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Everything posted by Todesklinge

  1. New Players left the game, because they got slayed by Veterans! The bots help to fill the game with enemys they can be defeated and not with undefeatable players, like hackers or veterans. I am mid skilled player and its horrible to play against other player they can make a huge ammount of kills without to die or many time. I am using Kevlar 3 and this dont helps, also there are so much problems in the game. -> There is no difference between a hacker or a veteran player, if they do the same K/D Ratio. <-
  2. The only way the reacue APB is to add BOTs to the game that filling the districts + action districts. So every time you can play the game and all districts... many times the action districts are empty of players This is very very important to protect the beginners! It makes no sense if pro/veteran player do slay beginners because of missing matchmaker... they have no chance against and quite the game!!! Another thing is the balance of all green mods and other mods too! Same for weapons... i am thinking it is better to make many general weapons and all other are just skins (like color skins, also easy to change). So we can easy buy or Grind for weapon skins without to run in to a trouble of unbalanced or weak weapons! Same for all vehicles, we dont need copies of them just as a new one! So everyone need a general vehicle to add the skin on it, the marketplace and the general reward system works better. An example: I am a huge fan of the Waragi (Big Pioneer), so i am allready own both full kits the Armas. But in future you can only purchase the skin and not the vehicle too! This keeps the grinding alive and makes sense to play the game to level contacts etc.
  3. Over 5 years and nothing have changed... thats the real lmao.
  4. Tell other people, the, are bad is the only answer you can get, because you have no true answer about the balancing problem in the game! Clotting Agent is overpowered and broken, so everyone use it. Also automaticly all other green modifications are bad, because the player behind is bad... your logic is not existing. You are one of the problems of the game by killing the community with wrong and false informations to the gameplay by attacking personal and not with logic of balancing.
  5. Thats not a solution to say "dont use Kevlar". Its unbalanced and need a HP increase. Thats why 99% of Players use Clotting Agent, because its overpowered and have no downsides.
  6. Have played today on Bayland Shipping and the most results in about 3 hours of gameplay are the same. I die to much, i CAN NOT kill the enemy (not Kevlar users, i am the only one in the match of about 40 players). Most of my aiming shots are missing the enemy most of the time, so i am thinking the Kevlar 3 have a negative effect on aiming accuracy to all weapons in the game. So i am asking me, if Kevlar 3 gives me a +30% Health Bonus, why i die all the time earlier? The logic behind, if you are wearing an armor that gives you (not) protection, why wearing the armor? Is this a bug? Where there are no more game balancing updates, thats are just simple edit of numbers. It is very frustrating if i can not make any kill to make progress in the challanges, of missing game balancing.
  7. With the low population, there is a high chance to fight against pro gamers, because of missing matchmaker.
  8. @MattScott Whats about Events on live server during the waiting time to keep the remaining player base up? Do dou planing to make a "wipe" for APB Re-Reloading? Why not use Unreal Engine 5 and implement most of the existing parts in to a better version. Working on older engines remains older issues. Most of gameplay is basic gameplay and can be better modified in the new engine. I hope we get more new Stuff. It becomes more and more boring to play the game (i love it) but with the old gameplay and game balancing is a problem too. There are so much pro gamers or cheaters i cant defeat them. Using Kevlar 3 but the mod dont give me more time to stay in combat, because the reduced movement speed is a down side in all situations. Also over the engine, there are game balancing issues they can be fixed easier in UE5. Whats about of make investment (also ARMAS purchases) in to the game. I dont know if its worth (because i dont now if we can keep all purchased stuff oe not). Do we will keep payed content or... wipe? I am meaning, your company need more fresh money. But we have allready spend many cash on the older company before. So we have shop-items from ages before. I hope you can understand what i am talking about.
  9. Problem with Kevlar 3 is: - to less HP Bonus (most weapons do over damage). - reduced movement speed = enemys can easier hit you and you need more time to mission objects. - you can easier get killed by vehicles. - you cant run away from grenades. - you can not reach some map locations (of missing run speed = jump range). - etc. Clotting Agent 3 have only bonuses and no penalitys, thats why 99,9999% of all players using CA3. Little Orbit dont rebalance modifications. Just increase: Kevlar 1: +10% -> +20% Kevlar 2: +20% -> +35% Kevlar 3: +30% -> +45% After this just testing and/or rebalance with small steps to the right place. Same for all modifications. But now we have unbalanced mechanics
  10. Take a look to GTA5, there are tons of PvE content and it works very well. APB and GTA 5 are equal, not in its size.
  11. There are more PvE Players in the world, with PvE Content, APB can grow in population again. This is important to support and development the game further. A modern Engine gives more options to add new content to the game + performance in networking and graphic. If you take a look in to the Unreal Engine 4 Marketplace, there are much ready to use, content to rebuild APB in big parts. Thats what i am talking about to make a rework of ABP in UE4/5 and not to try 1.3 -> 2.0 of UE3.
  12. .ac45 Pistol and Clotting Agent 3 should be temporaly disabled until the balancing fiy is live.
  13. APB need PvE content to keep survining. After this, make a rework with Unreal Engine 4/5 and all is fine. Using Unreal Engine 3 is a deadlock. There are so much unfair player in the game, they do kill weaker players. Beginners left the game and this repeats. With PvE non PvP focused players can play APB = $$$ to support the rework. Doing a rework on UE4 is not hard. It is much more easier instead of uprgrade an old engine.
  14. You are my greatest fan! For 5€ you get my 10. best comments! Here are an example: 1. Buff Kevlar
  15. No money, no new contend! Most people dont know, development of a game cost money. Start your calculator. 0 $ in = 0 contend out? Or pay to win mechanics to compensate the missing monithly income. Thats an missunderstanding of the community by an wrong point of view.
  16. Monithly cost will reduced the ammount of cheaters by creating unlimited new accounts for free. Free to play games are the most expensive games for us players (you pay with muuuuuch time for very slow progress). Or F2P Games need to build in pay to win game mechanics.
  17. 5$ Subscription (premium) each month (when new Engine is here). + softer (reduced) ARMAS prices (as compensation for the 5$ each month). I am thinking 5$ each month is a fair deal and gives the dev team more financial safetys, without to make p2w items. So there is no more reason to add Joker-Boxes and/or other p2w stuff in the future.
  18. Or your Teamleader runs in to your car, to force a team kill by you, to remove you from mission... A unfair system to remove members out of the team!
  19. How to move back to social section? Suggestion Forum is actually a Wasteland where no one take care about. Please move this topic out of the dead suggestion area!
  20. I got the out of memory after about 1 Hour with my 3090. Maybe lesser ram results in faster crashes?
  21. 3 Point Sling have only bonuses and thats the Problem. You can swap to fast secondary, to primary. Most overpowered pistol is the Colby .45. Thats why the game become unbalanced if only the same weapons rule the game. Clotting Agent is the only green Mod in the game, this makes the game boring. Also remove it. Same Problem with Grenades, you can hold the fuse for a perfect throw or cancel/buguse to reverse fuse timer. This makes grenade Launchers total useless. I have EOL Launcher, but for what should i use if Grenades do the same and cost no primary slot?!
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