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Everything posted by MartisLTU

  1. I don't fully understand, but i think hes mad about ban for talking dirty in stream ? ... Tho ya should know that streamers gets banned even for less. Example streamer got banned for telling opinion about gender - that there is only 2 genders (male and female) in this world. Poof banned.
  2. “Oh I doubt that. Give us common folk one taste of power and we’re like the lion who tasted man – nothing is ever so sweet again” – Lord Varys
  3. Playing "vanilla" since start .. 2012-13. Never had any problems tho my PC is potato. Personally i would ban everyone who edits online game files.
  4. Would be nice if APB wont count premium time when you are offline. Usually when i get premium and i'm ready to grind, some one ruins my plans and i don't play for month ... karma lmao. But yeah its the reason why i don't buy premium anymore,,,
  5. Depends ... how often you are using Nitro, mobile spawn or detonator ? If you almost never use them ... when i would say go for FIREBOMB sure time to time it doesn't work, but if you master it ... you may have alot of fun.
  6. Hmm... same old event and only tittles as rewards. Cant blame ... after all "LO" working on RIOT. So yeah ... thanks for event.
  7. US minimum wage per hour 7,25 USD ( 6.43 EUR) ... Lithuania minimum wage per hour 3.39 EUR ( 3.81 USD). Wish i was born in US ...
  8. Hell .. i even consider my own country as part of 3rd world ( Lithuania ).
  9. Hmm ... Lets see: old game without any new content. With bad performance, poor servers and reroll cheaters. In EU server we have 500-600 pop. more than half of them are from 3rd world countries. Which means most of APB players cant afford to buy cool PC or all new games they want. USA ppl. ussaly can afford nice PC and all new games they want... And new games coming out all the time. So my guess is that rich players finally got tired of APB or they found better games. Soon we will see some new games ( rage 2, borderlands 3, cyberpunk 2077 etc.). so pop. should get even lower.
  10. lel not everyone use forums ... and when they do, we get same old topics, due to same old problems. (Cant blame ppl. otherwise forum would be empty cuz pretty much all topic are talked over and over again)
  11. I see some ppl. talks about report option ... man its useless. Support will take 2-3 monts to read your letter and another 2-3 months to investigate... 4-6 months to ban cheater which rerolls in 3-5 mins. I play in FC. every day for years now ... and when some one makes +50+60 kills its already little bit suspicious. But okay... okay maybe i dont know how to play... but when some one makes +80+90+100 kills and only 15 - 20 deaths score in full gold FC. Cmon ... how they dont get instantly banned.
  12. People complains all the time ... you have to learn to - not read mean messages. True ... ATAC have bad history due to G1 fault. (G1 use to manipulate players by making some weapons op/ez just to increase purchise at armas).
  13. Yes .. i have same thing, tho i didin't used discord. What i did was listening music at Youtube while playing APB true steam.
  14. Yes yes APB is great game ... hope it will be even better.
  15. Dunno, tho i know that some options like removing muzzle flash and smoke are not allowed .... whole Advanced launcher more or less can flag BE so there is risk. Tho if you have good/decent PC i don't get it, why you even need to use Advanced launcher at all..
  16. This is why i was saying: *Add few open conflict dists. so ppl. still could group up with different threat friends. And yes ofc making gold threat to reach harder would be good change too.
  17. Well i give 2 options not just locking districts. Tho if players leaved APB just because district lock ... its little bit suspicion. Because players always were sad about bad matchmaking and tons of dethreaters. And when G1 dropped district lock to save all those poor players and increase performance of matchmaking "500 players leaved in a month". Well it makes me think that those who leaved, were dethreaters and they simple wasn't able to deal vs same threat/skills players as they were. (Also we cant blame district lock alone ... ppl. leaved APB cuz of cheaters and performance)
  18. ohh... i think its time to download all P**N. Till i can
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