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Everything posted by Excalibur!

  1. I just logged and is working fine for me atleast.
  2. No, you dont seem to understand what is happening... These people that victimize themselves and cry that nothing change while creating a thread about a "bad" experience -kinda ironic- should not be given more attention... they only create a circle of victimization and toxicity. I dont want this to end like a blizzard game. I still dont understand how is he using an entire race as slur... in your perception being arab is bad? Watch this: "stupid lovely person", i would take that i am so lovely person that i am stupid, compliment. "Stupid arab", i wish i was arab, they can walk with their friend holding hands and no one would see them gay. Awesome music:
  3. So you cherrypick a miniscule portion of a sentence to feel offended, thats quite negative. You are giving more weight to the negative word than to the positive... so that means that being arab for you is less powerful than the word stupid. At most i would reply "i am not arab, sorry". So you create a thread to victimize yourself but at the same time to expose stupidity and cry that nothing changed (?). Yes i am really interested to understand bronze minds, if not i would just ignore this.
  4. If i call you stupid lovely person how would you feel? I think he is using arab as an insult because he is racist, and he tried to "expose" him here on forum as stupid just to harass him, but its just my opinion...
  5. How do you know he is using it as insult and not a compliment? Now you are calling him stupid and harassing him... I dont understand nothing honestly.
  6. If you find it funny then why making this thread? APB didnt change because people is funny? Well that sounds positive.
  7. But there is nothing wrong to be called arab. Being arab is not an insult, the person being offended to be called arab is the one who is racist.
  8. By logic he feels offended to be called arab because he thinks to be arab is bad (or think that calling others arab is insulting)... so he is likely racist. Should we send a report?
  9. Why would you need it so wide anyways, can you see pics of your mom without scrolling?
  10. "Doesnt matter what, i wont ignore people sending me unwanted whispers so i can later show how much i suffered and blame others". Amazing.
  11. I am playing a game right now where i am getting stomped non stop and i am learning from it...
  12. "Oh an evil gold wants me to play!" oh dios mio, how could they ask you to play? Why learning to play the game? Thats horrific!!! Send a support ticket explaining that someone wanted you to play the game.
  13. Because it may help new players to check what to improve first. The poll may have weird options but you have freedom to choose what is correct for you. edt: good votes im impressed.
  14. You mean adding monitors at the sides? i doubt my gpu would resist.
  15. Sorry, cant edit and 20 options max (honestly, sizeable poll).
  16. No, only when its extremely necessary. Wait are you asking this because those are qualities for a good player?
  17. No, i am a serious person, i would never laugh.
  18. Is being a better player an advantage? What elements do you think a player needs the most to be better than others? Lets see what kind of players we got in apb.
  19. Its useless, making excuses to add it is just making it worst. Why are you now cherry picking, you are not answering my comments completly.
  20. Oh so you want the advantage to keep picking weapons and shooting like rambo... yeah no thanks. I really dont care that you are trying to find a line inbetween the ones who want it are the ones who dont, i directly dont want it. edit: lol spamming dislikes now, how sad.
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