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Posts posted by Ketog

  1. Event powered by Wave Lounge!

    A new type of clan made to preserve citadel's community, and unite them! learn more here.




    🏁Race to the end!🏁


    Hello everyone! Welcome to one of my bimonthly events (bimonthly... ha, ha, ha....) , i call this one "Race to the end!"

    yeah not very original i know... anyway let's get straight to the point!


    What is this event?



    So the event is pretty straight foward, it will be a single race, with two practice runs, and one last run which will have a 3 winners, Third place, Second place, and First place!


    The path that you will need to follow is pretty simple!



    The Race has been made so it's pretty simple to know where you need to go, but with some spots that are going to be tricky the more players there is,

    so i hope you guys have total control over your machines!👍


    As you can see on the map above, there will be a checkpoint in the middle with someone recording every player who passes by, to prevent cheating,

    if you get to the finish line, but you didn't get trough the checkpoint, you're automatically lost.


    The person recording will be standing here, so you have to get trough there.


    After the checkpoint, you have the choice to take any path you want to get where the screenshot below shows,

    the first, second, and third players, will be the winners!



    The light pole will be what acts as the finish line, so if there's multiple players, you will have to squeeze through!


    Of course, i know that screenshots doesn't show the path much, so one of our clan members, made a video showing the entire race for you guys:

    (Thanks forums for not allowing me to center the video)


    When will the event happen?


    This event will happen this Saturday 21th at 20:00 UTC Citadel Financial-1 at the spot shown below:


    (This is at the highest point you can be when you open your map)


    Click here if you're bad with timezones.


    What can i win and how do i participate?


    Every people participating or watching the event will earn a Legendary Donut (Which will be usable in the next event to earn a chance of getting a legendary).


    The first place will get a "Mountie SF9 'Yukon'"

    The second place a "UL-3 'Jersey Devil'"

    And the third place a "EOL 'The Hammer' Mk4"



    🏁See you and your hot-rods in the streets of san paro!🏁


    • Like 5

  2. Snipers of course, most of them have a problem except oblivion and scout (and that can be somewhat argued if we talk about the variants)


    N-HVR 762 : The biggest problem of all snipers, has always been criticized for it's unusually high amount of damage and the long downtime it causes to players hit by it.

    ISSR-B: Has been known to be problematic, due to it being very versatile ( a little bit too much ) as it can blow up cars, but also be used out of windows , and has both high anti personal and anti vehicle potential.

    NHVR 242 "Reaper" : still a scout overall, but that silencer serves no purpose (though, the silencer mods themselves needs work)

    Anubis : Just an awful weapon, got changed many times, but the crosshair is still a hassle and serves no special purpose, just a weak gun.

    DMR-SD : While it is a DMR, the SD variant is significantly weaker against vehicles, which is the main strength of the DMR (DMR - AV speaks for it), again more a problem towards silencers...

    SBSR (Coroner and IRS): Up to this day i still don't even understand what these guns are made for, they're just bad at doing everything.



    And if it's not snipers, shotguns, they're just not pleasant to play at the moment, none of them feel right, only showstopper does, and it's a secondary.

    • Thanks 1

  3. I actually, agree with each and every one of your points, with threat being the one that has the biggest mental impact on players .


    Having "how good of a player you are" being shown above your head at all times, makes people judge you even before having any sort of interaction, and knowing that threat itself is a poor representation of someone's skill doesn't make it better either ...

    • Like 6
    • Thanks 1

  4. 2 minutes ago, Fortune Runner said:

    @Ketog I never had the chance to play riot since no one on Jericho was in there when I had time to play so I want to. but thats just how I am


    a lot of people refused to help with testing but before that would gripe about wanting to do  testing for APB.

    SKay and Solamente both have valid points about testing but in this case we are talking about APB and how people play in their comfort zone a lot.

    blind data or not , people need to go in and test regardless and many seemed to gripe on Jericho about wanting missions instead of putting in effort to test.

    riot was an okay idea but at the worst time possible to be implemented, that's all im gonna say.



    Weapons do need to be tested, and yes, it does require more than a little bit of involvement, and im all into doing so if that's needed.


    Ill check myself a bit on how those weapons feel like and give some feedback after.

  5. So we're basically talking about skill rewarding weapons ? i wouldn't called them "op" but i get the meaning of it anyway



    -Pig + JG/Percs

    -Oscar with RS3 + ir3


    -Deep impact + a very strong standalone secondary (FBW/.45/Frog)


    -Stabba NL9




    They are all very very strong weapons with their unique gameplay and you usually can't get the hang of them like you can with other weapons as they have a very very specific playstyle.


    Usually only few players try to learn weapons like these, but when they succeed at learning them, it's very scary what they can do with those.

  6. 9 hours ago, olo said:


    please tell me how do I apply the macro and install the Advanced APB Launcher ?  I'm new and play APB on the console .


    is the macro legal ?


    You can't use the advanced launcher on APB Console, as for macros they are against apb's terms of service, so refrain yourself from asking things like this here.

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