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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. The forums are the only thing keeping this game alive.
  2. Countdown to people complaining that they now want threat segregation removed again.
  3. Just barely 2k going from steamcharts. Then dropped back even lower than it was before in just a bit over 1 single month.
  4. Why do people never mention what drive they have. Especially with how much better APB runs on an SSD compared to a HDD.
  5. Give him a break. He is new to APB. That isn't even close to the historical timeline.
  6. But they are physically located in completely opposite sides.
  7. Waterfront is on the other side of San Paro from financial.
  8. Play game at max settings/4k Defend those that use configs Get called a filthy cheater ;-;
  9. Sometimes 'meh' mechanics are worth it for the world flavor.
  10. be me get mission 3 minute attack objective is on the other side of the map 4000m away get there with 10 seconds to spare die capping point lose after driving across all of san paro
  11. Only 2 open slot version of the Cap40. Purple silencer mod on a VBR.
  12. APB is 10 years old and never really had much population to begin with. Its a miracle the game is even still pulling in that many. What do you expect. Games die with age. Plus I never argued about whether it was good or bad, neutral, whatever etc. Just righting your misinformation about the pop.
  13. Why lie? EU gets 600-700 peak in the most populated time.
  14. You're really pulling at hairs with this one aren't you
  15. What do you mean almost every online game in existence has weekly maintenance?
  16. Too easy to abuse it on multiple accounts getting funneled to a single one.
  17. Did someone get their butt slammed again?
  18. If you volunteer for this you should really rethink your life choices.
  19. Since they are going by UTC time, day/month/year is the correct way in this context. And even more so since it is the EU server.
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