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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. I had this happen for about a week once. Unfortunately I was so tired of APB fudging up, I didn't even bother to report it, I just played something else. I did eventually stop preventing me from logging in tho, if that's any consolation.
  2. It's more that it's the only gun in the game with a 45% minimum damage vs the normal 30%, so the Corsair can 6 shot @ 100m, some think that seems odd for a shotgun.
  3. Imagine waking to to a discussion about Napolean vs Hitler on a video game forum. What a time to be alive.
  4. You must be Citadel, but aren't you a bronze district player ? You dorks get a lot of cheaters there?
  5. Fun fact: The Dukes of Hazard was on the air 2 years LONGER than the confederacy existed.
  6. rHiot was terrible though... almost immediately it became difficult to even get enough players to play people still play other game modes when detail shit isnt working, because they enjoy them nobody played rHiot because nobody liked it... and of those who did actually play it, I'd be shocked if more than a few did it for anything other than trying to get the rewards somet things ARE worth working on, but some things aren't oh that at least, I think we can agree
  7. Its been 20 minutes since your last post... can I assume that after waiting the 15 minutes mentioned, you were able to play?
  8. If that was possible, I think a lot of players would be pretty excited.
  9. *runs up to opp, coughs on them... 14 days later, player dies*
  10. Good players: wow this gun is fun! Might be too effective beyond its max damage dropoff, but very fun Bad players: this gun sucks
  11. Real question, why do Percs need to do stamina damage?
  12. I don't think you know what "always" means. But I've long since passed the point of trying to keep you from making a fool of yourself. So go nuts.
  13. bruh you are late af The Confederacy existed for 4 years. 4 years Not to mention no one seemed to give two shits about the flag until the civil rights movement. Then suddenly everyone wants to fly the flag and put up statues of traitors.
  14. Lemme see if I can grab one on the MP. I'll let ya use it if I can.
  15. Weebs do love them some yogurt. Not sure why it's so runny, but whatevs.
  16. Beats me. I haven't worn preset clothing in years, and that bondage stuff isn't my style either. I make my own symbols so the preset symbols don't even have an appeal to me. Prob could search the forum if you really wanna know, but I'm not sure.
  17. I thought you were a Jericho player tho. And please tell me that last part wasn't a thing about LO letting cheaters play so they spend money.
  18. Same. But it is what it is. Fair enough. I was just asking Murk why you hadn't rejoined, take care of yourself.
  19. I got a puppy. Pretty much same ol same ol other than that tho.
  20. That explains the terrible fashion choices.
  21. I think iron crosses, good ol pepe, anarchist symbols, the hammer and sickle as well as any hand gestures are fine. Actually given how many General Lees I've seen the Confederate flag is ok too. So really just not swastikas I think. For the body stuff, just no below the belt genitalia, and no graphic sex... I'm not sure about bodily fluids tbh, I've seen some strange things. That's how I understand the rules, if you have specific questions, I'd just DM someone on the LO staff and ask. Also, hey dork where you been? edit: Im sure you've seen the armbands on Jericho, Red Armband, White Circle, Black OCA... so you can get pretty close. For instance if you wanted to make the Nazi Eagle: You might be able to do what a lot of neo-nazi groups do (especially in Germany), and just replace the Swastika. Though maybe ask an LO staff member about that just to be sure
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