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Everything posted by SelttikS

  1. Do a repair from the launcher see if that helps. Or ss of running programs. Only real help we can offer without that list. can't trouble shoot if cant see whats happening. But I think it is prolly in need of an apb file repair thing.
  2. So it wasn't whatever shell thing from last night? Post SS of your program list please, so can evaluate them. Also what system are you on? Also you may try to do a repair of you game files.
  3. Poll says 100% Needed, make it so
  4. SANPARO2018 LOLGETAJOBKID APBP2W LITTLEORIBIT All valid codes. Really..... Trust me I am a random person on the internet...
  5. Screw what the store manager says I demand to know that that cashier up front has to say about this store policy!
  6. Dear lawd we don't have that many people playing most days
  7. Odd I though i saw a thread about this....
  8. Can Op add a "No, get gud nub" option to the poll please?
  9. Those Feminine Features and Masculine Features all over the place! Sometimes the patootie hits the fan though. But yeah no idea what OP is on about. Maybe English isn't OPs primary language?
  10. Everyone is kept in perfect health and prime age ranges due to the NanoMedic system in effect in San Paro. A similar cloud is used for tech based Items such as the ones used at the Ga5 stations. A small nano factory is installed at all local Joker Ammo vending machines, where the ammo is synthesized from pollution in the air.
  11. Do agree with above, we need to see what is actually running to have an idea what Might be the issue. SS that and we can see about helping you.
  12. We need more G string outfits for male characters. Me too.
  13. They aint wrong about things though. I mean its not super bad like it was sometimes before BE and LO but still you get the shawcopters now and then. I see more than a few new accounts that are not legit, prolly testing out cheats and what not. And yeah there are lots of people selling stuff for real cash and really when it comes down to spend 50$ on loot boxes and maybe get a legendary or spend 10 and buy one straight out, which do you think people will do.
  14. Well it is nice in Bronze, cause you know bronze. That sorta makes me think it is broken ish.
  15. Considering the context of the game and some of the in game voice and text, I really don't think anything out side of actual harassment is warrant for interference by the powers that be.
  16. So when your internet goes down do you rush down there to demand compensation? If so let me know how that works for you... No doubt the one you signed with your ISP was similar.
  17. How about just the number banned, how will that help the cheat groups?
  18. Best post of the day, made me lol a bit. Thanks for that
  19. They ain't "guna" have to give out anything. I do agree and they also agree that it is an important thing and they are working on it. Matt said something about it last night and by my understanding it is getting close to there.
  20. Shouldn't we just refresh the old one instead of a new one every day. well twice a day at this point.
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