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Posts posted by Ketog

  1. 3 minutes ago, MartinPL said:


    Why did you actually bother replying to all those non constructive ideas.


    Im sorry but op is literally saying "fuck this, this is bad" without any proper argument.

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  2. 25 minutes ago, Fortune Runner said:

    I've done a lot of thinking about this ever since Little Orbit took over

    We have all said how segregating players would really hurt the playing from a small amount of players ,  but at the same time days like this are absurd.


    The only thing that comes to mind is that certain people never belong in bronze and their k/d and win streaks will show this.

    But how to go about working on this for a short term without hurting APB's already low player base is no easy task , that way we can fix it more permanently with phasing

    i personally do not know what to do about this for a short term fix


    K/D is never a good way to judge a player's performence tho, if two esports player kill each other over and over they will have a KD of 1 , but it i's the same story if two new players face each other, even tho they have the same KD, they will have a huge difference in terms of skill.

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  3. I mean, matchmaking and threats have always been a problem with APB


    It's true that the new player experience is truly awful, I've got friends that basically did the same thing a Cookypuss's friends, they join, they have fun, but when they're left alone, they realize how much of a disadvantage they have due to them playing mostly if not always, against experienced players.


    The problem with APB is that i has a low population, and divided districts, making it harder for the matchmaking to make proper teams, especially when playing in group and friends.

    I am fairly certain Matt is aware that this is one of the biggest problems of APB after the engine upgrade, an even bigger problem than weapon balance, as it affects everyone, and their opinion of the game.


    His solution is district phasing, though,  matchmaking needs some huge tweaks as well.

  4. On 7/10/2019 at 9:19 PM, Glaciers said:

    i'd rather we get the stuff we have balanced before anything new is added


    wouldnt be mad about a 4x4 pioneer or a 4x4 t-25 tho


    Did you brainfart or something or is it just me that doesn't get it ?

    Both of those cars are already 4x4 ...




    Also i would love a new all terrain tanky car, like a hummer, a 4 door, that's lifted quite high, and has a slow top speed but high torque / wheight + acceleration  (pretty much like pioneer, but more like all terain vehicle rather than hotboi mobile)

  5. 16 hours ago, blockblack said:

    Note: He is lying, Because you would get kicked of clan if you do anything wrong without a real warning or a second chance like he mentioned.

    Did you really need to quote the whole post, you've been kicked and you have been warned multiple times, you interfered into an event and asked for 30 people to wait for you because you were late.


    Now please, you've been kicked, deal with it, you can live your life without us, we give people second chances when they deserve one.


    18 minutes ago, Yeedman said:

    didnt you leave yourself? atleast that's what you told me lul

    I think you're mismatching that guy with someone else 🤔

  6. 5 minutes ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    Yukon never got nerfed.


    It was bugged since release and despite that it was not touched by G1 for the 2 years after. It wasn't until randomly I told a LO dev that it was finally fixed practically instantly.


    Also the shredder is better than it used to be, it was even almost OP at one point during the shotgun changes/testing. Sure it isn't a 'top tier' gun but it is certainly better than it was in the prior state.


    Try again.


    Why does it hurt me to agree with you.

  7. Yukon has never been nerfed, yukon has been fixed do you really think it was normal for yukon to have an extremely high firerate (that's mentionned nowhere in the gun) meanwhile armas mounties didn't had anything like it ?


    did you really think it was fair for a secondary to have a time to kill that could outplay most SMG's in close ranged fights ? while also having a mode that allows for mid / long range fights with close to perfect accuracy ?.


    Yukong was  bugged and it got fixed no it wasn't a nerf because it wasn't intended in the first place.


    Now yukon works like other mounties, don't get me wrong the gun is definetely weaker, but it's fair, imo what yukon needs now is just the accuracy penalty removed.

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  8. 18 minutes ago, Nuuvii said:

    I was kicked for inactivity after I tried to jump onto a roof multiple times, I didn't stop moving for more than 15 seconds most but still got kicked for inactivity. There were no enemies around so I couldn't avoid getting kicked.



    This is not a bug, to not get kicked you need to interact with objects or damage something such as a car, wooden pellets, and other destructibles



    You didn't fill any of those conditions so you got kicked 🤔

  9. 5 hours ago, Kevkof said:

    If you truly believe one (or more) of the SPCT's are cheating report them directly to the staff so that can get investigated and all that

    Actually Helpful Belgian is getting tired of repeating the same things over and over eh ? :^)

  10. 25 minutes ago, rooq said:


    Good morning! I did my best to replicate your screenshots, but I was unable to alter weather or time of day.





    I have an older generation PC lying around, I'll give it a spin and see if they'll allow me to post performance comparisons at some point.


    Rest in peace, The Blades Hotel. Not much business in San Paro it would seem.

    Pale Moon Hotel is likely a vampire cover up. Mark my words.


    Thanks rooq, i can see many small improvements everywhere that's awsome !


    Be sure to @ me if you get to post the low end system benchmarks ! , well, i will probably see it anyway even if you don't now that i think of it, haha

  11. 2 minutes ago, Saxtus said:

    I believe they give an unfair advantage over those that don't do it, so I categorize it as cheating.

    that's arguable, am i cheating if i have a computer running apb at 144fps and playing against someone playing on a laptop with 20 fps ?


    that's an advantage.


    don't get we wrong tho, i voted that i consider configs as cheating, i played with them myself and you can really do many things that would be considered unfair, especially when you start messing with shaders.

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