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Everything posted by Alani

  1. that is called harassment not trolling. trolling in apb would be driving the large trucks around and hitting anything in your way.
  2. i love how the definition of troll has went from 'someone who riles another up for shits and giggles' to 'SOMEONE WHO DONE BAD THING AND MAKE BAD THING HAPPEN' buying stuff wont solve anything and saying 'we need to buy stuff to support LO' wont do anything what will do something is LO attempting to fix this issue. Instead they normally just reset the servers and assume everything will be done
  3. its true i use nano glow all the time the glowiness makes hitreg register all shots
  4. i mean at least there are legitimate 'tester' people who are testing the engine upgrade instead of having those same people asking when is engine upgrade coming out lmfao
  5. Server security is probably on the indie game levels of bad. tbh APB servers have always been low par. Especially if they can't even handle 100 players a district and had to downsize to 80.
  6. ya lets have a sale as if i havent bought everything on armas already
  7. looks like its for a new feature for EU.
  8. no instead we need to hire him and make him ddos other games
  9. Oh I should add on. No one will bother touching this game until people hear of good things. So I wouldn't expect anything good said until when the engine upgrade is out and the bugs are being fixed and maybe removing the OUT OF BOUNDS SYSTEM FOR FUCKS SAKE. GET RID OF IT ALREADY.
  10. not gonna lie. instead of being stupid, they could put up a banner similar to the forum rules, saying 'MAINTENANCE' when maintenance is going on. having forum busybuddies crying about people asking if there is maintenance or not just tells you the amount of people who even bother searching the entire forum looking for 'WEEKLY MAINTENANCE' threads that most of the time only show the day of the week and the time in zulu. And why in zulu? Guess we are all operators and operate in said time zone now. but hey, I think of how to do things the easy way rather than fuzzy bunny about how people say stupid shit about how "iTs In tHe FoRuMs JuSt SeArCh FoR iT"
  11. not gonna lie. it would be nice if they put up an announcement for maintenance. not everyone has the attention span to bother looking through the forums trying to find out if its a maintenance or not especially when they post the notifications almost 10 hours prior.
  12. staff commenting on brand renaming or not doing such would be considered as an opinion from the company. so probably not
  13. Alani

    revert shotguns

    i totally forgot how aids the NFAS are now. i would like for them to not be aids anymore.
  14. Alani

    revert shotguns

    no. its fine as is. there is no need to revert any changes. Reverting changes is just wrong, they should just deal with it and then run around asking 'y is no one playing anymore' because no one really cares about legitimate balance. like not gonna lie. i have no idea why they think balancing ONE set of weapons will help balance the game. thats not how it works. you need to balance everything, not one thing and expect it to work lmao
  15. why not instead of making it easier for dethreaters, just let dethreaters pick and choose what threatlevel they are?
  16. yeah using tiggs as a source... xd tiggs thought fairfight worked. Support is obviously undermanned and arent divided between sections, so they gotta take their time to get each report seen which always takes a bit. do what kooky cooky said and make video and send to support. then just wait. tbh i dont think the angry nerd you witnessed will be bothering you all the time anyhow. unless he in college. then he might
  17. I went ACES instead howdoumakeimagesappear Only the gold ragequit after getting killed once.
  18. ok but do ghost shots fix hitreg issues?
  19. but what if u get 2 or 3 silvers pitted against u when ur by urself EXPLAIN THAT ONE HUH MR KNOW IT ALL. SHARE THE SECRETS.
  20. how to fix this.. bring back tiggs. let her be even more toxic and unprofessional while she rants about how bad game people are like she is some kind of msnbc reporter talking about discord and gamers being alt right nazis. that will make this right. tiggs was best thing to happen to this community. she pretty much killed this entire community lmfao
  21. welp, guess its time to invade EU and spout toxic nonsense about how NA players are better than them.
  22. Just gotta practice comsec and you are good to go tbh lol
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