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Posts posted by Ketog

  1. it pretty much is, but also has it's downsides, which imo , makes it fair , it's less accurate (though has less spread)  slows you down, it also has more zoom, and slightly more recoil and kills slower, so yeah it's pretty much an NTEC on a LMG form

  2. On 8/7/2019 at 4:59 PM, Alani said:

    I find it terrifying people want to combine playerbases against PC.


    The only games that make sense are tab targeting games.


    Games that require legitimate aim assist and the like will be horror for console players. PC players would eliminate them and make them avoid PC players.

    Yeah, right, but i think you missed op's point, he didn't say he wants to play against pc players, he said he wants to have people to play against, rather than none at all.

    • Like 1

  3. 1) Dow, an insane sleeper, too bad the legendary has that annoying mod on it.

    2) Showstopper, extreme consistency, and long range, something that lacks a lot with shotguns.

    3) CSG a little bit underpowered in terms of damage, but still an insane shotgun that needs a little bit of time to be learned, still too RNG heavy though.

  4. Norseman series ? and also the Frenzy ? where are those ?


    Other than that, this is an awesome update, in my opinion this completely removes the "Pay to have fun" aspect of apb, before, free players were restricted to the free gun's playstyles, now, they have access to pretty much all armas content, in exchange of grind, which is totally fine !


    Awsome work at LO !

  5. 13 hours ago, MattScott said:



    Serait-il possible pour vous de nous donner plus de détails sur le problème que vous rencontrez afin que nous puissions le résoudre?


    Je vous remercie,



    I didn't know matt speaks baguette !


    Why do i feel like you asked help from kevkof for this 😄

  6. 15 hours ago, blockblack said:

    Wait, what? you said the event will have no rewards 😕


    Let me quote my own topic for you :

    On 7/22/2019 at 9:49 PM, Ketog said:

    What is this event ?


    This event is different than the ones i usually do, this event will be more of a laid back even, simply because, there is no reward at all.

    This event will simply be a car meet, with maybe some minigames, and other fun things to do,

    there won't be any competition, and if there is any of those, it will be a surprise !




    I don't want people to attend my events for their rewards, i want people to join them to have some fun with a way that's outside of APB's usual fun .

    Doing an event with no rewards was one of the best way to see who would do that, and me deciding to give a few things to people is only a small bonus of it, but not the main attraction.

  7. Thanks everyone for comming , we ended up being a maximum of 84 people participating, which was about triple what we expected, we got a lot of card footage and had some fun! But we also did what we could with the girefers, and people bumping with each other, managing so much people isn't an easy task !


    Thanks to @ILexyy for the screenshot here :




    With the footage we got, i will be using it to make a car montage showing San Paro all around and player cars in more details , Im not giving any deadlines for myself as my time availability can vary quite a lot !

    Thanks again everyone for participating and congratulations to @Machine659 and Niemii for winning the two surprise legendaries for this event (Thanks  @Weeb TheEpicGuyV2 for providing the rewards !)

    I hope to see you guys in maybe two weeks !

    • Thanks 2

  8. 12 hours ago, Dofus said:

    Am i the only one who think that the Stabba CCG is better than the Stabba CCG Zeus ?

    Can you guys change the modifications on it  ?

    And, will we have an upgrade on the Stabba ? Almost every pistol is stronger than this LTL ..

    I get more kills when i only play with the RFP, Nano, .45 that when i play with my Stabba CCG ..

    Maybe i am just bad with the CCG but i think that if you don't shot people from behind you have literally no chance to win any fight with it ..


    That's the whole point of LTL man, don't you understand ? more risks taken for more rewards .

  9. On 7/26/2019 at 5:03 PM, GhosT said:

    Though I still find it hillarious that G1 actually coded something so bad that you could literally ban other people by gifting them a clothing piece for half a dollar and issueing a chargeback on paypal.


    This, just insane to think that you could ban someone by just paying.

  10. Quick note for anyone that participated to my previous events, you might want to bring your Legendary Donuts if you come to the meet.


    On 7/26/2019 at 8:24 PM, blockblack said:

    I am wondering if this requires you to also be a part of Social wave/Criminal longue. 🤔 I design some really nice cars, I would like to show them off 😂


    No you do not need to be in the clan to participate, there should be no problem as long as you don't interfere with the event.

  11. 14 hours ago, Sivebrady said:



    While i think the idea has good intentions, i do not believe it is a great one.


    Clans do need something to hold more value to players, but reminder that clan are supposed to be community pillars, and i like your ideas, but the part that i don't, is to have "A social space".

    Clans are supposed to bring the community together, but this, sounds more like dividing them more than they already are, i am not a fan of each clan having their own social instance, not only it sounds like a big waste of server resources, but also like a way to isolate people more than they already are.


    My suggestion to your idea, would be, rather than clans having their own instance, there should be all of this in Breakwater Galleria, but only accessible by clan members who have unlocked that ability.



    The best part is that Breakwater Galleria has pretty much all of the needed layout, with garage like structures on the bottom, and editors on the side, you can just add all the editors your talked about around, and you pretty much have your idea, that's still clan exclusive, and that doesn't divide the community, and allows the clan to be visible to everyone rather than hidden in their own instance.


    Oh yeah can we also get clan badges to be shown under the names ?


    • Like 2

  12. 1 hour ago, ch4ncer said:

    That moment when you get the notion that westerners are shaming and mocking Russians for their style and whatnot but in reality it would be the westerners themslves who would get their аsses handed to them once they get in contact with the Russians. Now that is funny.


    Well, i clearly don't hate russians, they're humans, i went to nekrova once and actually one guy gently welcomed me in English.


    All nationalities got their idiots, not only Russians.


    I actually want to see this just as a opportunity to make more cool friends 407618817569718272.png

    • Like 7

  13. I like everything i read here except for the ogre


    I though ogre was supposed to be extreme power with extreme downsides.

    Seems like you guys are trying to make ogre more of a casual weapon, im not sure that's great to having a wind up to get a 4-5 stk shotgun, it sounds super bad doesn't matter how fast it shoots 🤔


    i just wish the changes were reversed to pre-pellet scaling stats when it was good at doing what it's made for, and bad at everything else.



    Also what about the DOW ?

  14. Event powered by SocialWave and Criminal Lounge !

    A new type of clan made to preserve citadel's community, and unite them ! learn more here.




    🌙Sunday Car Meet🌙


    Well, calling my events bimonthly, are an pure joke at this point unknown.png glad i always said "See you guys maybe in two weeks" every time.


    What is this event ?


    This event is different than the ones i usually do, this event will be more of a laid back even, simply because, there is no reward at all.

    This event will simply be a car meet, with maybe some minigames, and other fun things to do,

    there won't be any competition, and if there is any of those, it will be a surprise !


    Also, one of my little projects if to make a small montage that showcases people's creativity in APB, so maybe that's my chance to gather footage
    and your chance to appear in maybe a future video from me !


    What are the rules and requirements ?


    The only requirement is you, you need to be a human, and be nice !

    You creativity level doesn't matter, as long as you like to show or appreciate your own/other's work , you're welcome !


    When and where will the event happen ?

    This event will happen this sunday 28th at 20:00 UTC in Citadel Waterfront1

    The meeting spot will be here :



    Hope to see you guys here !


    Here's a countdown for people that have trouble with timzeones !





    • Like 2

  15. New glory, Hammer, Hazardous, Hitchiker, Anubis, Commender (i know it's just an RSA reskin, but still), Bullshark.


    I think, all of these are legendaries that sucks, especially the hazardous, which pretty much can't even be qualified as a legendary, because it has nothing special.

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