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Everything posted by (Xbox)MortisedGuide

  1. Krinkels do lil dead Deimos shorts now. He's gonna finish up Madness combat Project Nexus 2 and then starts back on madness combat 11.
  2. Ok so hear me out. I think it is cool if you have a grenade launcher on the Joker CR-5. Which is an M16 in real life? This Idea popped in my head after watching a madness combat incident (by krinkels, not fan made) That had Deimos pick up an M16 with a grenade launcher and he loaded the shell in it. When he Shot it had exploded the L33T agents to pieces. But In APB this could be a good Attachment if done right. It could even have a Stunt mode where it's full of stun Grenades and for enforcers. Ok, let us go over the details. The weapons that can have this are... The Joker CR-5. (The gun can be used since LaRocha got a back thing with a black CR-5 with a grenade launcher) The COBRA-VENOM. (I'm gonna go over the pros and cons) I would say atac but it's more toxic when you're using atac and use a perc grenade to finish them off with the launcher. (I'm gonna go over what grenades that can be used) NTEC-5 since AK'S have grenade launchers but a different type. Ok, you can add your suggestions on what weapon can be used but here are the pros and cons. Pros: Can be used to finish off or stun someone. Make your weapon look badass or ugly. Makes use of perc grenades or stun grenades. Cons: Percs and stuns can only be used (MOST GL weapons and launchers have impact grenades that go off at a certain distance) Uses the 2 grenades you have on you. Expensive (Don't want everyone running around spamming this shit) removes grips from weapons (Cobra grip, And other weapons) Only in the joker store and costs 15k joker tickets since It's perm. That's about it for Grenade launchers. Now, how about lasers and silencers to weapons? Silenced weapons can have different sounds but do less damage due to the silencer. Lasers that can turn on by D-PAD UP or... E on the keyboard. Pros and cons for silencers. Pros: Makes you not appear on radar, Adds a suppressor to your weapon, Looks cool. Cons: Changes reticle due to recoil being reduced (I may be wrong on this) Makes your weapon do less damage. Joker Only Attachment. Pros and cons of the laser. Pros: Makes your weapon looks badass with a laser on it. Laser color can be customized by buying skin colors for this with in-game joker tickets. 100 a piece. Laser appears on the person's chest. Lowers Reticle due to the laser. Adds a realize laser that's long and seeable when you walk. Cons: Can be located when shooting. People are aware of the laser meaning they can follow the laser while they're shooting and get caught off guard. This wraps it up. Please add on in the comments. And Please don't shit on me for my shitty cons, pros, or my Suggestion
  3. It's good but certain boxes can be expensive. You buy a box. Open it in your inv and you'll get a email pop up of ya reward to make it more surprising.
  4. Damn can yall let the man suffer in peace. We all sin. We all make mistakes that's what makes us human ~random unknown plot character from GTA IV~
  5. I got attempted scam on steam by a trusted backpack ranked #7 on tf2. I contact the silly person on another account with the same stuff and he calls me a pleasant fellow saying im smart saying It like I'm gonna get scammed.
  6. I believe it's something like Open Test World (for the new patches and sh*t). Is OTW open?
  7. What do you mean? OTW is down right now unless you logged. (I translated) So translate this to russian.
  8. You just gave me a boner thanks.
  9. It is but not when you have a mom that gets mad at you for eating too much. I'm growing and she's getting mad at me.
  10. *Ahem* I'm young. Why would I smoke weed. I rather drink water and sit outside on the balcony.
  11. I asked her that and she said no. I should play happy wars or rainbow six siege. I'm acutally good at those 2 meaning I don't rage anymore. I tried to get my mom to get me a punching bag and once again she says no. I was thinking about asking for one since when I can just punch my anger out.
  12. I just told my mom I need professional help and she said angrily that YOU'RE GONNA FIX THEM HOLES.
  13. FBI: *WE'RE OUTSIDE THE VIRGINS HOUSE* Virgins: WE HAVE DDOSED APB FBI: FBI OPEN UP VIRGINS: SHIT THE JIG IS UP RUN! *Gets caught* *You're under arrest for ddosing. Anything can and will be used in the court of the law.*
  14. So I have angry whenever I die by something that's unrandom like lag, fps, or rng Like I call it bullshoot and I get instantly mad and punch staff. Here are several pictures of my damage. Be advised that I'm only [REDACTED] https://gyazo.com/467d932d5ea4078e5fdd4138c8db89d7 https://gyazo.com/f84d9c4197fedb87820625322d18afea https://gyazo.com/e987e0078832f0bc647c230a99f8cba9 https://gyazo.com/b2e9b51dff9569a8225e2e382160d36b https://gyazo.com/c8b7cb5f3b52836be46735b6eab0a156 https://gyazo.com/bb47b58cf70e66d4b67e0e2232a18d77 https://gyazo.com/852e5507754c9a22e76f727f24c402e4 https://gyazo.com/9b7496d13ae6e12486019e4eda98b045 https://gyazo.com/467d932d5ea4078e5fdd4138c8db89d7 I even took a butcher knife and cut my broken bed as of angry. I really was fucking mad at fortnite. And today at APB ON console as a fucking enforcer. Fucking ATAC and perc Removed Inappropriate Language ~@mayii. I even punched a wall so hard I fucked my left hand up and my mom wouldn't do anything it saying it's my fault. It might be from all the times I been bullied or fucked within school and never did anything back. I could be mental or bipolar. Please help. I'm only [REDACTED] You'll have to check my profile for my age.
  15. All 3 Jericho servers need a restart console and pc. Shit lagging B.
  16. Oh ok. You good. What the fuck did Darryl kent do to devil dog?
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