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Everything posted by SelttikS

  1. "Don’t be a sore loser. Racial slurs, hate speech, threats, spam, and other forms of harassment will not be tolerated." Funny that you keep leading your statements with blanket insults.
  2. pay for a boost =/= pay to win they could sell a character boost to r 255 with everything unlocked and that still is NOT p2w. Can i get back subscription since i bought the retail boxes... a few times... both kinds. Fuck this game has ate a lot of my cash.
  3. The Hazzard is obviously the most OP weapon in the game. Even more OP than all the LTL p2w guns on Armas. Thing is it is not a Toy knife vs a Real knife. It is more a Boker knife vs Buck knife. Not really enough mechanical difference to matter in a fight.
  4. There are levels of taunting that are ok. When it gets to being a violation of TOS is part of the NOT OK section. Some of you guys need "mendatory" psychiatric evaluations. Oddly this is one of the few games that you have to PAY to ignore people
  5. You know good and well that without a Nun outfit the community will die from the toxicity.
  6. So we should triple compress and encrypt all the files on a quantum level so that it runs better? Server side needs work more than improving how the game is optimized atm. After that the engine update so that the code is something from this decade.
  7. Sounds about right. Sadly humans never change and there is nothing stopping people from being a horrible as they can be in this game so this is what we get a lot of. Honestly the only thing that will change this is for LO to put in a Nun Outfit.
  8. Would the people complaining about premium being broken be More ok with it if it was called a subscription. And without that subscription you could only get to rank 20 and you only do 5% of the normal damage. Lets do that so people will understand what p2w really means. When has a cool down on anything been what MADE you win or lose a match?
  9. And that means we should derail and insult people? Nah that is not how things work.
  10. I can stay gold with nothing but starter weapons. Do you that complain about premium also complain to Blizzard about subscribers being p2w vs free accounts? The reason APB is not p2w is because while there may be some guns that need work, the vast majority are not better than what you can earn without paying anything. Think of premium as subscription and then your complains sound a lot more stupid. Just saying because a game don't run for free ya know. And you are complaining about the people who are keeping the servers on their life support. Take away any reason to give the company money and this game is gone. So which do you want; a game to play or not?
  11. You ain't new nor a bronze level player It is a matter of separation of skill level. A bronze playing against Gold wont learn anything and Someone from modern times wont be teaching a cave man Computer skills very easy either.
  12. A new person will learn nothing getting stomped by a team of gold. Only thing that new players will learn is that "this game sucks" and quit. We are a small community and should try to retain new players not run them off. Go easy on the Bronze noobs when you are the 3 golds vs a solo bronze, maybe they will enjoy it a little and stay? Best thing we can do as a community is to make sure Nun outfits are added to the game. This will help revitalize the community and make APB Great again! Are you playing in Bronze or Silver? I mean there are a lot of Gold in bronze but definitely less than in Silver. Oddly there are more silver in gold.
  13. Nun Outfit! WOOOOO!!! 4.22% of the game wants it! Make it happen @Lixil The community has spoken! So like 4.22 % of like the 2000, or whatever, people playing is like 84 people and lets say the Outfit is like 5-10$ so that's like 422 - 844$ of pure profit? For Little Orbit! So yeah that's like 40512$ in just the first year of selling it! Yeah i know but still HYPE!
  14. The "gold", pfft wanna be gold, Had to have Dethreated to be there so shouldn't they be the ones getting a ban. If everyone actually played as intended the game wouldn't be the gutter it is now.
  15. They will go belly up if they keep these prices. The Hype is all that brought the population up but most people are not going to spend 40$ for a gun in a game, especially a dying game like this. The loot boxes are more than in most AAA games. Pure ego to think that something this far dead is worth that.
  16. Fuck that. Results not hype.
  17. Just dont buy stuff. Havent seen any changes to the game and servers are horrible. So why give them money for something in this state.
  18. And at 22nd it was marked solved and nothing more happened, The End. GG
  19. So they just need to fix the audio bug? I mean I have never experienced it but if you happen to have it maybe send in a support ticket instead of saying the whole mechanic needs to be removed? Also where is that SS?
  20. This is why we can't have nice things.
  21. Nice to just decide that anyone that didn't vote the way you wanted is obviously part of the conspiracy of car spawn abusers. Can you please show screen shots of your current Gold characters? Maybe if having all these options is too much for you a simpler game like Quake 1 is more your speed, that way there are less of these things you have to think about. Like having to move away in that huge time gap from the car announcing to the world it is going to blow up or you know having to blow up cars. Your last line though i do agree with, but I am not sure it fits with everything else you say. You know there was once a LOT more mods right? I mean I am all for easy arrests again.
  22. You get another ban for reusing not funny images.
  23. Lazy pic is lazy. You should be ashamed. Get a better one.
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