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Everything posted by vsb

  1. im really not, other than maybe a general sense of "lol hes wrong" since obviously i think youre wrong how is removing one controversial game mechanic just because its controversial any different from removing a different controversial game mechanic because its controversial? and yes i post on the forums for entertainment, im not sure why any non-staff member would post if they didnt enjoy it
  2. cant come up with a funny topic related joke orbit please close this thread
  3. since when is a debate mockery? i havent insulted you once this entire exchange, im actually rather proud of myself tbh
  4. all of your arguments fall apart because they apply to more than just the scroll wheel fix hm
  5. i guess the examples could be bad, just matching up mechanics with complimentary cheats theres a 6 page thread arguing about carspawners, should we just delete those as well?
  6. im sorry you dont understand my attempt to illustrate that adding cheats to any ingame mechanic/item will make it problematic
  7. thats like saying flaregun or radar tower in combination with wallhacks means they should be removed lol
  8. its whatever, but throwing it together with an aimbot and then calling it cheating is hella weird anything put together with an aimbot is cheating lol
  9. an aimbot is cheating, using the scroll wheel is not theres no reason to even bring up an aimbot in this conversation
  10. little orbit what are your views on closing this thread before it turns into another shader debate
  11. vsb

    Nerf or remove

    the rfp is basically a primary, especially if you have the fang
  12. this would make me a very aggressive driver / 10
  13. i think a yeti is more likely to need defending against than to defend me
  14. vsb

    Can we have this please?

    AV variant of snubnose please
  15. the last time i took a pic of my setup i got written up for posting pictures of classified DOD blacksites or at least thats the story im going with so i dont have to post my insanely dusty pc
  16. p2w is using real cash to purchase something that allows for an advantage that cannot be obtained otherwise, just because a game has one or even several p2w aspects doesnt mean the whole game is p2w
  17. comparing p2w across different games is kind of silly, one game being p2w has no effect on other games' p2w aspects
  18. why would you balance the game around people using cheats lol
  19. just pointing out what i see as a flaw in the JT system, do what thou will
  20. there are several weapons like the fang that aren’t available through the joker store tho and JT weapons are either 0slot or 1slot only iirc
  21. it’s not really an exploit imo, since it made it through 2 generations of dev teams you’re basically just playing a play style geared towards cqc if you use the scroll wheel, which comes with its own downsides in return for that “perfect” ttk
  22. i mean he does have a point, doing both fight club gold rewards would get you a weapon, but i’m not sure a new/bad player would be able to do baylan gold without investing a lot of time and low level contact dailies only give out 10(?) JTs per daily, i’m not even sure you could get 700 JTs in one week from that
  23. vsb

    Nerf or remove

    give it a downside beyond “it shows up when your spotted” probably just make it take up trunk space imo
  24. well sure in cqc you can spam as much as you want but you still aren’t going to bypass the actual rof of the gun
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