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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. K/D ratio is not a good indicator of threat.
  2. Guess Matt Scott took that long hard look at loot boxes that he said he would and decided its okay to gamble APB players out of their money. Great job.
  3. I assumed at this point the fire department gave up long ago and fucked off.
  4. That's what you're gonna get for PC too.
  5. Ah, it's cheating now. Yes, those darn cheaters.
  6. Says they got stunned by an NL-9 at max ursus range. Proven they literally can't. Offers alternatives as to what may have happened. Proven they literally can't yet again. Still holds on to this weird notion. Muh Limited Perspective.
  7. Are you accusing me of not reading the entire thread of people not only telling you you are wrong but showing you too?
  8. Because it is not a bug. It is intended. NPCs even have voice lines about it.
  9. You know, there is nothing wrong with admitting you were wrong. If anything it shows better on you than carrying on.
  10. Do people not realise that games don't have to always be on the most cutting edge of Game Engines?
  11. It is like that on purpose. That's the old amber lamps model.
  12. Yes, because moving Russians back to their own server again will totally bring in lots of new players.
  13. Yes. Let's split the player base on an already dead game.
  14. My inability to not be Australian stops me from not being here.
  15. Of course, sure. But then I remember reality and how I could be using the part of my mind that always thinks about/spends time on APB and how it could be better used.
  16. I agree. Then everyone can realise that APB is done and we can all move on to better things, as well as the devs.
  17. I'm asking what is the point of making APB an fps game instead of a tps. What does it add, how does it make the game better.
  18. And what is the point of making APB first person then?
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