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About Szambi

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  1. Looking forward to testing the Harbinger!
  2. COBR-A has always been 6 shot AFAIK, even with HB2. Now you can slap HB3 on it since they buffed it not too long ago and gave it -10% damage penalty that HB2 used to have. APBDB doesn't have the most up to date info though so if you want to see how current HB3 affects weapons damage wise, you gotta go with HB2 in the modding menu.
  3. I'm glad EOLs are getting some love however something needs to be done to Hammer as it's pretty much a worse Kickback.
  4. When can we expect Mobile Radar Tower vehicle modification to be reenabled?
  5. Summary: For some items the description is either missing or incorrect. Description: Certain items either don't have any description at all or their description is incorrect/misleading. This may extend to stat bars - for example Varzuga Rally shows significantly worse stats than regular Varzuga. Couple of examples on the screenshots. Steps to Reproduce: NA How many times have you recreated this bug: NA Results: - Expected Results: Descriptions and certain parts of the UI should be corrected.
  6. Szambi

    anyone here gay?

    I better tell Neonis about this
  7. You've already been given reasons by other members of this community.
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