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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. JUSTICE!!!!!!! jk... I dont really beyond it being a no-no
  2. Yeah... I bought the entire Jugg pack just for the kneepads lol.
  3. If you are wrong* To be completely fair, we still don't know LO's stance on this.
  4. Sorry slow connection at the moment, I didn't see it til I posted myself.
  5. Would be funny if LO did a sting operation one day, setting up and banning all of them. Silly I know, but one can dream.
  6. Sorry, I didn't mean to confuse you. I stated that under G1, Macros both hardware and software were bannable, and that until we were told otherwise, we should assume they still were. You then countered with an alleged quote from a fired pocket GM that used to work for G1. So I simply linked and quoted the aforementioned ruling back to you. So until LO says this is no longer the case, you should assume it is. Better safe than sorry and all that. Again, here is the link if you'd like to look it up yourself. https://forums-old.gamersfirst.com/forum-634/announcement-549-apb-reloaded™-code-of-conduct-and-policies/ @Lixil if you could clarify this issue for us, it would be greatly appreciated.
  7. While I can't speak for disgraced former pocket GMs, I can refer you to the G1 APB: Reloaded Code of Conduct and Policies Section B (Prohibited Behavior) Number 16. "Use any scripting or macroing tools, hardware or software." https://forums-old.gamersfirst.com/forum-634/announcement-549-apb-reloaded™-code-of-conduct-and-policies/ *Drops Mic*
  8. I mean, under G1 macros, both hadware and software were bannable. So unless we are told otherwise its probably safer to assume they still are.
  9. Its been happening on Jericho as well, so maybe simultaneous DDoS?
  10. Oh man... thats a scary thought. I dont think I will be able to sleep tonight.
  11. Thats a lot of poop guns for one player. Poor guy.
  12. I usually die a lot, blame my teammates, and rage quit. Its worked for me this long I see no reason to change.
  13. I hope we all learned a lesson here... NEVER attack Asgerlund. The forums will NOT stand for it.
  14. Is it a leg shaving video?... please tell me its a leg shaving video.
  15. Welcome back! If Jericho hit me up for free symbols.
  16. Seems a silly thing we are arguing over, but several players have been unbanned outside of waves and without tickets. VSB got like half a dozen accounts unbanned in this fashion for instance. Also, I noticed someone said they put in a ticket last Friday that was #3400 something. Seems 4000 might not be that far off after all.
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