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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. which is exactly why it was mentioned for racing , we might want to rebuild the racing districts for racing.
  2. golds in bronze are either dethreaters who are exploiting to troll bronzes or silvers who are not good enough to play against golds who can possibly go gold from being in bronze normally there's 2 to 3 full districts in Jericho server among all the players and that's counting all districts. While it may look like we can just toss golds in gold district some of them are only silvers who either became gold from matchmaking being broken , being carried to gold status , a silver who is borderline gold from being in bronze but can probably become bronze from not being good enough to play golds , or dethreaters who definitely shouldn't be in bronze until matchmaking is fixed to represent a players true skills then threat will highly not be accurate of a players true skill. what if you turn gold from being carried? That wouldn't be fair to toss you in gold district just like that. Also most of the time there are not enough golds on to be in gold district which is why golds go to silver and silvers get forced into bronze. Little Orbit mentioned plans for fixing matchmaking but I do not recall where the thread is to link it to you. until matchmaking is fixed , it is not a good idea to force golds to gold district because some are not real golds they are only silvers who shouldn't be gold but matchmaking is broken.
  3. not before the engine upgrade to 4.whatchamacalit current engine couldnt handle any of this to begin with could it? damn let me dream a good dream geez lol
  4. why is this in Guides, Tips and Strategy when its a Game & Forum Suggestions thread? anyways its been answered before how there isn't enough player base to pull that off also not all golds would have gold normally in gold district especially with how mission objectives can get more points than kills matchmaking and mission points need to be reworked to show a players true skill which is what Little Orbit is planning to work on after the Engine Upgrade Until then however segregating players would only make us lose more playerbase and would not be a good idea have you actually played in silver? not as many golds as you think if a gold dethreats and makes a bronze get carried to silver threat then should he be forced to play in silver? gotta be fair about this
  5. a racing district can have car speeds adjusted though.
  6. costs too much to rename a game that doesn't change.... bad pr from a new name but same game.... no thank you its bad to do
  7. ......................... Wheel char racing ............
  8. To clarify : I am not saying a sale would be bad. But I am saying we did just have a sale and also that Little Orbit adjusted the cost of G1C permanently to be 20% off. Some thing on ARMAS were also adjusted but I have no idea if all of them were As for if they have a Christmas sale : I do not know yet if they will or not , and given that this last sale even they did not know if they would have a sale or not , then its anyone's guess Either way Merry Christmas and Happy New Years
  9. we just had one....... g1c is a permanent 20% off now as well and i believe armas had price adjustments already ..... so isn't that better than a sale?
  10. so many threads popping up when they already announced sigh still better than silver got killed so they must be cheating piles though
  11. I was planning on buying a new char slot just to play on han then they merged meh maybe I'll buy one so I can play on citadel then
  12. Not my fault you make it sound wrong. And even then who wants regular cash when ram raiding and arrests does better? Also learning from the past is always important. Past events are always important to pay attention to. “Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.” ― Edmund Burke And finally it was stated how rewards will be announced later so chill please I don't want my snow melting
  13. *Gropes Bellenettiel* districts used to be 100 *shrugs* I did not see any rewards announced for this event yet. plus with the autumn event the joker tickets were in so high of demand that not everyone could get the skin. Adding any g1c to that formula would only make things worse than the autumn event. some of us were discouraged from playing the autumn event because we knew how it would turn out from the past over the years and adding g1c to that would definitely make things worse not better agreed. that's also why I'm so grateful for them taking the time to do this for us even though they are so busy. I hope we didn't set the engine back from wanting new events so much but at the same time we definitely need some new fun after so many years of the same things....torn between the two.
  14. few questions how long have you played APB what server do you play what is the ping you have on that server what weapons were used were they low ranks or high ranks
  15. Its an addiction there are no options only APB Once you are addicted you cant hide you cant run away Only the sweet bliss of making the town red
  16. APB is an addiction. Doesn't matter if we have Battleeye or if something better comes out for us. We all know we have been here all these years because that APB addiction is in our veins. .... And we love it for that
  17. add his npc to APB ? he sounds like he would fit just fine lol
  18. but of course edit : I cant think of one single person who wouldn't be welcome
  19. make pancakes? Edit : Downvote? pancake hater
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