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Everything posted by Flylow

  1. I mean, it's cheap and all but why are you all wasting time on making presents? One of the main appeals of this game is being able to make your character look however you want. People don't want presents, they want more base clothing to design themselves. If someone really wanted to they could just make the design themselves and slap it on anything without paying any g1c. Please actually put work into new cosmetics next time instead of pumping out stuff that can already be made by the players in game. It's just lazy.
  2. Feelsbadman, I'm an OBT only pleb. Why live.
  3. I mean the game was hardly ever p2w. But yea, this stops the braindead idiots that never played the game from using it as an argument.
  4. I mean we can use what ifs all you want but LO said they "built it from the ground up". I doubt anyone would even think of the other weapons since LO decided to put that part in (which they just took an old model anyways so didn't really build it from the ground up lol).
  5. Are you on drugs rn? Because only someone toking it up would say something so stupid.
  6. Wow so much more done already in just a few months than G1 did in years. Great stuff.
  7. Probably not free but I think they should allow you to buy customization perks for a cheaper price, I don't care about money and exp, I just want to customize and don't want to open rng boxes nor pay 15$ just to customize.
  8. Fuck no dude, I don't care for the gameplay to be slowed down. Especially when this game has actual boxes as hit boxes and no headshots there is no reason to change anything.
  9. Ok cool, it stays exactly how it was with G1. I remember making a nazi uniform without the swastika years ago and had no issues then, good to know I won't have any now. Wow these look sick, way better than the ones I had made lol.
  10. Hope we are still allowed to mail, or they can just make them account bound, would be nice.
  11. Well it doesn't happen when I use the advanced launcher lol.
  12. z87 pro with i7 4770k 1070 16gb ram not running on an ssd though but every other game runs fine sooo.
  13. I hope they plan on making sure it's not triggered by battleye sooner rather than later.
  14. Well shiettt, guess I won't be playing if we can't used Advanced launcher anymore. Game stutters like crazy for me without it.
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