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Everything posted by iRawwwN

  1. iRawwwN


    Yeah, but the blatants I speak about have their delay set to 0ms or a bit more.
  2. iRawwwN


    I've seen people blatantly advertising their cheating websites in game for the past few months and they are still not banned. High rank characters who are blatant with triggerbots who probably have tons of reports on them already. How are players that blatant still able to roam districts destroying the fun for others? How come we don't have active GM's with the ability/tools to deal with these players? Is it that you guys can't figure out easily enough as to what constitutes as cheating? At least with FairFight it supposedly logged all sort of data (example:) time between shots and crosshairs going red which in a way would detect tbotters. If the client-side anti-cheat cannot detect those cheats, and the staff isn't trained well enough to spot it, how will those players get banned? 1st point; anyone can just load up apbvault and see what the missions/objectives are. 2nd point; my monitor has a built in crosshair, how are they going to ban for something that isn't even on my PC? (not that i use these ugly crosshairs ||f u asus||)
  3. nice to see 11 days ago they were solving tickets about 300 away from my first ticket. Probably silvers reporting cheaters, and stuff about account getting unbanned. wonder what will happen with the new report system in game and how that will affect ticket times.
  4. hi gamer 3 months between my first and last with less than 3k tickets submitted between ;; still waiting :^) 2 'general' tickets ;; 1 cheater ticket
  5. ya zzzz game devs cant make their game playable but wont let us make edits to allow us to play it without major hiccups. im gucci imma go play something else 'til they fix shit
  6. wait so what am I not allowed to use ?? my i just reinstalled my entire config and i dont want to have to go through everything one by one... is it just muzzle flash that i cant use or??
  7. iRawwwN

    Lock gold to gold

    hi u probably dont remember the time RP tried that and then we lost a lot of players then we got the Gold Rush event and then after those players left too.
  8. Do you plan on doing anything to advertise the game further when the upgrade is complete?
  9. after playing it... 80ppl is well too much with how buggy the area/spawns are. the frames in the fighting zone is terrible. the fact that people can go grey/red instantly ?_? zzzzzz
  10. hi yes i submitted a ticket to support and was wondering how many other people have been waiting 1-2 months for a reply... ?_? i just want to gib money
  11. banning for text edits lul if they wanted to ban for edits they would lock the files down or something ?_?
  12. I mean there /should/ be different queues for different topics, and people dedicated to the most busy ones... and then there should also be preferential treatment for people who actually buy stuff/are premium over those who are f2p.
  13. Why? They're unopped missions. No one loses anything by people /ab'ing them. Not everyone enjoys VIP missions, Fast & Incarcerated, Bang for Your Buck and a plethora of garbage hack sat. misisons with 270 degree of view.
  14. 22 days waiting. Uhm, I just want to give u money LO.
  15. meet me outside on the football field @ 3:30
  16. waow ur rude get out of here im reproting u
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