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Everything posted by gold

  1. How can it bother you that much? If anything you can still disable /d and /w chat. I can understand that some themes are actually annoying, but nothing prevents you from clearing your ignore list every once in a while.
  2. If you struggle to find enemies in 16v16 on Baylan there's something wrong on your end. I personally adapted to 20v20 but I wouldn't mind it going back to 16v16, less hvr and volcano mongs to deal with.
  3. gold

    Headset suggestions

    Can second this, if you've got the budget to get yourself a Sennheiser Game Zero for example, go for it.
  4. gold

    'Drop item' key

    Yep, tried repairing and re-installing again, didn't seem to change anything.
  5. 7/10 not my type of rap but sounds decent enough
  6. gold

    'Drop item' key

    So I re-installed APB recently after a break, and I noticed that the key which I assign to drop an item keeps resetting every time I launch the game. Never happened to me before, has anyone else experienced this or is it just me being a derp?
  7. Car: probably the Coywolf, I find it to be one of the most (if not THE most) reliable cars to drive, doesn't bounce around and flip over like most cars do. Unfortunately the car meta is pretty stupid imo as all the cars are overshadowed by the Pioneer (which could use a slight nerf) and 4x4. Weapon: Obeya CR762 (rip IR3 though), or Carbine.
  8. 8/10 all their collabs are great
  9. Oh boy, and i thought i spent too much money on this game, thanks for making me feel better bud
  10. I know a friend who's been playing apb with a vpn for about 2 years or so, nothing has ever happened to him so far.
  11. I like some anime openings, this one ain't really one of them. 5/10
  12. 6.5 / 10 felt like it lacked something
  13. 6 in game @ 400 dpi here, which is about 69 cm for a 360 rotation. I would personally say that 30cm/360 and above should be reasonable if you want your aim to be more consistant, although it really comes down to personal preference eventually. You may use this website to make things easier when trying to figure out your settings: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/
  14. Damn this is fire, makes me think of Gesaffelstein so much! 10/10
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