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Posts posted by Ketog

  1. jokes aside, as people said above, most people complain about doxxers and haters, but the said people doxxed themselves by sharing little bits of their info permanently, it's okay to be open about what you do and where you are, but you can then only blame yourself if problems arises due to that

  2. Kickback is the best for most users, it's just a nade spammer and will easely overwhelm your enemy, shoots 3 grenades that deal quite high damage, i love to play it in fight club (baylan) time to times.


    Deep impact is also very very good, due to it dealing extremely high damage in quite a wide area, but it has only a single shot, so it's quite a high learning curve, and you're very dependent on your secondary weapon, i've seen a couple of people playing it in fight clubs, and it can be very very good, but of course, you won't stand a chance against an NTEC in a close range fight, it's mostly a matter of technique and predicting where your enemy will run to.


    Hammer is supposed to be a percussion nade alternative, but it just sucks bad, avoid it at all costs, nades doesn't act at all like perc, other than they deal less damage, and you only have two.


    i know most people here will say "just go for opgl, eol sucks loooool 513477414571999253.png?v=1 " but in the end it's mostly player preference,  i myself really dislike OPGL due to it's very high fuse time, EOL series just feel much more dynamic, and less click and wait.


    oh yeah ill take that opportunity to post this: 


  3. If you're using an RTX graphics card, put your settings on low, that's a known annoying bug

    seems like APB hates GDDR6 Memory, i have a 1660 Super, and APB has a 10-30% chance to crash when i spawn

    oh, and when i try to report the bug:



    s i c k

  4. just so it finally opens up the game to actually have modern features and physics and mechanics such as

    -Proper engine optimisations
    -No more heavely modded Engine = Better performance
    -Modern environement to work with, so content is just better quality, while easier to make
    -Just a good base for any kind of developpement.

    and even things like

    -Clothing physics
    -Movement revamp (imagine just being able to walk to a ladder and not have to press F)


    The engine upgrade itself isn't content, but it's foundation for content.

    • Like 3

  5. Well, it's not because you don't see them that they're not there.


    But yes, of course they can miss things, these guys are humans just like you !


    If you feel like someone is misbehaving, well, you can only report him *shrugs*

  6. Event powered by Wave Lounge!

    A new type of clan made to preserve citadel's community, and unite them! learn more here.




    🎉End of the year meet🎉


    Hello everyone, welcome to one of our events!  I will just stop calling them bimonthly from now on, i just can't respect deadlines🤣


    This year in APB has been quite a tough one, Wave Lounge is a family, but so is the whole APB Community,

    maybe we all get rage whispers, or maybe have bad days, but in the end we've all been playing that game for years, and for some, almost a decade...


    What is this event ?


    This meet is similar to the last one we did, just a laid back event, simply because, there is no reward at all.

    This event will simply be a car/hang out meet, with maybe some minigames, and other fun things to do,

    there won't be any competition, and if there is any of those, it will be a surprise !


    At the end of the meet, we all hope to take a high resolution screenshot, with the citadel community, to sum up the year !

    Talking about summing up the year, maybe you guys can have some creations to do so 😜


    What are the rules and requirements ?


    The only requirement is you, you need to be a human, and be nice !

    You creativity level doesn't matter, as long as you like to show or appreciate your own/other's work , you're welcome !


    When and where will the event happen ?


    This event will happen Tuesday 31 at 20:00 UTC in Citadel Waterfront1 and last for about an hour.


    The meeting spot will be here on the map :


    Hope to see you guys here !


    Here's a countdown for people that have trouble with timzeones !


    • Thanks 1

  7. And i thought epidemic was bad, but this event is just "shoot other people with your semi auto hohopgl"


    It's cool that you guys tried to add a little bit more by adding teams outfits and all, but in the end, all modes have exactly the same core concept.


    Im gonna be the classical "it was better before" guy, but well i think it's justified in this case.

    12 Deaths of Christmas at least had a unique mechanic of the weapon switching and felt actually fun and dynamic.

    here you just see mass of people following a VIP and melting them down as the role passes from player to player while struggling with the shooting delay of the hohopgl.


    It feels clunky, unfinished and slow.


    Those modes should have been there in addition of the old ones, not to replace them.


    -Daily activities aren't counted

    -The VIP gamemode is broken

    -The achivements/roles don't progress

    -People have terribly low framerates in the district
    -When 3 instances are full other players just can't enjoy the event anymore because the server doesn't create any more instances;


    This event is just an absolute mess, and that's ignoring that citadel is still hosted in NA...



    • Like 13
    • Thanks 1

  8. i actually don't see any reason why not, there's literally a way to bypass all role levelups except for explosives, i honestly don't see why it would be a problem to have them there


    im guessing the people above that are against it are just scared of going out of their comfort zone.


    It's obvious that new players would jump on those offers, and that it's gonna annoy people that vote against it.


    But in the end, if you compare it to all other types of weapons, it's only fair that explosives go to armas.

  9. Finally, we've waited for so long


    I was waiting for ogre to finally have the same damage stats as nfas like it did before, it was so bad after the lo changes



    Also on the spreadsheet below the topic, is it me or the spread values are off? It shows that jg and nfas ans ogre got the same spread, but that doesn't seem right, as far as i know the ogre has insane spread and nfas has rather large spread, but certainly not the same as jg

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