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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. No no. That's just the change in lighting/shadow/shaders showing some textures that you missed before.
  2. Lesson learned. Never update anything ever.
  3. I dunno. Have you seen the engine update?
  4. Meh, BS? That's exactly what those challenges are for though. They are challenges to get you to switch around different guns/playstyles that you might not normally play.
  5. You have to remember how much gaming has changed in the past decade. People need so much handholding now.
  6. The G1 launcher version is there just to hide you from being seen playing APB by your steam friends so they won't laugh and bully you.
  7. Just make an EU character?
  8. I'm honestly confused why they reduce recoil by 50% and instead just didn't get rid of the horrendous exponential recoil that was added years ago.
  9. I don't know if I want to watch 14 minutes of 207 single kills.
  10. I'm conflicted on this one. On one hand I agree it would be nice for newer/free players to get a bit of a boost. On the other hand APB is meant to be free in creating and using and showing off whatever you want so it would go against that.
  11. APB is balanced around the primary/secondary weapon setup. A mod to break that is not something that should be looked at.
  12. This is how the servers get even laggier.
  13. Doesn't console auto lean for you?
  14. I am not understanding the point of this?
  15. I would rather see hair gradients/streaks added as a customization option rather than just straight ability to jam decals on the hair. We already have a hue slider?
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