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Everything posted by Darkzero3802

  1. We tried segregation. It lead to the dethreating problem we have now. This wont change without LO enforcing TOS and a threat rework You cant get out of the trainee district till lvl 50 anymore. Its impossible to have that happen. You can buy all of the stuff in the JT store now unlike in the past. Play and get JT and you can get all that stuff Long story short. Stuff has been tried and the community has repetedly been toxic and done everything to circumvent the changes to continue killing off the game and the devs dont care enough to clean up the game
  2. 1. The community actually needs to give enough of a shit to be nice 2. LO needs to enforce the TOS and care about the game enough to do their job
  3. The best thing to do is to fix the servers and hitreg
  4. Im on as we speak. I had said match where I couldnt kick cause the one of my team didnt want his afk friend kicked. We lost that game cause he threw it to protect his afk friend. and yes I have seen many times over the last month where team lead makes someone get a demerit and kicks em. Its still actively going on to this day. And yes that win bonus is more then enough to prevent a demerit in threat. You can have the match of your life and cause the other team won and had more points they get the threat up. The system needs work. Still.
  5. Back in the day the team lead could kick as pleased. But that was abused as if the lead didnt like your threat, gun or rank you were insta kicked and there was no team lead request option. Leader was leader and that was final. Then they added the feature to vote for lead. This was a step in the right direction but has been abused cause if you have a group and they want lead. Well one calls a vote and majority say yes and kicks happen. Then they added the requirement that one must receive a demerit before one can be kicked. If team lead dont like how your performing or your threat they purposely give you a demerit and kick you if they again dont like your threat, rank or if your doing poorly in the match. I have also seen instances where someone is afk in a match but you cant kick them cause their friends are in the match. They rather throw the match then kick their friend and have an active player. At the end of the day each change to prevent the problem the APB playerbase has purposely gone around to continue the toxic behavior. So long as the community choses to remain so toxic no form of team lead and kicks will resolve the problem.
  6. Your not far off where my thoughts were on this. I agree with the green removal, nobody is a green and the few who are dethreated to get it. 50v50 would be a bare minimum for a district size for the new matchmaking to function half decently. It should be higher and yes it should be on new servers and not the potato it currently runs on. But one thing they need to do is to optimize the game. This whole unoptimized mess is just that. A mess. It doesnt serve anything but to make life harder for everyone. An optimized game runs better and we all want APB to run well. A reset is mandatory for threat as this completely removes the dethreating mess that has ruined matchmaking. They also need to actively enforce the TOS and to stop tolerating cheaters. If they continue to have a high tolerance and half patootie anti cheat its just going to skewer it. They need to change up from threating up and down from highly based off wins and losses to a point range. This many points dethreats, this many points is silver and this many is gold. Obv make wins and losses mean something but dont make it the main factor in threat. If teams are stacked on one side its not a fair asessment, nor is not including K/D. Ive seen matches where the top losing team was a K/D of 3 and its a threat down cause they lost cause the rest of th team got stomped. I get where your going with the soft reset but idk how effective that would be given the sheer number of hackers in APB. If done right yea I can see it weeding out inactive accounts but if abused it could be what threat is now. A complete and total waste of time that is rather poor at showing someones skill level. But to add on LO should put out steam achievements. Get bronze threat, silver, gold.
  7. It doesnt reduce the pool of players if theres no pool to begin with lol. LO didnt take that into account. You have a district that has a small 40v40 max. This is way too small to properly matchmake off of especially when the amount of a certain threat varies due to there being no segregation. One side may have 15 silvers while the other only half that. Not only will there be a long wait but matches will be imbalanced. Districts need to be at a bare minimum 50v50 and some sort of threat segregation. The current threat system has been completely destroyed beyond repair thanks to dethreaters and cheaters and needs a complete overhaul and fresh start. What is currently in place cant be salvaged.
  8. You fail to see sarcasm. We all know the in game report system doesnt actually do anything and is a waste of time
  9. If only the report feature acutally meant anything. You could report them for griefing and they would get in trouble for not following TOS.
  10. I have SP3 on afew of my Jerichos. Much more speed (even with SP3), more hp. I love my pio but once again after the armor nerf its been put in the ground. You used to see pios all over the place but you really dont see many of them now.
  11. When they first made the change it was HEAVILY based off of non existent hitreg and botters. You cant base such a change off of such flawed stats. You still cant make that change cause between then and now hitreg still doesnt exist unless you use an aimbot and botters are in even larger numbers since the unban wave.
  12. More then likely we will see halloween in about 2-3 weeks. For some reason LO loves to run the event after halloween has passed and not during spooky season itself.
  13. Not bad. But why are we trying to make longer range weapons good at close range? Shotties have been useless for years with the absent hitreg and SMGs all but dominating close range. A 3-4 shot PMG will kill a shottie user well before they can get the 2nd shot off. Shotties are meant to be dominant at close range due to said pellets and outside of that you have problems. Shotties currently dont have a place where trhey are a viable choice and that needs to be changed for balance sake.
  14. Ive had quite afew times where my Jericho has tanked more then my Pioneer since the car rework. Nitro is timed and all cars have it (if equipped but 99.99% of us equip it by default) so thats negated, fast cars still get to destination first so the slower team is automatically at a disadvantage. You can equip steel plating and there you go you have more speed then a pio and the armor. There are plenty of cars out there that can seat 4 and have more speed then the pio. Car armor dont mean much nowadays since not as many ppl run as there used to be. Biggest reason for car armor is halloween and even then the faster cars do alot better at surviving cause they can run fast and menuver better. If car surfing was a thing during the event like back when the event was at its prime ok pio. But thats not the case anymore. As for cargo space you dont put all you eggs in one basket. The mission where you have to pick up 50 objects isnt that common so storage space isnt a top priority. And even so a cargo van or pickup yields some good cargo space and speed. Armor is on the lower side but if you can hightail it before the other team can get their cars youve gotten the obj done. Speed is the #1 thing in a car and after that you can pick and choose what you want more. With this new car being buffed it now rivals the 4x4 and can seat 4. The only thing faster is the non 4x4 vegas so the pio while once a top choice isnt so high on the order anymore.
  15. The Pioneer was put 6 feet under when they nerfed the armor on it. Yea its big but other cars can actually take more now then what was suppsoed to be the beefiest car in the game. That was its calling card, slow but armored. Now its just slow and in a game of who gets there first has advantage the slowness of the Pioneer is a big detriment. I understand the changes to reduce car gameplay but the speed was never increased to make up for the armor loss. Its just a giant target that can easily be shredded.
  16. Cheaters and hackers have run rampant in APB for a decade + and unfortunately Matt and LO have a high tolerance for them. There have been many calls for transparency as to what LO does to ban them and prove they are actually doing something but these calls are constantly ignored as is for them to adopt a 0 tolerance policy and step up.
  17. We do that my pressuring LO to stop tolerating hackers and adopt a 0 tolerance policy. Oh and get GMs who actually care about the game.
  18. And thats a community problem. Ive brought that up many times over the years and ppl just shat all over it cause they prefer dethreating and forcing new players away so the playerbase remains low. Everyone here wants everyone to behave yet not a single vet is willing to actually do what they say to make the game better. LO is also partly to blame cause they tolerate it along with cheaters. But it primarily falls on the playerbase for being nothing but tryhards. You want the game to have more players and be fun? It starts with you and your actions
  19. Hey Mack I think you need to take a break from the game. Youve really been going into left field and this is the furthest yet. No the vegas doesnt need a nerf, other cars need a buff. You know as well as anyone that trolling has been a part of the game since the beginning and that wont change.
  20. So you just buffed one of the most broken weapons in the game. Im sorry but what special person thought this was a good idea given the hisory of abuse this sniper has. You are just asking for people to use this at point blank range then insta kill with a .45 or a perc nade. Once again this has been abused in this exact way since forever and god forbid a botter uses one.
  21. Well 2v2 still happens frequently and with the new matchmaking the teams are even worsely balanced then before. Just came out of a 4v4 with 3 golds, one gold blatent botter (who wont get banned cause LO tolerates cheating) and on my team 1 gold and 3 silvers. This game was an insta loss the moment mm made it. The blatent botter was just an exclamation point to how poor mm is and a middle finger. LO needs better servers and larger districs for better mm quality. Which they should have done before rolling out these changes
  22. Well guess what. I get 2v2 roughly 80% of the time and that imbalance issue is still the same problem wether 2v2 or 3v3. MM doesnt seem to take threat into account as if it did the side with less threat should have an extra player (of same lower threat) to compensate for the lesser threat. Also remember when 1v1 wasnt possible yet routinely happened?
  23. How APB is setup yea, but the code is also a problem lets not try to deny that fact as if the code was solid dethreating wouldnt of destroyed the threat system as it has
  24. Playing another hundred matches or so I can def say that games are more imbalanced now then they were before. You get any sort of 2v2 where one side has a player with a threat lower you cant call backup to even it out. You can only requesrt escalation and if the other side doesnt agree to it you remain at a disadvantage and pretty much have a guaranteed loss. A silver and gold vs 2 silvers. 2 silvers vs a silver and bronze. These are imbalanced matches that you cant call backup on to balance them out. If its mismatched like that there should be a 3rd silver or bronze on the imbalanced side to even it out.
  25. Hey Mack weve been wanting new contacts for a decade. If this game had proper support our max rank would be in the 300s or 400s by now. The problem is that LO has a tolerance for hackers and gms with the inability to do anything (and chose not to as well). Any game needs frequent new content if it is to remain with a population and this is APBs first new content in over a decade. What we need is a new district for new gameplay outright, not to mention LO actually adopting a 0 tolerance policy.
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