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Posts posted by Ketog

  1. 5 minutes ago, Frosi said:

    While I want to say that those numbers are indeed impressive I also want to mention that APB has rarely ever had an issue with blatant cheating (Shaw copters) outside of a hand full of time period such as when a certain cheat went public and for everyone to download. 


    APB's real issue with cheating lies in the closeting area with people running their cheats on very low settings that still let them compete / consistently beat the top 1% of players through means of narrow FoV aimbots, smooth aim and silent aim. It is this type of cheating that has become more common with the switch to BE again, same goes for basic Triggerbots and Macroing, both have seen a noticable increase and even at the most blatant level of triggerbotting / macroing these players are getting away with what appears no problems at all. I've personally seen multiple dodgy and one extremely blatant example of triggerbotting players that are playing daily and have not been banned under BattlEye even tho they've been going since it was implemented and I am sure there are many many more.


    If you wan't to stick with BE moving forward it is this type of cheating that has to be combated as the idea of being a good player and wanting to play on a high level starts to mean less and less, eventually getting back to a point where you simply do not know who is cheating and who isn't anymore, this was the case after FF was made automated. 

    Thank you for being one of the rare people to not just say "hurr durr, cheaters everywhere, they killed me when i was in bronze district >:(((((((((((" )

    In my opinion, APB doesn't has as much cheaters as people say, due to one, the game having a low population, cheaters and coders loose interest pretty fast (im not saying there's none)

    The biggest issue is players themselves closeting like Frosi said above, with macros etc,or players pushing the limits of the grey zone as far as possible (configs with close to unfair advantages, macros to "help", shaders,,, and more edits)

    None of them alone are a big deal, but all of them combined can sometimes be very unfair for one side, (well that's not really cheating but more like game modifications...)

    Anyway, is it possible that we see those ban stats, but anonymised (if that's a word?), im quite curious about the numbers of weekly/monthly bans in APB.

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  2. Event powered by Wave Lounge !

    A new type of clan made to preserve citadel's community, and unite them ! learn more here.




    Kind of an unusual event you might say, welcome everyone to WaveLounge's EPIC MEMER costume contest !

    This event is pretty simple, and straight forward, You guys will have up to this Sunday 23rd to design the best memer outfit you can pull off, note that themes, and loadouts will also be taken into account !
    The event will happen the Sunday 23rd in Citadel EU at 22:00 CET Time (UTC+1 for people that prefer this) In Breakwater Marina1 (or 2 if the instance is up)

    We will all be meeting in that spot below:



    😂What can i win and how do i participate ?😂

    There is one currently unknown legendary weapon that will be given to the winner of this event, as well as 100 000 APB$ for every Legendary Donut that the winner gives me up to a maximum of 500 000$!
    What are legendary donuts you might ask ?, they are a form of loyalty reward that i give to people that participate to Wave Lounge's events !
    You will get one if you participate to this event:

    Now! If you want to participate to this event, please leave a comment under this thread with the character name you're going to participate with !

    There will be two (possibly 3) judges for this event, so be ready to stack up your memes !

    You can click on the pepelaugh below to join our discord, and get warned when the event starts:



    See you guys Sunday 4

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  3. 11 hours ago, _chain said:

    >passwords in any form other than vintage good old reliable stone tablet, hammer and chisel YIKES dude





    what's so hard about remembering a 8-15 character password that you have to create these intricate ways of entering them?


    ever heard of a .txt file? yeah someone could get unauth access to your pc and steal the .txt but honestly who wants to steal an apb account with an ugly weeb character and 40 bucks worth of a firehawk 4x4 and an oscar lol



    as for me i just pen and paper my passwords, and the seriously important stuff i keep on portable drives now.

    watch a single internet breach reveal the same password that you use for all your online accounts.
    https://haveibeenpwned.com/ is usually what makes people wake up about their passwords, people realise after "oh so that's why my account got hacked..."

  4. 9 hours ago, Sakebee said:


    • Reduced AAEPD 'Volcano JC' max hard damage from 1227 -> 800
    • Reduced SWARM hard damage from 50.7 -> 40.95



    Ouch, that is quite a heavy nerf for volcano


    I get that we have two rockets, but we will have to land both even at maximum distance to blow up any car?


    That really seems quite an unnecessary hard nerf, what it should have been imo, is have the damage ram up less over distance, forcing players to be further to do more damage, as now even mid range distances are enough to blow up a car .

  5. For me to play with: 

    Corsair, this weapon is just dreadful, it looks nice and all stats wise, but in practice is is just so bad. it's hard to use, it's not rewarding, it kills slow , it doesn't have much range (though the minimum damage is very high) isn't accurate enough at long ranges to make use of the high minimum damage.


    For me to play against : 

    -HVR , that weapon just didn't change, it's one hit, and then you have to wait 15 seconds to get your whole life back, in my opinion the damage it does isn't the problem, it's more about how long you're down after being hit by one.


    -Atac: because anyone can just LMB + RMB and lazer your down up to 40-50 meters

    -Percs ( i think that one is the one i hate the most, i literally have nightmares about this one)
      Because percs are just a panic button:  you're about to die and dont know what to do ? , look at the ground and press g and deal instant 400 damage whether you're dead or not ! , you can do that twice in a       row !!!!!!!


  6. i don't know if i specifically like any weapon, but there's a combo i love:

    Deep imact + .45 in FC : 

    Deep impact is a pretty slow gun by itself, and .45 is a very punishing gun, but both have quite a high learning curve (well maybe not .45, depends on the people) but i love being able to rely on my secondary so much while being able to prenade corners and tag people 990 with DI, i once saw someone using the same combo in FC and he was much stronger than me with it, and since then i try to be as good as him with it.

    And for memes there's also Deep Impact + TG8:

    Because deep imact does 990 damage, and TG8 does 5 , i can usually kill people with 2 shots of TG8 after a deep impact grenade , which is funny since you're killing someone with a weapon that does so little damage

    the best about this is, that if i don't hit them well with deep impact, then it's like 3 shots of TG8 to stun them, so it's quite a pointless, but funny combo!

  7. 2 hours ago, LilyRain said:




    OCA-626 'Whisper' PR1


    Don't consider this. It equips just as fast as the Trouble Maker, kills incredibly slower and is far less accurate. Easily the worst option out of the three as it has nothing going for it nor a strong point to be incorporated in any meaningful play-style.


    You completely ignored the fact that both guns have completely different playstyles


    VAS C2 while okay in hip fire, is meant to be aimed

    OCA, is accurate in hip fire (more than C2's hip fire), and the spread will be more consistent in full auto, note that it also has higher range, so even if someone is far but low health, you can spray him and hit the bullets and deal full damage up to 50M.

    OCA will give you much more mobility compared to C2 knowing that you don't have to be into marksman to use it to it's fullest potential.

  8. On 7/1/2020 at 10:28 AM, safdfsgkjhdgsjkhs said:

    also BE is stopping Auto Hot Key so thats good. I'm using a program called 'Peace' which is an equalizer i use for my headphones and i was being kicked off APB once i closed this program i was able to play like normal. I believe this program is made or has something in it that uses AHK so now i just turn it off when playing apb. 


    I just hope that they dont ban players for having programs like that... im pretty happy that it just kicked me to login screen instead of flagging me for "3rd party software" like what happened to me with EAC.

    The Peace GUI is made with AutoIT , so it's no surprise that it caused issues

  9. On 6/15/2020 at 2:26 PM, TheSxW said:

    i dont know what you mean ...

    unfreezed ram usage displayed at 30minute

    and yes i sucked at this gameplay cause of 1920x1080 ... i tend to play 1024x768 ...

    ps. i found a way to get 2.099MB of usage for APB all players turns white and after liek 40min of gameplay im getting General Protection Fault without any other information 🙂 i will nee dto investegate it but that thing makes my game runs 144FPS at 1920x1080 on RTX2080 Super ... isnt that good enough ??

    general protection fault is usually caused by a game file not being the original one, custom loading screens as an exemple or custom shaders

  10. On 6/15/2020 at 1:23 AM, proxie said:

    Hello, meet David. :- )





    Name: David S. Muzzle
    Age: 46


    David has been a part of Joker industries as far as anyone can remember. Nobody is quite sure how long he's been exployed by Joker or what he actually does for them as he has not been seen doing actual work by anyone. Despite working for the company for many years he has yet to move up in the ranks. There are several rumors to why is still employed by Joker industries. Some say he is in fact a highly skilled marksman, some say he's an remote explosives expert but some say that he is friends with the owners of the company. But what is most likely it could be that he is one of the leaders of the workers union, some workers rights legislation has made it almost impossible to end his employment without significant cost to Joker. What ever the reason it does not seem like he is going anywhere any time soon and he as such has been re-assigned to the Joker Store.


    David is known for constantly eating burgers while on company time. He even has repurposed a tactical leg pouch to keep extra burgers warm. He keeps mostly to himself and does not say much more than is needed. This can make interacting with him quite awkward as it often turns into a one sided conversation. He has a strange yet friendly welcoming aura around him that often can lead to the mistake of trying to start a conversation with David.



    Im not attached to either the name or lore of the character, open to changing all that if picked.

    Holy shit dude, this has to be in, it fits the APB style so well.


    I fucking love it

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