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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. Everyone suggesting using certain weapons, when really you should be switching it up and changing as much as possible to learn and build that muscle memory.
  2. Can we get the Colby forum sub section back please? @MattScott I forgot what spam is.
  3. Seems pretty well priced to me in comparison to both other APB items and other payed items in other games.
  4. Always better to have your accounts for everything distinct from one another. For security reasons you shouldn't be linking anything from anywhere together. And obviously unique passwords for every account too.
  5. If it only took that much for you to drop to silver it suggests you were hardly gold in the first place.
  6. Two good points. Rest are trash.
  7. And it only takes a few hours to unlocked 0 slots of every weapon.
  8. What does you replying to this thread say about you.
  9. It says a lot when sitting on the APB forums is more interesting than sitting in social district or actually playing the game.
  10. Who cares about armas weapons when all the best weapons are free ones. If you are someone that wants to destroy low skilled players this just makes it easier to do so.
  11. Those are 2v2 matches that someone dropped out of.
  12. End. if you don't believe so you are just delusional.
  13. So. I can make a new account with 0 hours and destroy low threat players then?
  14. There is no 1v1 missions in the game anymore.
  15. No. Everyone before 2017 died in a freak server fire after LO took over.
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