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Everything posted by Ellix

  1. 255 gold in bronze district. Trying hard to ruin your fun
  2. Just a curious question where are our players and forum users are from and what do you do in your life? I'm personally originally from Belarus and I now live in Israel. 23 years old (24 in March). My name is Nikita aka Nick Currently working in an electronics retail in packaging and logistics. Studying in a academic prep school and aiming towards either coding/ app development or architecture... In my free time working on some game dev projects (Including making a fan made map for APB and some VR content) Playing APB since 2012 and addicted to this game My hobbies also include other video games, VR, anime ,parkour ,graffiti and blazing some 420 Nice to meet you all!
  3. Right now your best choice is just to grab Clotting Agent and be good. But what if we gave Kevlar users a chance and buff the mod a bit so it will be used more. If so in which way would you change this modification? Personally I think Kevlar users should be a tiny bit faster. The health buff that the mod provides doesn't guarantee that you will dodge the second/third shot that was supposed to be absorbed and instead you are just like a sitting duck. Please discuss....
  4. I remember seing your stuff. Good artrist! Happy to see you're still alive
  5. New version of 3D model on Sketchfab Today while running again around the map I realized there should be much more cover I really see snipers benefiting from some spots too much.. Some more rework needed
  6. THIS IS JUST A PREVIEW Midtown preview on Unity engine. This was done just for test All thanks to @BrandonBranderson!! More coming soon...
  7. In retrospect this year been kinda fun...
  8. What happens if you drag in assets from my map into UDK for example - The buildings are there - you can setup collision but there are many lighting issues that still need fixing. So drag and drop works - Just nothing really interesting comes out of it..
  9. Initially I planned this as a fan project. All I wanted was to try and make something that can be used in APB. I had no idea what to do but wanted to try myself in level design. With no knowledge of any kind of 3D modeling software I tried what seemed like an easy one which was Sketchup. My goal was to make a fan made content - when I started it I had no idea if something made by me can actually be used but I hoped that if it's 3D - that can work The pipeline is more clear now and it seems like you can use the assets but still not tested in APB engine. Right now I'm still positive about just giving out the map to the devs so they can import it. But I'm soon running towards another issue which Sketchup - My subscription is running out and I don't know if I will renew it or not. It all depends of weather there is a point in keeping on working on the map. Actually I would really love the devs to pay for my licenses if this turns out to be something thay're willing to import into the game but right now this idea still seems to be something far.. I guess my main goal was to learn a bit of level design and actually finish a big project in my life which I never seem to do. (I have so much under-worked content in my portfolio that I would love to develop more). But I guess in the end even if it's not meant to be in APB I still got a lot of experience from doing it Hope I answered your question
  10. Please don't copy paste All rights reserved Nah but seriously if that would be so easy...
  11. Sorry Kelly but Midtown is fixed place in San Paro No beach district nearby
  12. Hi! So not so long ago I posted a thread about my project here on social forums but it got moved to creations pretty quickly. This is a discussion thread about my project about making a new district for APB:Reloaded. It's been in works since 2015 and now at a pretty good state to say that it's almost comeplete. If you'd like to check the details about it please click the image above or this link.. I would like to discuss few things about it with you guys. I know a lot of you are players of the game! Some of you may not be playing at all anymore but you still visit the forums! Anyways if you stumbled upon this thread and you like APB I really would like to hear your opinions on the subject. The project already been aweknowlaged by @MattScott and he said that there is a chance that the map can be used in case there will be some more people playing the game.. Anyways I'd like to hear the forum's community opinion on this: 1. Do you really think this project is worth working on in general 2. (If you don't play anymore ) Would you return to the game with a release of a new action district/ new map. 3. What would your ideal mode for a new map as big as Financial would be? --- Also I'm looking for some people to help me.. It's been very hard to work on it alone and although I got some help from @BrandonBranderson and @Queen of Love I still need help from dedicated people.. I got the same issue with the lightmaps while importing to UE3.5 (UDK) that Matt mentioned in one of the posts about the engine update.. If somebody is femiliar with this feeld I need help. Also if anyone of you want to help the cause by designing contacts for Red Rain and SPPD as well as symbols/graffiti.. Maybe anyone with some sick 3D skills can help detail the map even more.. This project needs your help! --- I've made a small poll about few things I'd like to know. And again! Thanks for everyone who's been supporting this project so far Thanks! -Nick
  13. Uploaded a new model view here so you may spot some of the changes done so far
  14. Just needs an update I think.. I haven't been working on the project lately. Just in a phase of my life when I don't have too much time or enenergy to waste on it anymore. I wish I had more help to finish that thing.. In general I do have some helpers. Brandon and QueenOfLove been helping with some parts of it. But what I would like to have are some dedicated people to help me finish some stuff.. It requires texture design and some unreal engine knowlage/ other methods of randering ingame enviropemebts. Everything so far looks good on paper but the project already has a need for proper scale model where you can emulate APB's physics. Just something that will look good and will have some common weapons with physics.. Or the easiest way would be to import the assets to APB's new engine which is still in works.. I just hope I will have some progress to show soon but so far I've just been fixing some spots on map that felt like in need of rework. Many of those changes are done just on paper in my free time and not are not yet on the map.Just need some free time to model them. Right now I reworked on the containers area (Ferrit Industries) to add some more spice and sketching new placements in the big werehouse area (Benington Storage). I also do have the graffiti from APB files but we do need an artrist for Red Rain and SPPD bunch.Speaking of which if some of you can fetch some contact designs for those just post them here At this point I'm not even sure the project will be out by 2021or even at all. Still waiting on some sort of confirmation from LO that this can work. But overall from the last test I'm confident that it's at least possible with Udk3.5 ... Anyways thanks to everyone who helped me with this project so far and supported it. Couldn't do it without you Stay tuned. Maybe something nice will come out soon
  15. Another thing to add post engine update. Which by the way will break any sort of changes you will try to make before that.
  16. At this rate premium might as well be a pernament feature I personally think the game will be better at this state. Don't know how about your income LO..
  17. Game gone trought 3rd or 4th anticheat already. It's not supposed to be a question. They Are trying
  18. Been trying to fetch some names for district's blocks and streets. Some of them were listed in the lore but some of them are brand new names (I'm not that good with those) Everything is a subject to change..
  19. Just a quick view of what has been done to the roads and some buildings...
  20. Update what's been going on with the project I've been fixing the roads to be a bit more slicker and the right sizes as are ingame (Waterfront taken for reference) Small roads been cut by 3-4 meters to be 7.5m wide Big roads got a cut by 2-3 meters from 22.3 to 19m That also meant some of the buildings had to be moved or scaled accordingly. Some spots got a bit more sidewalk space and some buildings had been stretched but overall the district has the same size overall... The colors of blocks mean this time: Red - Road (Not all of it accessible) Beige - Ready blocks that require placing of new models (As well as doors and windows) Pink - Buildings that need some change or be remodeled completely *mostly due too open space* Green - Outer bounds of the districts (We still need a bit of moving and stretching here) Blue - Ready buildings with new models and windows/doors placed Yellow - Single chunk of asphalt (road) Here is a reference of the old road setup: So what's left modeling wise it to edit the outer bounds and put everything together After that I can start placing new models and working on doors and windows...
  21. It was a sneaky way of putting a video next to a thank you latter. Nothing special No need to move I enjoyed the video and more I enjoy that people are coming back to this game. We need some old blood here as well as new players
  22. Imagine all this beauty on the new engine with sharper graphics Btw please try showcasing some of this stuff in the beta
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