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Everything posted by LilyRain

  1. Sounds okay to me, but 8-15 matches may be too many. I'd say 1-3 matches are more than enough
  2. Downvoters are abundant, so I dunno how special that kitten is. I did not notice any immediate downside from getting downvotes, so let 'em have some false sense of... whatever that is in their minds and feels~~ Thx~
  3. Of course, since you don't seem to know the meaning behind the vocabulary you are using.. The issue is adding more choices and life to the game, even if it means handicapped-gameplay or limiting it to showing off designs (it has already been done to some mods and weapons people perceive as sub-par to meta). Again, I have already told you to refrain from limiting APB to the best possible ways to win a match. You may only run around with the most dominant loadouts if you so wish. Nobody is stopping you regardless.. It intrigues me that you actually said that, considering that your arguments were all based on your own shortcomings in situational awareness and lack of basic driving skills.. The meta is the meta, but once again, Players DO STILL drive other vehicles such as the previously mentioned Packer Vaquero. Simply because they WOULD LIKE TO DO SO. If you are a meta-Player who simply refrains from variety, that is your own thing.. Plus, nobody is forcing you to play with things that puts you at a disadvantage. If you can't handle the heat, you are more than welcome to stick to your beloved meta. 1 » You are assuming that not a single player in the team has a car with a mobile spawner.. 2 » As I have already told you, APB allows for changes to be made mid-mission. Please refrain from trying to push a false argument forward. For someone such as yourself who appears to be the King of meta, I do not honestly believe that you are incapable of switching stuff on the fly.... Proper, constructive disagreement is the way to go. Using arguments that portray your own laziness and shortcomings as a player, in addition to a harsh tone & vocabulary that you do not understand half of is not.. Perhaps revise yourself before taking it out on others. No... just no.. You have clearly said and I quote: "Not to mention that you'd be pretty much exposing yourself to almost instant death if you somehow end up hitting a wall head-first or fall off at a high speed"... This has nothing to do with one's driving skills, hmmm? Okay...………….. You are advising me to read and consider your stance when you don't read yourself nor considered mine's, Sir... I have clearly stated and I quote from myself: "APB isn't just about having the best methods to win a match and shouldn't be viewed as such. It is well-known that APB's selling point is its customization and freedom. Do not constraint Players to play the game in the easiest/cheapest ways possible to win". Please…. read before you act... If you actually read yourself, you'd see that my argument was about acceleration and navigation that rivals small cars.. I did not speak about top speed.. You'd also have known that I don't care about your beloved meta.. ---------------------------------------------------- If you wish to have a fruitful yet civil discussion, I encourage you to work towards it starting from yourself..
  4. "Obsolete" pertains to something that is too old, outdated, replaced by something new... Being different in seat-capacity, number of tires, total volume, etc doesn't make bikes obsolete.. Both cars and bikes currently use the same technology. If one of them goes 'obsolete', so does the other. Perhaps when Nuclear-Vehicles become the norm you could call them obsolete. I have already told you, not all cars have cargo capacity to begin with. Additionally, not all missions contain heavy barrels, computers, etc to carry. APB requires players to be dynamic. In the same manner that you can switch to a close-ranged to counter a PMG-Pleb, you can also switch vehicles if needed. Simply go to a vending machine or a car spawner, press i and select a vehicle that fills the current mission's need. Additionally, not everyone would have bikes as active vehicles, since there are people like you who prefers to drive cars 100% of the time. IF the entire team is full of Cyclists, they can not hate you for doing the same thing you are doing.... Do you honestly worry about a game that has haters everywhere? They should learn to carry their own weight first. Heck, an entire team of Cyclists won't have to change vehicles anyway, Civilian cars are abundant if your team is too lazy to switch. No shaming intended but please do learn how to drive the starter Machina before anything else.. Your argument is clearly applicable to either Bronze Players or those whom are yet to get accustomed to latency-driving. You did not substantiate your claim. All you are saying here is 'no to bikes'.. Repeating "we really don't need motorbikes" doesn't add to the table, I already know what your stance is towards them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ » If the collision is head-on, the biker COULD wheelie at the right moment. If the Vegas has nitrous and does the wheele as well, tough luck. » If the Vegas hits the bike from its side, the Vegas will bank the bike sideways and mow over it. Physics just doesn't work like that, unless Devs re-shape a car into a bike with a massive invisible hitbox, that would look unfinished and terrible. It won't push the bike into a wall unless the bike is already there by the wall asking to get rammed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ lol, if so, make it cost $10,000 or something to spawn instead of $100. Else Griefers would abuse it
  5. This is exactly why nothing new gets added to the game.. for a decade, because more stuff are "not needed". Because more features won't add variety nor fun.. Although I agree that motorbikes are not needed AT ALL, that doesn't mean they would serve 0% purpose. We also do not need the fragile-mod for instance, but I personally enjoy it and the small speed-gain from it made my team win some matches in the nick of time. It is true and reasonable that bikes can not provide the protection of a car/van/truck, but they can accelerate faster, navigate through ever tighter spaces compared to the Packer Vaquero. Players can not shoot back? Perhaps not with the primary-weapon but surely they should be allowed to shoot with a pistol at least.. bikes can not carry bags or barrels, heck even my Devil Dog's Cisco can't but players themselves could carry necklaces and boxes... There are also those who would spend time customizing the appearance of their bikes for the purpose of taking pictures and overall, make APB look more alive (this could help bump up the player-base btw, perhaps not by much but it could). There are always two sides to the same coin. All the negatives mentioned have adjacent risk-to-reward counterparts that could prove useful in some matches as well as add variety to vehicles and.. fun.. I understand that at the present moment, it may not be possible to add bikes due to the fact that all vehicles protect players within, so perhaps later in the future if we ever get lucky to see regular and bullet-proof window-mechanics added (and it was this way for years). However, the argument of "not needed" is too bland and not valid at all. APB isn't just about having the best methods to win a match and shouldn't be viewed as such. It is well-known that APB's selling point is its customization and freedom. Do not constraint Players to play the game in the easiest/cheapest ways possible to win.
  6. Thanks for the screenshot This is a big spike to your router, which BattleEye may not like: Still, I would like to eliminate other possibilities. 1 » Make sure you don't have "Cucusoft Net Guard" or any similar networking software running. If yes, stop them and try APB again. 2 » Try connecting to APB through a VPN, see if that changes anything (if yes, then the problem is with your Internet Service Provider) If options 1 and 2 don't work, then the problem is with your router
  7. Upload the screenshot to: https://imgbb.com/ Copy the link, then paste it in here:
  8. That means your files are okay~ BattleEye could be dropping you due to packet issues with your router. Let us test your ping to the router and internet. Please open two command prompts (that black console window). 1 » In the first window, type: ping -t 2 » In the second window, type: ping -t (assuming your router's default gateway address is If unsure, you can type "ipconfig") Let them run for a bit, then take a screenshot just like this:
  9. A hard-drive contains millions and billions of sectors, think of this as apartments in a city.. The softwares you speak of will only help if no new information were written on the sectors that had APB-files on them.. What does that mean? It means that there is a good chance you won't be able to recover the files with said software, because the hard-drive was being used for 2 days... Even if you recover some of the data, the launcher will force a repair on your APB-directory. Additionally, a software like that is usually payware and is not guaranteed to properly restore your files The best way is to just re-download the game.. P.S: Do not uninstall games if you do not have fast internet to get them back.... unless you need the HDD space..
  10. In that case, please try these steps: 1 » Browse to C:\Users\MonSTeRRR\AppData\Local\BattlEye Backup & Delete "apb" 2 » Go to the folder where APB is installed, then enter "Binaries" folder. Backup & delete "APB_BE", then backup & delete "BattlEye" folder. 3 » Start APB's Launcher & click on "Repair"
  11. Please try the following: 1 » Browse to C:\Users\MonSTeRRR\AppData\Local\BattlEye Backup & Delete "apb" 2 » Under your Steam's Library/list of games, right click on APB Reloaded > Properties. A new window will popup... Go to tab 3 "Local Files" > Click on "Browse Local Files. 3 » In the new window, open the "Binaries" folder. Backup & delete "APB_BE", then backup & delete "BattlEye" folder. 4 » Go back to steam. Repeat step 2, but instead of clicking on "Browse Local Files", click on "Verify Integrity of Game Files". Let it finish then start APB again
  12. As stated, your problem only arises when trying to connect to financial. Which of the following have you tried so far?: - To enter financial using another character. - To enter financial using another account (different E-mail). - To repair installation. - To redownload APB.
  13. It is NOT off topic when your punchline/closing-remark was: "LO ! you are the greedy team . ".... - Although it is okay to compare Epidemic and Horseman, it is not right to judge LO in this way, because LO DID NOT design nor decide rewards for the Horsemen event. Absolutely correct, it would indeed spark some loyalty to LO, but there is a possible downside. The player-base at the moment is too low compared to when G1 was in charge. Being generous to a low player-base essentially means running the 'business' for free (for instance, Armas's minimum premium duration lasts a month, but players can do all their customizations in the 3-day-gift-premium to last for like 2-3 months)… Please understand that LO paid a lot to purchase APB, a successful business must have a positive net-income. I could be wrong here and there but this is how I see it right now.
  14. LO being greedy may also mean that you are being a leech. Every coin has 2 sides to it, hmm~~? I commend you for being one of the VERY few who have no issues with killing 3 barrel-carriers. Respect++ towards your skills
  15. I would love to have some Tiara accessories
  16. That is their problem These are the terms and they are the same almost everywhere. If they don't like them, they can simply not accept and go somewhere else.. This is also not an excuse for trying to go nude in a game that clearly doesn't allow it....
  17. No... If terms get updated, you will be asked to read and accept them as soon as you login. You surely accepted it more than once by now
  18. Although this is sad, it is absolutely fair and in-line. Do you recall when you accepted the EULA to play the game? That long list nobody reads? It comes BEFORE selecting a character, already telling you that EULA is ACCOUNT WIDE. It also clearly states it under 'Termination': -------------------------------------------------------------- I am sorry, but the ban was fair. No abuse was made towards your friend. He should've played by the rules.
  19. Where the ♥♠♣♦ did you say that? No lies pls: You actually mentioned this, hue hue hue. You're welcome though
  20. Of course the gap is huge, because silver-districts are where gold-threated players reside. You are comparing Bronze Players to Gold Players. Time to kill based threat is interesting, but it won't be easy to pull off. Since I believe more than the following must be considered: - Weapon used to kill. - Distance at which the weapon was used to kill (assuming the distance didn't change throughout the fight). - How often did the opponent take cover... at the same distance or varying distance? - What defensive mods did the target have equipped? (clotting agent, Kevlar, etc ..... what mod-level as well? 1, 2, or 3) - Mods used on the weapon to kill with respect to variable distance - How to even assess/measure the skill in time to kill with assist damage? (remember, this is a team game. assist damage is ultra-common). - and a ton more I am missing... Sure, I personally disagree with the score-threat system we currently have. I mean I once went up to Gold at the expense of a mission. Another time, I lost threat while being the reason why my team actually won the game.. But still, time to kill based threat will take too much work to pull off and certainly won't be a definitive measure of threat.
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