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Everything posted by Spillra

  1. what to do without apb men

    1. Spillra


      kinda gei, ngl but ❤️

    2. Spillra


      it isnt a problem untill you try to kiss me.

    3. Spillra
  2. Why isnt the team working 24/7 on everything hurdur
  3. Spillra


    we need orange justice in the game. ASAP
  4. if i wanted likes i would just tell them to shutdown the game like everyone else :))
  5. TL:DR "im salty that i didnt get a ugly mask"
  6. I've seen cheaters get banned in less than an hour, and once they got it banning automatically it will probably be more consistent with the times. But private cheats is something we will never fully get rid of..
  7. Ah you see, this can be 2 types of players. People trying to feel good about themself so they dethreat and then ego boost, or just bad players that are inbetween gold and silver. both of them are simply known as pissgolds
  8. Im just gonna go ahead












    and blame you. thanks for coming to my tedtalk

  9. Hours doesn't reflect knowledge or time spent playing the game since people just tend to farm hours in social. But mostly the players that have been around and played the game actively since 2011-2013 would be considered vets
  10. Bruh. its a smg secondary you're gonna miss 50% of the bullets if you just spray
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