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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Sadly all I can do is tell you to report them.
  2. Learn something new every day, thanks.
  3. How could you tell he was snapping to a target 400m away? I don’t think you can even lock on to a target that far away (while cheating).
  4. LO has been pretty clear on this one. They will not be broadcasting bans.
  5. Just curious what is considered “decent ping” for BR to NA and BR to EU. Cuz I playNA to EU at 120ms and I hate it.
  6. I don’t know about the titles but the Easter gear should be on ARMAS soon if it isn’t already.
  7. The best way to stay up to date would be to join the LO discord https://discord.gg/littleorbit Secrets (dev) is frequently in there discussing what’s going on and what’s coming. (I don’t know what Matt’s up to)
  8. Just wanted to point out that the community agrees on exactly nothing.
  9. they are working on phasing as a solution designed to improve matchmaking by increasing the amount of available players
  10. Because players have characters of all different ranks. I have 11 ranging from fresh characters all the way to r255.
  11. Just as a heads up, removing muzzle flash is against the rules and can result in disciplinary action.
  12. Sorry if I’ve misunderstood, but are you advocating for the removal of grouping? Or only grouping for top players? I’m just trying to understand.
  13. The idea was to make the Vegas better when compared to the 4x4, similar to how you might want to see the Veo buffed but not the Coywolf.
  14. It should be noted that the game, as originally designed/balanced, failed spectacularly.
  15. I don’t know if you will have any luck contacting the man directly, but LO does have a discord. https://discord.gg/littleorbit
  16. That doesn’t sound very different from backup now. At least this way you may have hundreds of players to choose from instead of 50.
  17. The only ones who may be able to help you are support, but I gotta say it’s not lookin good, bud.
  18. Compensate for being silver by... saying other players are not cheating?
  19. Kind of how I feel about buttholes who have to go around being buttholes while saying “hurr durr grow a thicker skin”. I’m just here to have a good time man, keep your issues to yourself please.
  20. To be fair, we don’t know what actually got you banned as it was likely not a crosshair overlay.
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