you complained about firing semi-autos).


    Keep the jokes coming, you're already finished.

    • Like 1

  16. 1 hour ago, Uhtdred said:

    nobody shoot thumper as fast as nfas, it's a semi auto shotgun not auto.

    There are many semi-auto weapons in the game and it isn't hard to fire them at their limits. You have no point here, only showing lack of skill.


    1 hour ago, Uhtdred said:

    And JG is only a good gun if you buy at least the 2 slot one

    Absolutely wrong, 1-slot JG is more than enough to make it "good". Like where do you even get your information from?!


    1 hour ago, Uhtdred said:

    which means you need to get the one LO give u for free (after buying a lot of G1C) or you need to lvl up your pointman rank unlike the thumper which u can buy for cheap in social. Thumper is easier to get than JG, yet everyone use JG instead of thumper.

    so yes, JG >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thumper and it's not even close.

    And that's your 3rd mistake. No, JG is substantially easier to get than Thumper. I already told you that.....


    But it seems that you believe JG requires 2 slots to be "good", which is why you looked at pointman rank 10 (which requires 1500 kills) compared to Rank 5 (200 kills). That's right, you only need 200 kills to get a 1-slot JG, which again is more than enough for the weapon.


    Currently, the cheapest Thumper on EU is at 700,000 $APB, the most expensive is 900,000




    And funny enough, on NA no Thumpers exist, so you can't 'just buy one'.... lmao


    Now you tell me, Sherlock... would you get $APB 700,000 from 200 kills as well as the mission payouts while getting them? The answer is a big fat NO. Heck you wouldn't get that much even if you go for the 2-slot JG.


    The next time you try to bs, at least say something that is remotely correct.

    • Like 1

  17. 4 hours ago, Uhtdred said:

    if that was true, everyone would be using thumper since acording to you is better than JG and is one of cheapest guns in the game.

    No. The reason why you'd see more JGs than Thumpers is that there is no leasable contact-version of Thumper. If there was, you'd see more Thumpers than JGs.


    But they'd both be relatively a rare sight still. As far as investing in weapons goes, it is better to go for something that is simply better than both. CSG (or the reskin, Tas-20) is objectively better. Moreover, why shotgun at all when many people like easy-mode options such as OCA 'Whisper' or defaulting to PMG? Yes... that's right, THAT's why people don't care about Thumper because literally 85% of APB can be played with those 2 disgusting weapons.


    44 minutes ago, a Pair of Socks said:

    Love you Lily but quit being a stat nerd and actually equip it and use it ingame.  I have a clip saved where I shot a dude 12 fucking times at like maybe 13meters? and it only did 84 damage.  Yeah sure you can occasionally get a kill where youre on a corner and the opponent is completely oblivious to you and you pop off 3 shots POINT BLANK and that, and only then, is where the Thumper is remotely close to being a usable firearm in APB.    Legendary weapons dont HAVE TO BE GOD LIKE but FFS atleast viable for use at all.  Im so sick of only seeing the ntec and pmg and 45.   Honestly the 45 needs to be nerfed, hard, its so stupid that a pistol out TTKs SMG's and Shotguns in CQC and even AR's at range. Fuck, while we're at it, let's enforce perspective from lower resolutions so stretch res isnt viable anymore like Fortnite did.

    All I did say that Thumper is slightly more beastly than JG and you lose it. Point being if people are fine with JG then they should be fine with Thumper as well, because it is simply more accurate and has the potential to kill faster. It seems you interpreted that as shotguns shouldn't get improved at all, which I never said.


    Bold of you to assume that I did not and no, stats DEFINE weapon roles in the game it would be stupid not to learn how to read them. Thumper and JG happen to be doing their assigned role quite well.


    I would normally ask you to share the clip (which you should've already) but the problem is already apparent, "13 meters"... What made you think the weapon would function at full-lethality from that distance? Right, you didn't learn how to interpret spread values. Plus, what connection are you even trying to make? You speak as if JG can 2-shot at 13 meters. Newsflash: It CAN'T, not even with Improved Rifling 3. It takes 5 shots, FIVE. Perhaps it is you who should equip weapons and play around with them some more.


    2 hours ago, PingOVER9000 said:

    it's more precise maybe (but I totally didnt ever feel it the difference in the good side) but that's not mandatory alone ...the shitty very tight pellet spread, slow rate of fire, such as hitboxes are in APB make it  one of the worst and unbalanced weapons in the game... it work very well if you play against players with 100+ms than yours but it's the same for all weapons.


    OFC Thumper togheter with NFAS at the "1* balance patch" was busted offchart in CQC and I prefered it out of existence or close to the feature of 2* balance shotgun patch , but the actual state it was not the answer.


    Short answer doesnt  matter what you wrote Thumper is still unrecovered sh*t.


    I agree with every thing but you have made two critical mistakes:

    - Thumper doesn't have "slow rate of fire". 0.3s for a shotgun is not slow by any means whatsoever. It is literally almost identical to NFAS' (0.29s).

    - While the shotgun patch that made shotguns broken powerful & the subsequent one cancelled that monstrosity indeed conditioned people into shotgunning with awful aim, what I said still stands. Thumper is more accurate than JG. If you guys understood that as Thumper is some magical weapon, that "sh*t" is on you.

  18. 18 hours ago, Uhtdred said:

    thumper is way worse than gun stats show. First, JG is a 2 shots to kill, thumper is a 3 shots to kill. Thumper accuracy is awful, sometimes I feel like I landed 6 perfect shots and enemy still didn't die. Thumper also isn't a regular shotgun, you can't corner camp with it like you would do with JG or CSG.

    Unless the stats on APBDB are a lie (which they aren't), they are in fact the truth.

    Thumper is more accurate than JG.

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