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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. The only thing that bothers me about using the Nazi / Soviet / Confederate etc flags is the lack of creativity the players who use them display.
  2. Of all the APB montages I've suffered through, I hate this one the least.
  3. Shout out to the streamers. How else would I get my APB fix when I cant actually play?
  4. There is also the effect constant name changes would have on the community. Hard to know who anyone is if their names are constantly changing.
  5. Would pay real money to not have to hear another 1980's casio keyboard sounding "masterpiece". Oh and the ear assault themes are pretty annoying too.
  6. iirc the name change was never meant to be easy or cheap G1 wanted to discourage, rather than enourage name changes
  7. umm... no and please stop spreading misinformation like this
  8. So, if GMs cannot ban players, what... what do they do exactly? Honest question.
  9. Savage AND funny. I approve.
  10. APB Vault is the info directly from G1. The only missing info is damage dropoff ranges for weapons using the curve mechanic.
  11. I heard GhosT enjoys the smell of his own farts. ... just saying
  12. Im just going to pretend I didnt see this. Trying to be nice on the new forums.
  13. I think LO wants to use the carrot more than the stick, especially when it comes to dethreating. Once they slow down threat change it will both make it less likely that players will go gold after a few lucky missions, as well as make it much more tiresom to dethreat. MattScott has already said he views having to ban players as a failure, so I doubt we will see punishment nearly as much as we will see changes to the mechanics of threat estimation themselves.
  14. I suppose it would be silly to expect the game to suddenly succeed without changing anything. I guess Im just worried that in making the game successful, it will become something I no longer enjoy.
  15. While I personally don't have a problem with the heavy HVR, I do recognize that there is a widespread dislike for this weapon's viability at all ranges given its high damage output. I personally dont play it because I find more success using other weapons, and I assure you Im sweaty af when I play, so Im not just avoiding the HVR for any moral reasons, and a nerf to it wouldnt affect me in any real way.
  16. These guns have what are called "situational advantages" over one another. The OCA starts with a slighty faster ttk 0.64 vs 0.68 for the csg, but ttk isnt everything. If you are playing either the csg or the jg correctly, you are utilizing cover so as to minimize exposure to your enemy thereby taking advantage of the shotguns' inherent burst damage quality. Or in other words, you dont have to expose yourself long enough for OCA to kill you. This is especially advantageous in defense scenarios where you can exploit cover. But to counter that advantag, this only works with perfect aim. Slight mistakes can turn a 2 shot kill into a 3 or even 4 shot kill increasing your overall time of exposure.
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