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Posts posted by Ketog

  1. I don't like HVR, and RFP


    HVR just hits too much, as has too much weird mechanics, should just lower the damage and make it a normal sniper again.


    RFP is a long story .


    I also hate atac, it's not OP at all don't get me wrong, but it's just that atac is so forgiving it's frustrating when you get killed by it using a weapon that you've been trying to learn for a while .

  2. On est un petit nombre de francais dans APB , mais comme dit au dessus, on parle tous anglais, si tu joue sur citadel, tu va pas aller loin sans parler anglais.


    Parler anglais  t'ouvre a une comunautée bien plus grande.

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  3. i can't agree with any of the poll options


    i'd say a complete rebalance is needed,  at the moment the vegas 4x4 completely outclasses most viable cars (of course there's also the tanky cars) but other cars honestly feel like people play them only because they don't have acess to those top tier ones


    i wish all cars had their strong and negative points (which is mostly the case at the moment but still needs tweaks)


    Going back to the vegas, that car can tank an osmaw rocket with ease, and not even a pioneer can stop a vegas 4x4 going at full speed, it also has incredibly fast acceleration for such a fast car and while also having high grip at the same time.


    The car is heavy so it will push anything getting in it's path too, it also has a medium size trunk so can transport two heavy items.


    that car is simply insanely good, too good in my opnion.


    7 minutes ago, Havana said:

    Nobody uses the T25 Pickup Truck.

    How about a kit for it, like Monster truck tires.

    dude i wish lifting and lowering cars was a thing in apb lol.

  4. People don't realize how lucky they are to still be able to play FallenEarth in 2019


    This game checks every boxes on what defines a "dead game" and if you call me wrong take a look at this :



    It doesn't matter who buys the game, as if anyone buy a game that has been forgotten for almost a decade they probably want to do something with it which is always better than letting it rot to death.


    When you get to the point to when you know every player in a game, it's probably not in a good state.


    I don't know about you guys, but to me, if the FE Servers are still up, it can't be a bad sign.

    I truly believe in matt's good intentions about FE and i hope he succeeds at making this game what it always wanted to be.

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  5. 9 hours ago, Glaciers said:

    [Extremely long post]



    I can honestly agree with a good 95% of what you said.


    The glowing effects everywhere look super dated, the random exploded cars models scattered around looks like xXRyan455Xx 's first map in unity.


    The overall mode feels clunky, and the last stage when you bribe is actually fun.

  6. 51 minutes ago, SpeedyCat said:

    Why the hell the FFA 5.56 legendary is given out?!

    Better let them choose the OBIR!


    Yeah fine, thx LO to destroy again that rarity of the expensiviest Legendary. (G1 did it some times before) Idk if the new Legendary actually costs more...

    but why JMB weapons must be handed out?!

    What a bullshoot, sorry.

    I worked verry hard in the past to collect around 25.000.000.- $ twentyfive Million APB dollar....., that i can buy that Rifle!!! Sorry, for me that is a no go, even if it is only for five days. Such things made me angry.

    Why the hell the DOW Thumper legendary is given out?!

    Better let them choose the NFAS!


    Yeah fine, thx LO to destroy again that rarity of the expensiviest Legendary. (G1 did it some times before) Idk if the new Legendary actually costs more...

    but why JMB weapons must be handed out?!

    What a bullshoot, sorry.

    I worked verry hard in the past to collect around 25.000.000.- $ twentyfive Million APB dollar....., that i can buy that shotgun!!! Sorry, for me that is a no go, even if it is only for five days. Such things made me angry.




    .... i had to unknown.png



    honestly can, we not fuzzy bunny about something, players literally only have it for 5 days, chill my man, your shiny legendary is still unique.

  7. @Amayii Knowing how you handled other threads, shouldn't this be moved to game and suggestions ?


    Remember "Matt scott is a billionaire" ? you moved that thread to suggestions, so this thread here is also a suggestion for Little Orbit, so i see no reason for this thread to be here.


    im not a forum moderator, but this seems fitting to be moved unknown.png

  8. Here's my main complaints about riot :


    1: The UI:

    -Why does information get displayed twice, one on your UI , and the other on your chat ? Do one or the other, streamline things a bit do one or the other not both.

    -Is that giant riot symbol above really necessary ?

    Reminder that quite a big part of the playerbase uses configs and play with low resolutions, im sure many could agree that this is a bit much :



    I know the UI is more of an overall APB problem as it's the biggest FPS eater of APB and doesn't scale with resolution, but it still is a huge problem.


    -Oh yeah add an icon for Hazmat suits please.


    2: The Visuals


    -The zones full of gas, the fog is way too dense,  and in some closed areas you can barely see where you're going, also people outside the gas can see you with ease but you can't see them clearly.

    Please reduce the density of the gas, while it makes sense that it is dense, balance wise it's bad , as you're already at a disadvantage by being in the fog.


    -The weapon and items aura, make it smaller while more visible, some weapons or items emits light trough the walls but you still can't tell if they are above or under you. change the effect so it's clear where it comes from.


    -When you kill a player he drops his hazmat suits, but he also drops cash that you can't see as it drops at the same spot as the hazmat suits, in the end many players don't see and never take the cash that players drops .


    Scatter those items a bit so players can see it.


    -Who was the guy that thought scattering millions of car bodies  everywhere over and over was good, give us a bit of variety, put bins smoke or more explosion holes more broken things, destructible items and more different things to hide behind or shoot by.

    Riot feels extremely boring a the moment.


    Oh yeah and this ... i mean come on, you don't need to be a genius to see that this is not how physics work .




    3: Consistency


    -Many spots in riot have those concrete walls used around bases, sometimes we can climb them sometimes we can't, could we please make that consistent everywhere, either we can either we can't.


    -About those concrete walls still, sometimes a a few of them are laying on the ground, but you can't run over them, they just stop you like a wall, this one as an example:



    This little slab is just high enough so you can't walk over it, meanwhile on others you can, there was a few more spots where the same thing was happening but i just remember this one.


    4: Mechanics


    -If any of you played riot, you guys noticed that close to the end of the match, there's usually way too much teams left alive, and as you find a lot more money from dead players, you can respawn easier

    The price to respawn needs to doubled every time instead of increasing by a thousand for each death, imo in riot death is way too forgiving for the last stages. maybe the spawn costs should be increased only when the last zone is left, i don't know.


    -When starting to gather money in the early game, the game asks you if you want to buy your secondary even if your own secondary that is the same as the starter one, this shouldn't be a thing, that popup shouldn't appear , same if you don't have a primary equipped at all.


    5: Bugs, ooh boi riot and bugs...


    Well my main complain is people crashing on riot, simple as that :



    Many many MANY players get that crash at some point, it happens when the riot match starts or ends, or when you join an instance, sometimes you also get disconnected when joining a friend and have to relog again .


    The fun fact is that the bug reporter doesn't even work  i just stays blocked here :



    (in my opinion you guys should update this and make it automatically send the bug report instead of having to do it manually, in the end it would make it so you can notice large scale bugs much faster).



    -Oh yeah there's also a glitch going around so people have access to grenades in riot, sadly i do not know how that's done so i can't report it.




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