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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. While true, there are already several "BE Byapass" cheats up for sale, with video proof of their use.
  2. They do yes, but the argument has always been "does it give an advantage" (since some are non static, and do not have a center dot), since 3rd party tools that do not are allowed (like steam overaly for instance). I dont use them, and Im not a fan. But thats what the argument has always been. So it would be kind of nice to get a yes or no response to them.
  3. Yeah nether G1 nor LO's CoC mentions third party crosshairs. Perhaps @Lixil could ask for us? But for now, use at your own risk.
  4. You can mention @Lixil for info. But Im sure they are aware of it by now.
  5. No worries homie. Im sure I speak for everyone when I say its always nice to see you in a thread.
  6. So, dont upload my selfie?
  7. Jericho and Citadel And I think I have a total of 7 characters between the two now. I had a Nekrova toon too but recently deleted it.
  8. If I set it as my profile pic, will that make me as brave as you?
  9. Citadel always bashng on the Russians and Jericho on the BR's. Meanwhile Jericho and Citadel chat is dominated by english speakers again now that they unabanned all the cheaters.
  10. Would you like me to take a picture of my mouth as well?
  11. No timelines, and no mention of NDA. I think its just one of those things where they wont know til they know.
  12. Crosshair overlays are not explicitly mentioned in either the old or new Code of Conduct. Repeated attemtps to get MattScott or Lixil to clarify have not been fruitful.
  13. I think if you ever do have issues with a GM, you can report them to @Lixil. If they are indeed breaking the rules, as we have seen, they will be dealt with accordingly.
  14. I wear gamer socks. Plz no ban.
  15. Oof... and here I am with crayola all over mine. GG
  16. >not marking your screen with a crayon
  17. Could be, but on a push where you know the enemy is there (like if their car is outside) always prenade. Well maybe not ALWAYS, you can also try to get them to think you are coming in one way, then try for another for instance.
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