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Everything posted by Displ4yName

  1. @Lixil Why was my post deleted? i only posted a video about a bug in the game
  2. probably (hopefully) on wednesday after the weekly maintenance
  3. Could you also add a tracker for moderators? Admin and Mod tracker. But separate them please
  4. the support has a lot to do right now. Just wait and drink tea
  5. you don't have to send in any videos. Battleye will catch them soon
  6. Displ4yName


    APB: Revival APB: Resuscitation APB: Resurrection
  7. Matthew Scott and his team seem trustworthy. I think they'll keep their promises. I would wait until the first patch of Little Orbit is available (battleye Anti Cheat Patch)
  8. Holy sh** you should use your talents to play lottery
  9. He's definitely a gamer. If you don't care about your game and your community, you can't make money.
  10. Displ4yName


    APB: LO APB: Little Orbit APB: Orbit
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