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Everything posted by Hexerin

  1. Considering you joined the game long after I stopped playing in gold, I'm not surprised you'd doubt. Honestly, there's maybe enough people left from those days to count on one hand. Most of those have a vendetta against me anyways, so they're not exactly valid references on this regardless.
  2. Anything's possible, but for the time being it's pretty much confirmed we only have Los Angeles and New York.
  3. Sprinting allows for 6 meters per second movement. The only variation to this is if you equip Fragile (up to 6.84m/s) or use Epipen (up to 9m/s for 5 seconds). Stun has a duration. IIRC, it's 8 seconds, same as the base health regen start timer. I might be misremembering this one, but ultimately the exact number is irrelevant for the example. That means you can sprint 48 meters in the stun duration, which means LTL has a max range of 48 meters. Increased to 54.72 meters with Fragile, or 63 meters with a use of Epipen.
  4. Nowadays yes, I maintain silver. I've stopped caring about putting any effort into this game several years ago, after I got tired of dealing with the cancerous social politics of gold district. Nowadays I just roll around with newbies, propping them up when they show they're invested in becoming good members of the community. Still occasionally visit silver district, but usually lose interest fairly quickly due to a lack of any challenge from the golds there. Actually get more of a challenge from the dethreated golds in bronze, which isn't very surprising but still quite a sad state of the game.
  5. You could make an LTL weapon with 100m range, but it wouldn't matter because LTL's range is based on sprinting speed anyways.
  6. I use a range of cars depending on what mood I'm in to drive. They all use High-Burn Fuel, and I pretty much never swap away from Blowtorch. I occasionally will swap it out for Field Supplier, but that's rare since I rarely am in a situation where I don't have ready access to my vehicle. You'll mostly see me rolling around in my Pioneer these days though. With bronze district's population now being 90% dethreated golds (thanks for that, @MattScott ), concussion grenades are fucking everywhere. Pioneer's handling is high enough that it can bait the grenades and (usually) avoid them. The only time I swap out for Explosives and Remote Detonator is when I feel the need to curbstomp someone who's being a cancerous little shit. Even then, it's pretty much exclusively when I'm holding an item on top of that one half inside / half outside parking structure sitting on the edge of the highway by Seung/Suji.
  7. 90% of Jericho's population is BRs. Can't go a single match without seeing 2-3 of them.
  8. No different to our current system, or any other system.
  9. Except it does. I've already explained what the gun is, repeatedly, so at this point anyone who can't comprehend is being willfully ignorant. Just like years ago when I was talking about how obscene the NSSW is, only to be given a hand wave of dismissal... until a bit later, when people started losing their fucking minds over it, despite there being no changes to anything in the game between the two points.
  10. None of those things have anything to do with the threat system, and thus renders that statement irrelevant.
  11. I miss the original threat system. Simple 15 levels, winning pushed you up a level and losing pushed you down a level. Top level caused you to be announced to the district when you entered. Simple, efficient, and rewarded actually trying to win. Also had better matchmaking back then, but districts were also 50v50 and basically always full on both sides.
  12. A concussion grenade does the job significantly better, while also having the benefit of being able to be used against players on foot as well. Unless they decided to hide half the info about the grenade (which would be asinine), EMP grenade as a concept is DoA.
  13. While I do enjoy the M1911's current design, I won't pretend that it's in a good spot balance-wise. I'm in the camp of just reworking the gun from the ground up and trying for something more fun than "ATAC with shorter range and bigger magazine that fires faster" which is where it'll end up if you simply remove the ramping recoil mechanic.
  14. A bug that has remained unfixed since CBT because Gamersfirst/Reloaded didn't care about LTL.
  15. Wouldn't necessarily be a bad idea. The workload to do it would be absolutely insane though, because it'd involve a whole lot more than simply deleting mods.
  16. You don't seem to understand how damage works, there's no special modifier that enables stunning. Literally any gun in the game can stun. Baseline, a player has 1,000 health and 1,000 stamina. Every gun in the game has a stat for health damage and another stat for stamina damage, both of which are dealt each time you shoot someone. When you deal enough of the type of damage, the target will either die (health damage) or be stunned (stamina damage). If both are reduced to zero at the same time, the game defaults to killing the target instead of stunning it (this is why the DMR kills instead of stuns on the third shot within 85m). The reason most guns never stun is simply because most guns have a stamina damage value that would require 50+ shots to stun.
  17. Has nothing to do with the mod. Little Orbit is absolutely terrified of negative feedback, so they'd rather just completely dumpster the gun to uselessness than actually balance it.
  18. How to know someone has not even the slightest clue what they're talking about when it comes to LTL balance discussions: They suggest reducing damage to artificially inflate the weapon's TTS.
  19. Literally all they have to do is listen to the community. We've told them the solution, repeatedly and in almost universal agreement, since they took the game over a year ago. Simply reduce the Improved Rifling from the current tier 3, to tier 1. This brings it in line with other modded secondaries, and maintains what the gun is supposed to be.
  20. There's a difference between a balance change, and fundamentally changing what you purchased into something completely different. Whether or not someone purchased the Fang for its overtuned state, the fact remains that they are changing it from "RFP with extra range" to "RFP that can't hipfire". News flash: Hunting Sight doesn't do anything positive for RFP. It's already perfectly accurate while in marksman. In addition to reducing the Fang's range to being equal to the rest, this change gimps its ability to hipfire. There's literally no reason to use the gun anymore, they completely killed it.
  21. Incorrect. The new system removes servers, you instead simply create a character in APB. Then, you can take your character to any of a number of regional instances of a given game district. Instead of: Jericho server, Financial district instance 1 (gold) Jericho server, Financial district instance 2 (silver) Jericho server, Financial district instance 3 (bronze) Jericho server, Financial district instance 4 (green) With that being it. It will now be: Financial district instance 1 (gold) (West Coast US) Financial district instance 2 (silver) (West Coast US) Financial district instance 3 (bronze) (West Coast US) Financial district instance 4 (green) (West Coast US) Financial district instance 5 (gold) (East Coast US) Financial district instance 6 (silver) (East Coast US) Financial district instance 7 (bronze) (East Coast US) Financial district instance 8 (green) (East Coast US) You will also see instances for other regions as well, such a the various EU, Asia, and SEA (among potentially many others). You can freely go to any of these instances, although obviously if you go to an EU instance while living in Australia, you'll get horrifically bad latency.
  22. Could you clarify what you mean by "our first pilot"?
  23. People already do that, both for upvotes and downvotes. Back on the League forums (before they migrated to Reddit design) I had 30 accounts I would cycle through to fuck with people's posts for lulz. Downvotes could literally auto-lock threads back then, was hilarious.
  24. The COBR-A knows exactly what it wants to be. It's an automatic Carbine that sacrifices just a bit of TTK for exceptionally higher accuracy (which also gives it substantially more range). The gun is a beast if you take the time to learn how to use it.
  25. Did you even bother to read the thread before coming in trying to be sassy (and failing miserably)?
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