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Everything posted by BringBackTomorrow

  1. People, including myself, been doing that since G1 era and what is the current state of the game so far?
  2. Don't worry you'll get your account back when they upgrade to Commandor64......
  3. APB would be a lot better with more players who just play the game for fun, rather than argues about everything which should be nerfed here and there... You got nuked by OSMAW-chopper and got offended? Send your victim-post to apb @ noreply.com
  4. Any players left to even make this contest? /population /notgrowing
  5. Just to watch a car accident in super slow motion.
  6. He is out to take the longest sh*t in history, he still needs to flush tho
  7. You'll have to bring donuts with you.
  8. Like new engine upgrade? Must probably be the biggest secret in history whenever that launches. /sarcasm was used here
  9. Hey Yonatch, thank you for the interest in joining LAPD-Squad. I will post our discord link below here, hope to see you in there soon. https://discord.gg/4Q7jKrJDf3
  10. You should know by now, that the world will fix climate changes before this new engine upgrade will launch.
  11. Watched your video @Wizard1111 and thought it was funny. Like the very first runover by a mistake (0:18-ish) but I also agree about quite too many meme's. However, I would like to watch more videos from you which might got more APB content. Keep up good work lad.
  12. I've been optimistic for the future of APB:Reloaded since 2014. 'Hope' is a quite different thing
  13. Welcome back. I highly doubt that the active clans who where here when you were active are still here or recruiting. Not said I can't be wrong. ~Heal
  14. No need for LO Community Managers when the community is thin as GamersFirst had faith in APB:Reloaded
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