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  1. Great job! Thanks for putting in the time and effort to make this.
  2. Oh thanks for the clarification, I didn't read it properly
  3. Some of us (me included) have been waiting for months to get a reply, you'll have to be patient as there's about 70k+ tickets at the moment.
  4. YES I will add that to the original post, brilliant idea!
  5. Bad idea? or can nobody be bothered to reply? haha
  6. Not sure if this has been suggested before but having one single button to clear all mods from a weapon would be much nicer than having to clear each mod slot individually. Mod presets which you can save as loadouts would also be great. (suggested by AAMSS) Thoughts?
  7. I think it's down to the fact that shotguns now function how they should have from the beginning, and as a result everybody is very excited to use their new toy.
  8. Jahola

    Help me

    Sounds like an issue with the BattleEye client, have you tried re-installing BattleEye?
  9. This is a brilliant idea +1
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