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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. I haven't seen tracers since the beginning of APB. hope they bring that back and the lighting they had back then or better than it. then I can see and verify..... plus it would just look better
  2. where the freak do you guys find these things rofl down voted for being impressed about the silver cheese picture....
  3. the old forums also said 1.0 which is why i thought it was 1.0 thanks for the link good to know. still a fossil and a lot of work though. I hope so too. they need room to breathe.
  4. where was this posted? edit : I don't know about that yet I was always told on here APB was on 1.0 so perhaps one of the Little Orbit staff or MattScott can say in detail bout this. That way there's no doubts.
  5. And yet people do get carried it happens. Or are some of you calling me a liar saying it doesn't happen to me? And are any of you saying they didn't say on this thread that I deserve to be kicked off of bronze and punished for people carrying me to gold? One person in particular made plenty of posts directing it all at me..... and openly said to say my names to report me for what I didn't even do wrong. There is no reason to punish silvers for being on bronze like people posted on this thread. It's also not ok to accuse me of dethreating for being a silver who gets carried to gold by people at times. Its why I posted what I posted. If I sound defensive then all I can say is I honestly am right now. Who wouldn't be after such treatment on this thread? I'm only human. When matchmaking , threat , objective points and kill points are reworked none of this will be a problem because those are core problems to what we are facing today. No extra colors will help in fact it would only separate the player base even more to where APB just wouldn't work for matches. After the engine upgrade there is bound to be a lot of things worked on and if its as scheduled its two months away.....cant wait.
  6. programming doesn't happen overnight. they have to rebuild parts of APB for 3.5 and make it work. that means getting bugs out so it can run. most games from scratch take 3 years of development to 5 years. having an engine upgrade scheduled by the end of the year isn't bad considering its from 1.0 to 3.5. in case anyone doesn't know.... the people who made the unreal engine 1.0 also have trouble with it. its a complete mess. I forget all the details of what was done. Some of it however was lowering the cost of g1c , reworking the balance of guns , an update to the main site since a new game was added , dealing with a lot of DDoS attacks from haters , A server part went out and they salvaged it as well. Then there's the support tickets that they started to make headway on. Voip went down so they also had to contact that company to get it back up and running. I can't find the updates on what they did or i'd point you to those threads. sorry. I know there was quite a bit more than just this. They have been working there's just a lot to do so the engine time frame is scheduled to be completed to 3.5 by the end of the year of nothing sets them back. Edit : everyone please go easier on the op They weer not here to recover from G1 like we all were. please see it from their view as well..... I mean its kinda like coming out of a coma.... youd still be a kid in a grown up body its pretty traumatizing. Be more gentle and teach them please. And keep in mind I cant find the threads and looked so the o probably couldnt find them either. can someone link them ?
  7. hitting gold from being carried does not equal anything near what you said Twisting your logic to justify bias towards players is just as bad as anyone who intentionally dethreats since you openly say people who don't deserve gold should be screwed over. The threat system is broken and you all know it. Matchmaking is broken and you know that as well. Green district is for new players but with threat broken it screws that up as well. Punishing players to take it out on them over what full blown golds do to you rather than the "fake golds" who got carried to gold , is NOT ok. Not at any time. Abuse is abuse and this is another form of it , only this is directed at silvers for what dethreating golds do. Why would you want to chase people off of APB who are innocent of dethreating? They did no wrong but you want to take it out on them? Shame on you all for that. When threat , matchmaking , the points for objectives , and the points for kills are reworked finally none of the dethreating will be an issue like how it is today. I flat out refuse to be bias towards silvers who are only average on APB. Those average players still lose to bronzes for a reason. Punishing them for not being full gold and tossing them to the wolves is all you guys make it sound like. Thats not a fair match at any time and would only chase more people off of APB and that would be by completely destroying a learning curve.
  8. did you ever go hunting for them and the sound was off to only turn around and see one near your face? That would be creepy for this time of year.
  9. I feel like it is 12 times a day if you include forums, in game, discord, etc. Then there's the "add it to the pile"..... Sincerely though thank you for that. Its a sucky job but there's those of us grateful for you taking care of it. Hopefully people start to understand soon that the threat color and separating people out more will guarantee APB dies. We need a proper matchmaking rework as well as a rework on threat and how points for objectives and points for kills are reworked as well. Then people will have threat based on a true skill rather than this mess we have.
  10. says the one crying and accusing.... Weren't you up to 12 at one point?
  11. First off don't lie about me I teach people how to play where to drive ....anything I can......can you say the same? There's also max rank bronzes.... 1000 hours means nothing. Dethreaters who don't belong in bronze ever cause players like me to go gold when we aren't good enough for it. When matchmaking and threat levels finally get reworked by Little Orbit THEN this will finally not be a problem anymore And no I don't go 10 to 0 I break even normally. if you actually knew ANYTHING about me you would of seen my other posts that clearly say that.
  12. its not an excuse im not a gold if i get carried why should i or others be punished?
  13. i can go gold by many reasons but I've never been able to keep gold. not fair to be mean to me when matchmaking and other such features are reworked/fixed/whatever THEN none of this will be a problem...but not until threat and match making are reworked as well as mission points for objectives or kills and such are reworked as well..... its no small task
  14. that wouldn't do exactly how that says though from how manipulation points and so on already change it. the other threads go into detail as to why.....I'm to busy eating an ice cream cone so meh not about to hunt to quote them.
  15. thats why i said to increase the range/power/whatever of already existing threats such as bronze or green as the skill gap between these threat players is almost non existent. that would still DO NOTHING there re already countless threads on this explaining why please use search or at least try to look for topics before posting a repeat next time
  16. I like this idea . The only thing I would suggest with it is to make it possible that the barricades are used for missions and no one outside the mission can be effected by it. Reasoning is that I can see alot of folks using it to just block up everything for kicks an in the meantime no one would be able to get around. That's able to be done by making it similar to an instance affect where it would apply to the mission and not people in other missions or greys that way. To clarify : does that mean Little Orbit would consider a whole new Midtown to be made to expand APB ? Edit : missed the other post sorry thanks for answering
  17. Disclaimer : not a troll post it really happened History lesson : mid 1990's roughly around 1996 central california Location : Fresno California and surrounding cities Details : Back then the gangs were at war with the police..... they literally had either a rocket launcher or grenade launcher I forget which but the had one of those for sure...... Police locked down city blocks and evacuated residents and went to full blown war APB style with the gangs. The barricades blocked any access to other streets so the gangs couldn't get in or out easily. Eventually it was not the police but the Yakuza who killed all the gangs not locked up in central California (something about the drug trade ) I know this because i lived in Fresno County at the time.... History lesson over...... Now my point.... in a city the way you guys talk - unmovable barricades on streets would work fine in APB like it did back in real life. ATF and freeway cement barricades did the trick just fine for containment. Tunnels can work but so can barricades like mentioned so that not all streets can be used to make the city "alive"
  18. But that IS me! cant be you you're not drunk enough.... you still make sense lol
  19. no one expects it without the engine upgrade. this is more of a to do list really
  20. you try that first..... that much alcohol in his hands no idea how he didn't fall looks fun though Yet you post a load of inflammatory bollocks. If only your IQ was equal to your BMI so you could do more than remember to keep breathing. I choose to spend my money on my children than on toys to play online games, yet you the self-entitled dickhead choose to belittle people 1000% of your genetic value. and you don't post at all unless you contradict yourself sigh
  21. APB always had more people when they could sounds good to me
  22. do i get a ship captains hat update with it? edit : marked down for wanting a ships captain hat now too? you guys hate me for any excuse rofl
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