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  1. Id like to know your ingame name to gauge your legitimacy piero
  2. 10-12 hours... are we buying new hamsters and hamsterwheels?
  3. use a vpn to connect until they realize this is an actual issue....
  4. soo... use the game set fps cap? isnt 128fps locked enough? why would you need 500fps in the design editor anyways?
  5. Privado VPN is a free vpn that i use to alleviate this issue... its been going on for months. only on apb, no other game whatsoever...
  6. As title says, for months now, out of sweden, with 3 different windows installations, login server works just fine, but when entering ANY district, i get stuck in an infinite "connecting to x district"... unless i use literally ANY vpn, and i know for a fact i am not the only one having this issue, searching the forums nets me a couple of persons unable to play without VPN... this is very detrimental to the influx of players right now...
  7. oh god, are you here too... hey there sophie, ur not hacked, someone is probably trolling you
  8. i had this after alt tabbing out and in after some hours of gameplay, fixed it by downgrading my GPU driver back to the non-optional version. my gpu is a RX5600XT
  9. while i do understand that this is a valid issue, i believe xigncode or Riot vanguard isnt the issue here, battleye does also install a driver just as the other two mentioned AC's, idk about PUBG if it uses any of those i dont play pubg, but i do have Valorant and BDO installed and use them on a regular basis and these stutters does not exist on my setup, Ryzen 5 2600, RX 5600XT, 32gb @ 3222
  10. aah, then thats my bad i guess, i have them disabled in config, knowing the maps and contacts by hand i found the contact hud markers tedious
  11. The solution is wait for APB engine upgrade or spam Nvidia to add back 32 bit instruction set to their drivers. turing cards such as 1660ti and RTX cards dont have drivers with 32 bit support, i solved my issue by going back to the store and trading my 1660ti for a RX5600 XT
  12. this bug is really intense from nowhere, it came after mission impossible, ive had it before like, at very few times, maybe once a month if even that, now its every single day more than once, vital hud elements such as objectives and teammates, cars and enemies on Deathmatches, VIP on vips, all just dissappear until game is reset, and you cant notice it until you are already in a mission and will scuff others mission or force exit and be an patootie because of it
  13. Same, i had an outfit that is lmade to look like a onesie that i made a month ago and it was just under the limit (had to clean it up abit to make it fit the limit) and now i cant wear it because its over the limit..
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