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Everything posted by Thelnformer

  1. IR3 is plain bad... The extra bloom isnt worth it. ATAC shines around 30m,you could literally go full auto n hit 99% of bullets without IR3 in it..
  2. I dunno...... what should i buy? Account bound of some stuffs that are not account bound !
  3. Ace_R is actually a DAMN NICE weapon, Ace_S is crap though ! Ace-R is SMG and is a rifle, you get almost no accuracy lose running around shooting outside MM and you get damn good accuracy in MM. Im ACE_R user and been using it for like really long time, you can actually out hit avg+ ntec user at 30-40m with ACE_R if you tap fire really quick. You wont loose any accuracy + you will be shooting fast n moving around... I use Mob sling+Extnd 2 and it works wonders !
  4. Well i asked Lixil about the gif spam n she said any player can do that as long as its not something thats against the forum rules... And well i hate gifs and i like colors, hence the colored posts.. Well this isnt old forums or the old team... New team New rules MUCH BETTA The purple thing was by Will0w n bunch of copy cats... Me? I use almost all colors, mostly violet or green, the other colors are hard on eyes ! Also lets stop talking about me n colors n lets move with the actual TOPIC please. Thanks
  5. LOL... Problem Fixed... Move along kids... We got a badass here
  6. You will miss them once they are gone,thats all i can say. Those guys add something to the game and its simply not replaceable , i know those are annoying and i dunno know how many times have i got because some civilian ran infront n ate my sniper shot !
  7. https://forums.gamersfirst.com/discover/6/ Its placed literally on top and yet you are some how missing it ?! [ top right corner, under search bar you will see your profile name, under that you can see Admin tracker, FB icon, Twitter icon and Twitch icon]
  8. Removing walkers would be bad 1) Cannot mug 2) No more a living world 3) We are not playing zombie apocalypse , we are playing in a living breathing [cough] city. 4) Also this would make the game much more dull !
  9. It doesn't seem to be hard to read on Mobile! Even on the violet background it seems to be fine ! Also please, lets move on with the TOPIC rather than talking it about me [If anybody is wondering, NO I AM NOT Will0w]. The only thing that annoys a mobile reader is pics or gifs , that will stretch beyond the sides and makes it hard to scroll !
  10. I like purple.If you wish to get replied in another color/normal color, please shoot me a PM. Some people like using gifs, i like using colors I hope im not annoying you
  11. Wouldnt it be that HARD for a post from Lixil saying that " Some players might get their characters locked when they exit districts and this will get the character locked in that particular district leading 41 players on a side instead of fixed 40 " If there is an issue,there are 100 ways to solve it. Also i dont think people might be looking at district selection screen every 2mins ! I cant say anything about SPCT as i was part of SPCT only for 2 days... I joined SPCT and i made a fight with an old forum mod [Ringman], the bloody sucker forum banned me. At the time i could do anything as i tried to help the game n i got false buttr***d by a random forum mod. I contacted support n they said they will look into it, i waited a few days and then made another forum account n forgot about SPCT... when i checked back again, i was unbanned but removed from SPCT !
  12. Eh ! How would i know? Who am i to answer that?! Also [from past experiences] Nhvr isnt broken its just situational and borderline OP. Its not bugged also Yukon nor Nhvr will be removed from the game. Also you wont be refunded for anything you bought. Because you paid for a service and it was delivered at the time of purchase... Also, your buttiful sniper will still be around, maybe fixed from 990 850 dmg to 800 or something [this is JUST MY-MINE n MINE ALONE guess]
  13. Nobody will know if an admin is around unless the GM speaks in chat , also they can go invisible , teleport around and teleport players [G1 GMs could do that].... Also yes, visible presence of an ADMIN will make most players behave better in every aspect. This would be great idea, the player can express their concerns to player GMs and these GMs could then talk with CM or LO Staff and hopefully get it fixed or solved because obviously these GMs will have direct connection to Staff than the rest of us ! This is APBR community we are talking about, looking back at the OLD SPCM [which i was part of] , most of SPCM abused their powers. I simply hope that the same thing doesnt happen again here.
  14. Some people are just MEH at the best... If it gets removed, what about the people who spent money on armas? Will they get their money back? What about the LUCK FACTOR? How can you compensate somebody for their luck?
  15. Ah... maybe the down vote the OP squad isnt here yet cuz im not seeing any down votes on the OP ! The stupid bug should be FIXed , its goddamn annoying to face Yukon in cqc !
  16. It seems nobody is disagreeing with you because you are damn RIGHT about this. A BUG that became a feature !
  17. Colorfully Annoying [if colors are allowed then i want it in purple]
  18. Damn i never thought of it... I always wondered why some R200+ players use noobcar... Now i finally found the ANSWER PRAISE BE TO YOU
  19. Neither.... The only reason im being nice is because i already got a soft warning from Lixil for raging on another guy on a thread i posted a few days back... [ So...i really really dont want another one].... This is why nobody is nice to you ,whenever someone is nice to you [due to different reasons], you JUST cant accept that someone is being nice to you, you try to find a negative/bad reason to explain why someone is being good to you. Maybe learn to enjoy the little things you get in your life, then you might feel a lot better. If you have any question regarding how i am acting post or replying, shoot me a PM instead of derailing the thread... If you wondering about the color part, some people like using GIFS, i like using colors. Thats it ! If you are hating this colored format, then by all means shoot me a PM and i wont use colors when replying to you ! Also scrap that "VET"part, nobody gives a flying poop about how long you played the game or how much money you spent on this game. There are better players than you, Its just that they are MUCH MUCH better than you. My dear princess, just understand that n move along n any player who is better than you IS NOT A CHEATER. Also pretty sure someone is butthurt n down voting random posts from me.... If you are reading this, then understand that i simply dont give a crap about a random green number under my name. If you think down voting bunch of posts will "SHOW ME" <something> then by all means keep on doing it ! [YOU as in whoever is downvoting] Please dont tell anyone :l , i will be nice to you
  20. Being a VET DOESNT MEAN there cant be someone who is better than you. Please stop thinking that the world revolves under you ... I have had missions where i did 30-40 kills with less than 5 deaths, and at the same time i have had several 0-4 / 0-7 missions..... Not everyone who does better than you is a cheater
  21. True...It might be a problem but then again, we can hope that no player of those kind will ever get to be TGM or pass GM test. I think support staff might have DEV tag [there used to be DEV tag in this game].Well Lixil is Lixil n everyone knows her name. Lets just agree to disagree n hope no TGM turns out to be a BAD SEED ! Lets see where this leads us, maybe this might turn out to be good...maybe not, but as of now i trust Lixil n her ability to weedout the bad seeds !
  22. Lets not derail the thread with other stuff, i wasnt talking about having TGM tag... I was asking why do we need to differentiate between LO Staff GMs and Player GMs who have passed the GM test, since both will have the same player.... TGMs once passed their tests gets promoted to GM, why do we need to segregate them into PLAYER GM n STAFF GM [after the promotion]
  23. I have the same thing, getting kicked for DISALLOWED PROGRAM #0 ...........
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