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Everything posted by wHisHi

  1. Nothing mentioned about current pop state. You guys dont care about the fact that people continue to leave. Why are you betting everything on brand new players? Current atittude towards us truly bad. And you made strict deadlines starting from Feb.1. So how did you develop this game before? Sounds like you didnt care to meet any deadlines. Not to mention your EU update thread. I hope you finally deliver till 2022
  2. Zombie got sooo bored that created his own topic...forum is dying... i bet 2021 because they dont give a ****, their *eu updates* topic is dead without any sign of life. Proof that I m wrong for sure they will do it, streamers are equal to instagram influencers, but their influence is way stronger
  3. None, wierd flex playing on my crappy laptop with UHD and still manage to do smth
  4. What if they bring back smth that worked, like eac
  5. Experiencing this for past 2 months now, dunno if it gonna change soon
  6. Feels like it, why we are still here...
  7. Thanks, im more relieved now, totally helped!
  8. Yeach, they deleted my post. Better say something than do nothing
  9. They wont merge/let cross play because superior vets will scare away last remaiming bronze players
  10. You can always choose to what to reply to, worth if he is on beta district
  11. Yes please @Sakebee , let us support you
  12. + and make beta easy to download + give reward like normal amount JT and title for joining + GM in beta district to chat with players
  13. <please>Roboto all the way!</please>
  14. You are wrong, APB is still under development so as Cyberpunk was for 7 years or Diablo for 11. people are crazy how they manage to compare whole apb timeline to cyberpunk etc p.s. I hope you are right about traction
  15. I think he does not understand your comment, as always
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