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Everything posted by TheOppositePolarBear

  1. this^ wait... what? i mean, it doesnt sound too diferent from "getting screenshot -> post on forum", but that might be just me not understanding the idea
  2. i dont really think you understand how cheats work... you seem like " V4Lv3 Y u sO B1G 4nD N0 S74pH Ch33T4hz iN cS;G0?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?! " kind of person. no game is free of cheaters, not paid, not free, not made by small or big companies. deal with it. we can put all the anticheats in the market, and it wont stop them. you do realize not every game switches engine every year, right? actually, you do realize most games spend their whole lifespan on the same engine, right? you do realize that "these idiots" also use techonlogy, right? they dont go out and have mystic orgies to summon a floppydisk with cheats. on top of that, if anitcheats ever block all cheat methods, we're pretty far away from that time, so idk why you're complaining here. "L0 y U n0 7R4v3L t0 Fu7Urh 4Nd Br1NG gUd ANt1cH337Ahs_ _ _ ?!??!?!?!?! .-. .-. .-. o.o o.o o.o o.o " and lets not even talk about how, even if LO stops all cheaters, people are going to still complain about cheeters because of dethreaters and the big gap between player skills in almost every game (problem they are trying to fix with the new engine, mind you) ....wow, actually a half-serious answer... i need to fix this... there are also polar bear lovers out there, its not all hate!
  3. ^^ 2 guys going into the polar opposite in a day, wow ...i need to trademark that thing
  4. OPB(opposite polar bear):hahaha, good one, there is no way someone is stupid enough to say something like that seriously! OPB: .... they told me to not ask buuuuut... does that pile... has a bottom? or how does it works? do you clear the pile every month, burn the older posts? do you have backups of that pile? i wanna be the silver-est like no one ever was (tun dun dun dun!) to dethreat is my real test to ggez is my cause! actually, you did say it was impossible banned said "polar opposite" and here i am! ... dont... shoot me... but yeah, he totally misunderstood banned's point, by far
  5. CJ increases firerate at the expense of accuracy on full auto fire. in other words, it only really works on really, really really close ranges. you can see the weapons and mods of your enemies by pressing tab. if you know the weapons and mods, then you can get an idea of what not to do. does the enemy has a OCA silverado? then dont hug them, your OCA has more accuracy, keep a 10mts distance from the enemy and use cover. this is not a wild west game, we dont stand 12 steps from each other in the middle of the street. how you move, how you use cover, how predictable you are. you cant buy those, and those play a bigger role in the game than being a good shot or having a bought weapon. when i first hit gold, i was maining an ALIG and i was not even close to be a good shot, but i learned how to pick my fights, how to surprice and supress my enemies, how to move and how to use cover. learn those first, and then try to outshot someone.
  6. you do know that mods dont increase damage, right? once again, you're fearing the spear, not the warrior, if you dont have the practice to shoot your weapon with accuracy without sacrificing lots of DPS, then you shouldnt be shooting outside of cover, not even to shot a guy on his back. i've been in your position, i've shot a guy from behind and got killed anyways. i was new, i was unexperienced, i didnt know how to control my weapons, but my enemies knew. i can give you pointers if you want, but this is not the tips section, but know that, even if you dont notice it, you might be doing more mistakes than you can imagine
  7. i've been a gold for years now. i usually main stock ntec, stock star, stock OCA, and sometimes if im feeling special, stock JG. stop fearing the spears, start fearing the warrior. you cant to anything because of your lack of experience in the game, not because of their weapons.
  8. im known as "that annoying guy that keeps spamming the forums with polar bear images" im content with that title
  9. i already explained how the new engine is supposed to help the matchmaking get better, so im not going back to that point. when i told you to check your MM complain ("one team has one player who's skill is miles apart from the rest"), it was because, if you admit that the game is putting you against oposition way stronger than you, then how do you know they are cheating? because they are better than you? cheaters are uncommon in the mission districts, saying there are "1 or more cheaters every mission" is simply fake, but i understand where you're comming from, if i were put vs global elites in csgo, i could also think they are cheating. would i recommend this game to new players as it is right now? if they are willing to put the time to learn the game, if they are willing to blame themselves and not the guns or calling everybody a cheater, then yes, if they are easly frustrated and want something pretty casual, no.
  10. your crediblity hit the floor pretty hard. ok, lets do a list of your complains: -bugs: what do you think the new engine is for? -matchmaking: again, what do you think the new engine is for? (new engine = phasing = bigger playerpool = better matchmake) -cheaters: check your "matchmaking" point, think about it. -P2W: meta guns-> N-tec (free), OCA(free), SHAW(free), NHVR(free), SR-15(free), OSCAR(free), you need nothing else. russian army, is that you?
  11. you dont notice it now, but blieve me, bronze and silver districts are 2 completely diferent animals a gold in the bronze district is (at best) a half-decent silver in the silver district (the standard of what is gold and silver is diferent in both districts), and i meant it. sadly for you guys, this is APB, steep learning curve, few players with lots of experience. its not imposible to get into this game, but it will take some work. if you need help with tips and such, we will be happy to help you with whatever we can, giving tips or answering questions. but the best tip i can give you is, get familiar with all the weapon types (learn what shotguns, SMGs, assault rifles, semi autos and snipers are good for), and every time you get killed ask yourself what you could have done diferently, and how you ended up in that bad situation. welcome to the jungle
  12. press esc -> district select -> advanced -> uncheck "show recommended only" you'll see most districts have a medal next to them bronze medal -> newbie district (you'll still find somewhat unfair matches tho, but its the best you can do) silver medal -> advanced district gold medal -> empty district. usually for clan vs clan.
  13. i mean, the interface is already made (J button, i think), they just need to allow you to pledge to other-district contacts from it. also, btw, just in case, did you mean "wich we also need to rename agrotech"?
  14. LO: *furiously focusing on fixing the game code, revamping the engine* players: LO: "..." nuuuuu me N-tec too OP plz nerf all butt snub rewolver you got killed? was he gold? -> cheater was he silver? -> nerf gun too OP
  15. G1 left a pretty big backlog of tickets and LO is trying to catch up to it. while people keeps making that backlog bigger and bigger untill they can catch up, the whole support thing is going to be slow. and as people already stated, GMs cant ban on spot and has to deal with g1's backlog too.
  16. https://xkcd.com/927/ switch "standards" for "discord servers"
  17. yeah, thau mentioned moving but thats relative to the gun and situation. your objective: to make yourself harder to hit first, use cover. while aiming use Q and E to lean and just show enough of yourself to be able to shoot at your enemy, dont over-expose yourself. if you need to get off your car to shoot someone, make sure you put the car's passanger side towards the enemy beafore getting off the car, that way, you can use the car as cover. sure, the enemy can still shot your head and/or feet, but while he has to aim for a small head/feet, you can aim at his entire body, and thats the name of the game: make yourself hard to hit, while you can hit him easly. golden rule: if you're not behind cover, you're not shooting at the enemy. about moving, if you can move and shoot reliably at the enemy, then move. that varies with each weapon. on somewhat close ranges you can aim the ntec and move while shooting and still hit the target, on long distances thats nothing more than a dream. if you need to attack an enemy thats behind cover and you know he will be at VERY close ranges when you get to the corner he is in, you can try jumpshooting (aiming while jumping), as that gives you good movement speed while in the air, while giving you poor accuracy, but good enough for really close ranges.
  18. i would believe you if you say its imposible to make an IA that plays apb as you know it right now but thats where the "PVE specific missions" comes to play are you telling me its not posible to just put a couple of bots that cant move more than 5 mts from their designated area and shoot when they see the player to guard an area? are you telling me its not posible to assign a waypoint system ala CS 1.6 in a determined area for a bot to hunt down a player when the player is inside that area? im not saying its posible to make a bot that plays APB, im saying its posible to make a bot if we dumb down the missions. this is the idea: i'll pick up this random screenshot i found in the internet: -> the player is forced to come from the side that missle is going to. -> to win the player needs to get to the train -> all the characters you see in the screenshot are IAs with no movement programmed, that will only shoot the player on sight ^is THAT imposible to make? dont misunderstand me, im not saying they should make it, im not saying "LO PLEASE RUN TO MAKE THIS!", im saying its posible to make a PVE mode, NOT with the normal missions we players play, but with customized missions just like GTA, sleeping dogs and saint row has shown us its completely posible to do.
  19. i mean, lately this game has been like: *adds something into the game* *completely unrelated car radar breaks* so yeah, italian code: its all speghetti i mean, its not like there arent lots of PVE coop online server sided games out there... but yeah, if you're talking specifically about APB's servers, those poor hamsters are at their full capacity log in every day - some days its a financial day, some days is a waterfront day (at least in jericho). other than that... use joker tickets? mmmm... make PVE specific missions -> make the objective always spawn somewhat far away from the current position of the player -> 1 objective mission -> if the player attacks, the objective place gets filled with bots. the bots spawns in pre-determined positions, with pretty basic moves programming. once a player shows up, bots shoot at them if they can see them, but doesnt hunt them down. if you're feeling fancy, you can add some programming to let the bots get to any position of the area following a path, so you can have diferent kind of bots (bots with shotguns/SMGs) hunting down the player based on the "last seen position", and other with ntecs/semi autos doing static defense. -> if the player defends, leave the player in a zone. dont let the player leave that zone. make bots squads spawn in predetermined positions, and follow predetermined paths to the area the player needs to defend. if you're feeling fancy add some snipers that are determined to stay in a couple of positions shooting from afar. obiously that would take a lot of time to program, but im just theorizing how a PVE mode could go i dont need to say that a system like this would suffer from the banned's problem: dumb bots shooting like cheaters, moving like bronze players. or dumb bots shooting and moving like bronze players, comming in huge waves. ...you do know that blue/red is NOT a threat level, right?
  20. TheOppositePolarBear


    i think i havent seen any request to remove the STAR or the snub nose. those are pure love
  21. we dont really have much content to go here if you see the game as a "duel" or "fighting" game where you aim at your enemy and try to control the weapon the best way possible, then you're always going to lose. you probably die because you give those golds an easier time shooting at you, or they give you a harder time shooting at them, we need context, we need to see how you move, where you stand, how well you use cover if you use cover at all, at what distance you shoot, etc. etc. etc we could use a video/stream to give you pointers to improve. about mods, try hunting sight 3 as your main mod, it improves the N-TEC by a lot. but yeah, weapon handling is important, but not more important than situational awareness, and basic tactics and strategy.
  22. i want the engine upgrade so we can leave that behind once and for all and start actually changeing the game for good. ...and yes, i voted "new content over engine upgrade" in that old, old G1 poll
  23. if you check my profile you'll see i stopped posting the pictures, but that polar bear hugging the wolf was too perfect for the situation i would absolutely LOVE if everybody started doing it, just to see what happends.
  24. yup, thats why we should revoke the district chat rights of all non-furries. the furry community is a one full of love and compasion, me and Darkzero3802 will fill this community with love and fix everbody's hearts i find that the bronze and silver district got diferent standards for what is a gold in the bronze districts (a bronze-gold) and a gold on a silver district (a silver-gold). i find that silver-silvers equals bronze-golds. thats why bronze-golds are trash as you say, they never get any better than silver, for silver district standards this is our show now zero
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