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Posts posted by Ketog

  1. the headless horseman is by far my favorite apb event ever even tho it's the same every year


    I just love that it's campfest, and you see players come up with tactics and teamwork to survive in a tight spot, and see all the pumpkins act like zombies trying to get kills


    i love it.


    the atmosphere of it, it's actually the only event i always kept participating in even tho i got all the achivements.

  2. A Tryhard in apb, is someone seeking maximum performance in in the games they play (that sounds alright at first), but to an extreme extent, which sometimes goes as far as exploiting and macroing.


    As an exemple, a tryhard will play as the lowest graphics quality possible to get the highest FPS possible

    A tryhard will use a small character, so they're harder to see, they will either wear black / grey clothing so you don't see them as much.

    A tryhard won't hesitate to use tactics that are considered annoying/toxic/unfair because their only goal is to do the highest score possible


    Morals never come into a tryhard's thoughts, they just seek peak performance no matter what: "1% is nothing, but still a advantage, so i will use it"

  3. 2 hours ago, Blondine said:

    All i did is just switching my PC and now i got a "3 days Trade Lock"

    Will i get a trade lock every time i switch my pc or is it just 1 time to "register my second HWID"?

    you will indeed just have to "register your hwid" like you said


    Note that reinstalling windows changes your hwid (or whatever APB uses...), so even if you keep the same ip, same config, but reinstall windows, you will get tradelocked.


    i hate the tradelock system, i wish i could disable it, (but keep it enabled by default?)

  4. On 10/2/2019 at 4:19 PM, Solamente said:

    the ursus will easily take the top AR spot once the ntec is overnerfed seeing as it’s nearly the same gun, just with slightly less versatility - and if it’s (somehow) not the ursus it will be the far 


    neither of which orbit should want if they’re being true to “moving the game away from p2w elements”


    Yeah, that's true, now that you say it, i belive it would make it worse indeed...

  5. 10 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    You don't seem to understand how damage works, there's no special modifier that enables stunning. Literally any gun in the game can stun.


    Baseline, a player has 1,000 health and 1,000 stamina. Every gun in the game has a stat for health damage and another stat for stamina damage, both of which are dealt each time you shoot someone. When you deal enough of the type of damage, the target will either die (health damage) or be stunned (stamina damage).


    If both are reduced to zero at the same time, the game defaults to killing the target instead of stunning it (this is why the DMR kills instead of stuns on the third shot within 85m). The reason most guns never stun is simply because most guns have a stamina damage value that would require 50+ shots to stun.


    If you're so sure, tell me why you can JG + pig someone, but not pig + jg someone, to stun him.

  6. @RCooper With a time of 1:14

    @Machine659 with a time of 1:30

    @LibertyWalker with a time of 1:14


    Alright as you guys can see, we have two times that are at 1:14 !

    I am glad to announce that @LibertyWalker was the fastest driver, with an exact time of 1Minute 14Seconds and 60miliseconds!


    @RCooper Finished second with a time of 1Minute 14Seconds and 360miliseconds!


    Congratulations to everyone, i will be sending the legendary donuts to all participants trough mail!


    As for the raffle, seems like, there wasn't anyone participating (oof, my heart </3), so nothing has been given away for it

  7. it's not bad, but it's not good either, seems pretty fun to play, but very few people enjoy playing the weapon, it has a mechanic where the gun starts with a lot of vertical recoil, which converts to horizontal recoil the longer you hold the trigger (Rabid has the same mechanic but more significant)


    7Shots to kill, quite unpredictable recoil wise, frenzy is definitely not a great weapon for any serious play, but fun to play, in my opinion, the gun needs a very slight buff (not in terms of raw power, but more like , less zoom, less recoil, faster reload speed, or something like that)


    For it, you really have to try the gun, to make your mind on it.


    I like it, but i don't use it, and most people don't like it.

  8. im fairly certain very few people think that the ursus is overpowered.


    it is agood gun, yes, but it doesn't need to be changed at all in my opnion, ursus is a simple weapon with no weird mechanics, it just works, well, and like you expect it to.


    Also changing ursus would be an unecessary ammount of work as it would affect the new glory as well

  9. 4 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    Hunting Sight 3 on the Fang would outright kill the gun. Literally all you need to do is reduce it to Improved Rifling 1, that's it. The entire community has been telling you this since you originally purchased the game over a year ago, how the fuck is this even a discussion?

    13 hours ago, Flaws said:

    Won't replacing IR3 with HS3 on Fang render the standard RFP superior due to less accuracy loss while hipfiring in CQC? Thought about replacing it with like IR1 or 2 instead? I agree that it's bad design to give it IR3 but it also shouldn't have to necessarily fall out of relevancy like most nerfed weapons do in APB when the next best thing suddenly outshines them.

    That's the point, Fang is supposed to be a variant, not an upgrade.


    It has a scope > made for longer range fights > aimed shots.


    It totally fits with the gun, and brings back fang to where it's supposed to be.

    I totally understand your frustration, but any kind of range mod on RFP, will make it a straight upgrade to the normal RFP and break game balance. (unless a new range mod with another downside gets into the game?)

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  10. Event powered by Wave Lounge!

    A new type of clan made to preserve citadel's community, and unite them! learn more here.



    🏁Speed Drive!🏁


    Art provided by incbox, learn more by clicking the image.


    Hello everyone! Welcome to one of my bimonthly events!, i call this one "Speed Drive!"

    Let's get straight to the point!


    What is this event?


    Alright for people that participated to last week's event, this one will seem somewhat similar to it,

    but this time, it's gonna be solo runs!


    This event, is basically a speedrunning event, you will just have to drive for point A to point B, that's all it is!

    Here's a screenshot showing where you need to go!



    There are only a few rules that you need to respect to participate to this event, here they are:


    -You have to start the race here, and the front wheels of your car needs to be on this ledge:


    -You cannot die

    -You cannot use chat commands

    -You have to send the raw video of your run.

    -At the end of the race, your car has to hit the wall at the finish point:



    Here is a example video by one of our clan members :


    Thanks for the forum not alloying me to center the video.

    That's all the rules of the event, you can do or use anything else you want (friends, glitches, etc...)


    When will the event happen?

    The event starts from today, the 28th of September, and will end next week, the 5th of October at 23:59 UTC


    What can i win and how do i participate?


    You can participate to the event by posting a video of your run in this topic's replies, you can change your videos any time you want, as i will be reviewing the videos only, after the event ended! (if i see that your post has been edited after the end date you will be disqualified)


    Every people participating to the event will earn a Legendary Donut (Which will be usable in the next event to earn a chance of getting a legendary).


    The winner of the event will get a EOL 'Kickback' Mk4




    Finally it is there! Your legendary donuts will finally get a use!


    For all the people that participated to my past events, all of you guys got legendary donuts, you can now use your them to have a chance to earn a random legendary during the event!


    Each donut sent to "Ketog" by mail will be an extra entry for you, so the more donuts i get from one person, the higher your chances to win are!

    Only the donuts made by "Ketog" will count, any counterfeit donut will get you disqualified from the raffle!



    See you guys in the streets of San Paro!


    If you wish to keep bimonthly events going, please send any donations to "Ketog" ingame with a little message, so i can include you in the next post! Thank you for any donations!

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