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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. i bet the censor bar is left over from everyone running around nekkid from that glitch back in the day
  2. Better idea : make them date one of your cousins.... theyre basket cases and its a far more cruel idea than any ban
  3. This is what I am waiting on and also sounds like the best possible choice we can make
  4. agreed. blizzard gives a warning from 24 hours in advance up to maintenance beginning , and because of it new players see the announcement and no one is left in the dark.
  5. so we need more stripper poles.... ok (saints row logic) btw realized we are off topic oops.... if a troll does it during a match then probably "not much" will happen but if he keeps doing it then possibility odds rise depending on the infractions will determine as well what happens to him.
  6. its not a brand that says it wishes to do good for the players when it is a belief that lives to do good for the players my personal summary and outtake of what MattScott was saying
  7. hmm ok thats odd his post showed it differently. ok thanks
  8. Fortune Runner

    revert shotguns

    latency isnt the only factor either though. An example is i get 60 fps average and others get 20. If they have that low of of fps they are actually not running smoothly from lag ( a hang) on their system. because of that those people would see something like this happen while others do not. Also with all the DDoS attacks from the haters who have banana envy towards APB , this could happen as well. As i stated , in my case this has not been happening , so I'm trying to figure out why its being said to happen to others and what could be causing it.
  9. maybe for yesterday dunno about today either a week or two ago when i was sick it was around 1200 to 1300 from what someone showed on the forums it fluctuates
  10. Fortune Runner

    revert shotguns

    has not happened to me giving or receiving. did you have lag?
  11. tell that to the guy who blocked the car spawn with a trash truck
  12. is the talon more powerful than the others at a closer range like some guns do of equal type?
  13. Number 1 Increase the Cash gain from Missions! My idea instead : special event for better cash gains and/or event like drug mule for a bigger cash flow. Number 2 Removed Rank Restrictions on Mods,Vehicles etc, my idea : no current opinion or ideas Number 3 Remove all unnecessary costs. my idea : see #1 but also an event to have a week or two of no ammo costs would be interesting but that's if it can be coded easily enough with no bugs or other drawbacks Number 4 Weapon balance doesn't have to be perfect, but it should be fun. my idea ; can not be currently done properly and other things that should be done first like finishing the engine upgrade. these current major issues are difficult as well as time consuming so its one or the other other ideas : random package pick ups to turn into contacts - dynamic event to where you just grab it and turn it in if you find it. you're not the only enf or crim in the city youre just the "official" ones if they "lose it" then it appears so just turn it in. their loss is your gain sort of story king of the kill zone event. - time alive and in charge gives cash as long as opp req is met - phasing event sort of thing. certain map parts like near justin teng where that art center is can be edited for a race track like how beacon was. doesnt have to be anything spectacular just need checkpoints n such use the bridge and lap the art center would work. would need a car physics edit so that APB would allow you to re flip your car over though. other persons ideas : witch queen video had a dump truck duel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_r9rUb7d10
  14. When has it ever been sober? did i miss it? I thought the party kept going and kept on too...its why im still here lol
  15. I never said you were cheating GhosT. I did say you were making yourself sound that way. I did word to say "if it were true" to make sure it was worded to clearly show i was not accusing. Damn you two jump too easily at shadows scardy cats Edit " BTW fried pickles are awesome I recommend them - eating them right now
  16. That is your opinion and that is posted in ToS as not allowed under the hacking and tampering clauses. You seem to be confessing to being a cheater. If that is true then I feel bad for you. You would never get he real satisfaction from accomplishing anything with honest gain.
  17. I see no reason to believe you then. Besides what game company would ever say "its ok to hack our files" you dont sound legit at all
  18. Ive never seen any post from MattScott or Little orbit staff saying that editing APB files was ever allowed. Link the posts please.
  19. Tampering with files in itself is against ToS Using the advanced launcher is not currently against ToS
  20. Not Little Orbits fault on merger problems. I use the regular launcher and headphones and hear people just fine so long as no ones yelling in my ear.
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