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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. Far more effort than it is worth.
  2. More intricate degree of accuracy with your elbow, though you need a large mouse pad and desk space to do so. Since it is a more macro movement it puts far less strain than a micro movement on the sensitive wrists and fingers. Of course you'll still use your wrist a little bit for fine tuning your aim, but the majority should come from your elbow. Even adding some shoulder in there can be good too, just watch it with flicking and shoulder movements. The human arm is also able to do straight lines when rotating from the elbow than the wrist. That is more of a drawing thing, but some of it can translate to game aiming too. Your wrist will thank you in ten years.
  3. I am still searching for my future husband.
  4. Even more important than mouse sens: Stop aiming with your wrist, aim with your elbow. Unless if you like carpal tunnel and all that fun stuff.
  5. I like to think it is some rich chinese billionaire that bought the game because he loves it and is just waiting until APB dies completely before he jumps in after working in the background all these years. But probably not.
  7. Is this the same issue that happened years ago with the 144 fps thing? But now its back cause of even higher fps?
  8. I'm kind of busy this week. I don't think I can. Thanks for the offer though.
  9. You people still won't listen. It's just a shell company that Matt uses for tax evasion and other reasons. Kinda smart anyway, since taxation is theft.
  10. 1v1 me, carbine only, beacon You're fucked.
  11. I agree. Though I rarely did it myself I wouldn't want to take that away from people that did. Having streets blocked, random other people and cars around, etc is part of the fun chaos of APB that makes it unique. Sure it can be a little annoying in missions sometimes, but as long as you're not pro-actively trying to grief someone I think it is a positive overall to the feel of the game.
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